Chapter IX

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Cameron POV

I felt empty and soulless. I was staring at pictures on my phone, of my mom and me standing on the port in Sana Monica, smiling into the sun. Bree knocked on the door, then walked in.

"Hi, Cam. How are you?" She hovered in the doorway.

I looked up, my neck cracked, my eyes throbbed as tears welled up in my green eyes. Just looking at her dressed in her white PJ, she looked like a princess. I looked down at the pillows and blankets covering the floor,

"I've been better."

She came and sat down on the bed, her freshly washed hair smelled like mango. She lay down beside me and poked me in my boney chest. I laughed and pushed her off the bed. she grinned and scooped up a pillow from the floor and threw it at my face. I dodged and she lay back on my bed,

"I came to see the oldest, best, most understanding friend I have ever known." she turned her head so that I was staring into those warm brown eyes. Her irises were large and sad.

I smiled and ran my hand up and down her warm arm, she just closed her eyes. So I slipped my arm under her and pulled her close. Rapping my arms around my favourite person in the world. As I held her I forgot all the horrible things that I had witnessed in the last few days. Brianna body was so warm and her breathing was steady, I could feel her heartbeat as I closed my eyes.

John Black POV

John Black sat on the steps of a cathedral when a black shadow appeared, looming high over him.

"Aren't cathedrals a place for the good?" A strong voice echoed from the shadows.

"I'm grieving Brunswick. I have destroyed my home with my friends inside, and it reminds me too much of what happened to Cathe. The devil is letting me suffer like a human. Soon it will take me again, I can feel it in my soul."

A deep chuckle resonated down the wolfman's throat. "We all know you're not to blame for your daughter's mother's death, and I thought you left The Dark Circle when I did. After all the devil feeds on the weak."

It wasn't a question but I felt the need to answered it.

"He's taking us down one by one. He'll find you, he'll find all of use. We follow or we die." The wolfman eyes glittered in the light of the moon. I ignored his grin and kept talking "You would know Blackheart. You have murdered many traitors. We all know you're the wild card, the devil can't make up his mind." I scoffed, trying to provoke him so I could show him how's bose.

The wolfman grinned with sharp teeth. "Of Course. I love a good fight, on any side."

I leant my back against the cathedral's doors feeling a stab of pain, knowing that if I dare to enter, the heavens would destroy me. I closed my eyes and disapparated, back to my Lord, to tell him where Bronwick Blackheart was.

Brianna POV

I had sat there and watched Cameron sleep for an hour, then I untangled myself from him. I got up slowly, not wanting to wake him up. Then I left Cameron's room. I wandered down the hall and ran into Jay, it was midnight, it looked like he had just woken up. His black hair stuck up like porcupine quills. I fought the urge to run my fingers through his hair, he smiled and his eyes lit up.

"Bree! I wasn't expecting you to be up." He said running his hand over his hair, making his bed head wors.

"I can't sleep. I came to see Cameron, I was worried about him, he's sleeping now. What are you doing up?" I rubbed my bare feet on the oak wood floor, I didn't look at him.

"I just woke up, I didn't have the best of dreams. I was going to see Gray, he can calm the mind and dime your senses, so you can get a good night's sleep." He gestured for me to come. We started to walk down the stairs, I was thinking about Gray and how he can do so much elemental magic, how does he know so much?

We searched for Gray in the living space, the kitchen and the fighting arena.

"The last time I saw him, he made me pasta. He's a great cook! He told me about your childhood and how he raised you." Blood speckled my cheeks.

"Did he say anything about The Dark Circle?" He looked directly into my eye.

"Yes," I hesitated, "They're a band of rogue elementals. We're not sure what they're after!"

"Or who?" Jay finished dropping his gaze, he took my hand, twisting our fingers in a relaxing way.

My heart was racing and my cheeks were glowing red.

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now