Chapter XX

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John Black POV

I stood as still as a statue in the shadows, watching my daughter, Brianna, walk towards the most twisted, most despicable elemental that had ever existed. My small girl was about to take down his friend, if she fought like her mother, then she wouldn't be able to win, but she could survive. A dark-haired boy stretched out his hand and flames lit his fingers. Light flooded the room, and a horrific sight met my eyes. I had never realised how big this room was. A monster army was waiting for an order. There was every kind of monster in one space. They writhed and shifted, the only strange thing was how quiet they were. They opened their mothers but no sound was coming out. I felt sick, I looked back at the small band of elementals. They didn't look scared, even if the blond boy's hands were shaking and another dark-haired girl that looked a lot like the boy who was holding the fire, Brianna face was a sickly shade of green. Then his Lord raised his hand and summoned a glowing upside down triangle, the sign for water.

Brianna POV

I understood exactly what the man in the throne was doing. I changed my mind just in time, I held out my hand and a wall of air appeared before my friends and me, just as a wave slammed into it. I let out a cry of force as a concentrated on repealing the water. I could hear the man screaming on the other side of the wall. Suddenly a layer of fire joined my wall, I didn't dare look around but I could feel Jay's presence. The wave dropped as Kyle, Freya and Ash lowered the floor on the other side to try and level out the water. And Alaya, Liam, Kyle, Edlen and Gray flattened the water into the pit, so a huge lake separated us from the guy on the throne. There was pumping in my head, I was glowing with power. I suddenly realised that I could defeat anything, I would never get tired because I was using the things around me. I have joined myself with the air. An idea formed in my head. If I'm going with the element... I seemed to step to the left and I became a wind current. My body became see through. And I ran towards the nearside demon and I sliced my cat claws through its brain. And it's head imploded. I laughed with triumph as my friends charged into battle, the demons scattered and we began to glow with elemental energy. I unleashed all my anger into my powers, they stole my old life, they killed Cameron's mom and my dad. I let all my confusion, anger, frustration, pity, and my mixed feelings for Kyle and Jay everything into fighting these creatures who had stolen my family. If I died, I would at least die knowing I tried to take him down with me. My skin began to heat up, I tore my way through the monsters as if they were made of Play-Doh. I could hear the sounds of massacre and slaughter around me, but the only thing I could see was the man sitting calmly on his chair, laughing as I ripped through his army towards him. I was momentarily distracted by a blue light that burned my eyes, Alaya was dancing through the monsters. She twirled and blood exploded around her. She grinned at me, I realised she was covering me. I grinned back, the man was no longer laughing. He stood up and his robes fell away, the man raised his hand and shot an ice bullet, it whistled past my ear and a thump followed by a scream meant that it had hit its target. Alaya had fallen, I swung around to try and help when I heard the man move again. Without even realising what I was doing, I released my hand and pointed into the heavens, everything slowed and stopped moving. Time kept flowing, but the air had frozen. No one could move but me, then I noticed that the man was in a protective sheath of water. He smiled and my head exploded with horrible screams. I collapsed and clawed at the flow with my cat claws, leaving long deep gashes in the floor, and it stopped. I looked up and saw that the man was still smiling. He spoke in my head, Unfreeze my minions or you will be driven crazy! I knew if I did that my friends would be cut down. I focused my mind and said in my head NO, A look of shock crossed his face, it vanished just as soon as it came. I knew I had struck a nerve, if he could make me go insane, then so can I. I focused on the most horrible, painful memory I could find. It wasn't torture, like what he did. In a way my way was worse, I recalled horrible sadness. I looked up at the man, a line of water traced it's way down his face and he looked so miserable, he unfroze and screamed. Now I could see what he was seeing. A marble room came into focus, there were four people sitting in big chairs. I saw the man, and I could see another girl kneeling in front of them. She was talking really fast, a silver-haired man raised his hand to silence the girl, "Enofe. You have been sentenced to death by insanity. Brother Sephits, may you please." The man stepped forward and closed his eyes. The girl writhed and cried and screamed until she wasn't moving. The man fell to his knees, the pain in his face was unbearable. He didn't cry, two of the men behind him gave very small smiles. But the man who had commanded Sephits to kill the girl furrowed his brow and then he spoke,

"Sephits, it was fast. Now come, feel no more emotion." The man passed his hand over his face, the air rippled like on concrete on a hot day. The wrinkles disappeared from his face, and his hair turned from grey to get black. I realized that when I force emotions into people's head, I make them feel that emotion. And it raises the strongest memory that contains that emotion. It was a horrible experience.

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