Chapter XVIII

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Grace POV

I couldn't decide on what was worse.

1. The bloodthirsty swarms of demons.

2. Horrible screams that made my heart stop.

3. How long it had taken us to get through three fucking doors!

For all, we know there could be 100 more doors to get through and I was already ready to fall asleep and die. No. The worst thing was not knowing where her brother, Bree, Gray or Kyle were! I was about to tell my boyfriend Liam what was on my mind when Liam exploded the door and ran into Gray, who was slicing at a fiery demon. His water extinguished one but soon two more came out of the smoking pile of melted gunk on the floor. I drew her moon blade from the leather belt that I'd gotten for her 14th birthday, my heart raced and I could feel the anger in the flaming creatures. Liam let go of her hand, I knew that if I died he would die too because when elementals fall in love it will be their only love. Their hearts would beat as one in battle. It was a very short and hot conflict. The fire demons put up a good fight but earth, fire and water attack is rather hard to stop. The only problem was that, along with fighting the demons, there were the screams in their heads to stop us from using the powers. By the time all the demons had been slain, I was ready to take a shower. My clothes were stuck to my chest. Gray lifted a finger and flicked it, the room got filled with cold, glorious water, then it evaporated. Liam simply pushed on the next door and it swung open easily. Finally, something easy. When I walked into the room I gave a shriek,

"Jay? Bree? And," Her voice stopped, "Cameron!?" my jaw dropped.

Liam looked around in distress, then he called out,


Jay scanned the room, his eyes welled up in tears.

"She's not here."

Freya POV

This was no doubt the worst day of my life. First, my sister's brother was kidnapped by a demon, then Bree disappeared. No doubt to go save Jay's sorry ass. And now I hung by a chain above an endless pit of darkness. Brillant. On the bright side, there was no screaming. My hand ached and the chain just kept moving slowly across the pit. I had been hanging there for an hour already. I hand glowed bright green as vines wrapped around the chain and fingers, so even if I let go, I wouldn't fall. I continued my slow journey, into nothing but blackness, Then I saw a flash of something grey behind me when I turned her head. Like a gymnast, I swung and clamped on to the hand, it was still warm. My arm cracked as I yanked it free, and the chain groaned and shook. My heart was racing as I saw the outline of a door. I stayed as still as possible as the chain kept on it's a slow journey. Finally, my feet touched the other side of the cliff. I could no longer feel my arms, then the veins vanished, retracting back into me and my hands were free. Then I remembered the hand I had been clinging on to. A metal statue! I saved a metal statue! But it's pulsing like it has a heart, I set her hand on its heart, my hand was burning with power as I broke through the metal sheet covering the human body. Gasping and retching, the girl fell over onto her back and swept her short brown hair out of her eyes. Her blue eyes shone with joy as she straightened up and smiled a very shy smile. Her hair was a dark, dark brown, which was cut in a short bob. She was, without a doubt, a water elemental.

"Hi, I'm Edlen, my name means Noble Waterfall. My mom and dad called me that after they went to this jungle..." She chattered on and on. I was about to lose my temper, all I wanted to was to get as far away from this girl as possible. I bent down to examine the door, it had a complicated look. And the characters were in Chinese! I straightened, I took a slow breath to try and keep myself from strangling this stupid girl.

"Do you speak Chinese?" I demanded, cutting off the girls sentence.

Getting up, the girl said,

"I don't need to. Why speak when you can just destroy it?" The girl raised her hand.

"Edlen! No!" I lunged at Edlen as she stretched out her fingers and gave a horribly unsettling smile.

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now