Chapter XIII

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My mind was blank, I had been calm one second and then the cocoon started to tighten, my ribcage was threatening to implode beneath the pressure. I thrashed and twisted, trying to get my hands free. My legs were constricted and my arms strained against the bonds. I screamed with pain and fury as I struggled, and a tiny part of my brain screamed Bree, Bree, Bree. My heart pumped and I lost all feeling in his legs. My ribs were about to break. I gave up, as my sight went fuzzy as the blood settled in his head. I hung there in misery, waiting for his bones to shatter. Black spots invaded his vision, and he passed out. The last thought he had was, 'If only I was Kyle, he has always been the strongest.'

Brianna POV

My shoulder was aching as I tottered backwards, I had given up. The only door onwards was still magically shut. It was like someone had set up a forcefield around it. I decided to open my bag to see what I could find, I stared at an iron glove at the bottom of my bag. I put it on, it was remarkably fluffy inside. I swung back my fist then slammed it into the door. The door literally exploded, pieces of glowing wood exploded outwards. Battering my body, I covered my face. I stepped back to admire the hole in the door I created, pieces of jagged wood were sticking up randomly. I smirked.

Iron fists are good for hitting fairies, pixies and gnomes.

Fairies, pixies and gnomes hate iron.

And as an added bounce it messes up people's faces.

It feels great to punch someone with such force that your enemy goes flying, even if your enemy is an extremely stubborn door.

I stepped through the hole and looked around in shock. It was an empty room. I took a coin out of my pocket and threw it into the air. It sailed through the air landed and rolled. The room was suddenly full of lasers that moved around. A small voice in the back of my head said Use the air. Use your element. Concentrate. I flexed my fingers and then I was hovering 10 inches off of the ground. I looked for an opening, then I shot through it. I twisted and turned and weaved through the lasers. It felt 100% natural, like dancing, on a bed of mines! I landed by the door at the end of the room. Another security camera was there. A beam of light shot out of the round, blinking gadget. It scanned me, again. The red light sputtered and turned green again. The door slid open. And I raced into the next room. But my pride was taken away when I saw what was before me, I froze and I collapsed clutched my head screaming as unbelievable pain left me half dead on the floor.

Liam POV

Grace had called an emergency meeting, she gave a brief explanation. Then we all went quickly to stock up on every weapon available. I was so worried that my legs were shaking. Thankfully everyone was too busy running around grabbing different weapons. I made my way to Jay's room. I flopped down on his bed and buried myself in his covers, I didn't want to go. Of course, I wanted to see Jay and Brianna and the rest of them! But I was so scared, I was running into something without a clue what I was going to face. A sharp object was poking me in my me in the ass, I rolled off the bed. I hit the floor hurriedly and straightened, examination the sharp object. I ripped the covers of the bed Than I stripped off the sheets. A small piece of glass was sticking out dangerously. I drew a cat claw from Jay bedside table, activated it so a 6 inch pointed claw shot out of my index. I ripped open the mattress. A broken mirror was concealed under the sheet. I held it up and looked into the shattered glass. A blue light shot from the mirror to my eye, I threw it back onto the bed but the beam stayed connected with my eyes. Suddenly an image of Jay running to the big double doors was visible in my mind and Gray scooping him up. Gray unlocked the door and a young woman stood behind the barrier. She was tall and blond with green eyes. Gray examined the lady.

"To whom do I owe the pleasure?"

"I am Ruby Canvala. This is my son Liam. He can not stay with me. You need to keep him safe. Someone is following me."

Gray took a bundle of robes with Liam concealed in it. When he looked up the woman was gone.

I jerked back breaking the blue light and I clutched his stomach. I felt really sick like I was going to die. I stared at the smashed mirror. I picked up a shard and tucked it in his sock, then I thrust the rest of the mirror into Jay's bedside cabinet. Someone was walking up the stairs. The door opened and a voice said,

"You ready to face hell?" Gray was in full fighting gear. His face was grim.

"What did you do?!"

I blushed.

"I was looking for clues," I said sheepishly.

"In the mattress?!" Gray lifted one eyebrow.

"Yes. I'm ready."

I pushed Gray gently as a went around him to the door. Now I was ready to look at hell dead in the eyes because my mother was alive, and as far as I knew, she was in trouble. 

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now