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Cameron POV

I couldn't believe that after all, we had been through I was stressing about school. After all, I had battled demons and slain monsters and not to mention I and my friends had defeated the world's most evil magic guy and I had been turned into an angel.

It had been four months since the maze but Breanna Black was still waking up at two in the morning screaming. Her boyfriend, Jay, would come and help. Breanna's powers had increased and now the whole sky responded to her emotions without her even trying! I mastered the art of a shielding spell which makes you look human, werewolves use them and fishlings to. So now that my friends were masters and mistresses of the elements, they had decided to try to go back to school and socialise with non-magic people. This could be really dangerous for the magic world and the human world if the magic world gets unmasked, and the human world could get destroyed.

There is another problem, you may remember Sam, the pillow pet looking thing, that transforms into a massive ice breathing, terrifying dragon! It has been growing and has doubled in size, it likes to go rampaging through the tight small walls of the fortress (our home) and stepping on everything in its way: tables, magic items...

Grey did a little research and found out there is only one dragon in the entire world and all the parallel dimensions, that existed. It travels through dimension to dimension looking for its rightful owner, an air Elementalist. We found its rightful owner, Breanna Black. But it also says that wherever the owner goes the dragon goes even if it knows he's walking into death. So a 30-foot dragon at school might cause suspicion and quite a few people stepped on.

That was not only the thing I was worried about. There have been strange moments during the day around tow in the morning (around the time Brianna woke up screaming) and three thirty. The air would turn dangerously thick, Brianna would look fine but she was different as if something was eating away at her soul. She wasn't the only one having trouble, all of the elementals I live with are still sketchy. 

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now