Chapter VII

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John Black POV

I took a deep breath before I pushed open the charcoal black doors, I walked in slowly and silently. I bowed then knelt down at the base of the black marble stairs, my knees cracked as I adjusted my weight.

"I used a fire demon to blow my, um, the apartment. I set off the lockdown, they were all in there rooms, then I jumped out the window the into the lake, then when the explosion went off. I found the rubble peace that survived and carved The Dark Circles over the sign of Certona, the magic was very weak." It was dark, so my Lord didn't see the tear run down my old face and dropped off my bowed chine, but he was sure that he could sense the salt water on my face, because of his water elementalism and he could hear the crack in my voice.

"Good. Good. You took longer than I expected, I wasn't sure if you could do it." The craggy man smiled thinly. "Come. Retrieve your reward. You need it."

The man moved two skeletal, white fingers towards me, I let myself rise into the air, golden light surrounding me, it was uncomfortably painful. The light flowed through my body making my insides burn in flames of hell, transforming me. I put my hand to my face and I could feel my face stretch as my wrinkles disappeared. Hair seemed to force its way out of my skull. I felt mussels stretched my clothes, I fell back on onto the ground painfully, I looked 20 again. I was a young man who lay before my Lord, I haven't changed, it was exactly like the old days. Where I was a loss canon who unleashed my rage on the ones below my standard, I rose to my feet. A no longer changed man, as I grew older my mind retired into a gentle and kind old man. I had a small flicker of doubt crossed my mind.

"Thank you, my Lord." I flexed my new mussels, they cramped. Suddenly my mind went dark, then it cleared. And all my love was gone.

"One last thing. Before you leave."

I turned around confidently, I'm ready for anything. Hopefully murder.

"Find your daughter."

"Fine. But she is not my daughter." The alien smiled with long pointy teeth, "I am no longer John Black, I am Alienum Dominus."

Kyle POV

I was sitting uncomfortably on the kitchen island. I was starving, mad, tired and dreadfully bored. My mind wandered, I started thinking about the hot new girl, Brianna. Her shoulder length hair, her rosy cheeks, her full lips. She was beautiful, I loved how she didn't see how magnificent she was, you could tell in her eyes that she had been told she was ugly and dumpy, little did she know that she was breathtaking. She was kind and creative, she interested me, I wanted to show her everything, tell her every day that she was perfect. But her friend! The human. That was confusing! What did she see when she looked at the tall, skinny, dark-haired boy!? My mind drifted to another problem, Jay. He was so likeable, so popular, he was an obstacle in my way to a happy life. The pretty boy, his perfect teeth, his perfect eyes, his perfect, stupid attitude!

"He's a tool," I muttered darkly. It had been 7 years! And still, I hated his guts from the first time he saw him, I knew that he would hate him for life.

"What?" I jumped nearly falling off the side of the island, I clenched the underside so hard my fingers cracked, thankfully catching myself on the edge. Freya had just walked in and by the way, she opened the cupboard, suggested that she had painted her nails, and they weren't dry yet.

"Nothing!" I said panicky trying to clear my mind from Jay. "I'm hungry. I said where's the stool."

"It's over there." She pointed by her foot, next to the fridge, then narrowed her eyes.

"Thanks." I hastily jumped off the table and hurried over to the open fridge. "I want some pizza. I'm going to order. I'll go ask the others what they want." I turned and left Freya on her own not waiting for an answer.

Brianna POV

I sat on the beautiful window seat, this time in my room, looking out the window when Kyle burst in, the door swinging open. The handle embedded itself in the bright white wall. I jumped, nearly falling off the window seat. My heart raced!

"Kyle! What do you need?" I exclaimed, surprised, trying to catch my breath.

"Um, I'm going to order pizza. Do you want any and what kind?" Kyle blushed, he felt rude for not knocking, looking at her took his breath away.

"Sure. Can I have a cheese pizza please." I said awkwardly. "Thanks."

Kyle left feeling ridiculous and I think he walked into Grace's room evidently cursing at his rudeness silently.

I was thinking about what Jay and what had said about his parents. My mind overflowed with images of monsters, demons. I got up, I have plenty of clean clothes that Grace had given me but I still changed into the clothes I was wearing when my life changed, I threw on a jacket and made my way downstairs. I stopped at the elegant oak and silver doors thinking of all the horrible things outside the fortress, no big deal I just want a breath of fresh air, I made up my mind. I turned towards the living room, I grabbed my mom's knife off of the side table where I had left it and headed outside.

The air was cool and refreshing, it made all the stress of the day just left as I inhaled and exhaled. I wandered down a dirt path, bushes of flowers surrounded it, a beautiful butterfly flew past me, the last rays of sunshine peaked over the trees, then it left and the moon shone. The night was dark and the air was thick from the yesterday storm, the moon provided enough light, that I could see the beautiful grounds. Little fairies flitted through the branches of the trees, I felt like I was living in a fairytale, where the damsel in distress calls down to her prince. A snapping noise made me spin around my fair tail story shattered, my eyes trying to look through the darkness. I held out my hand and summoned a beam of light from the heavens that looked a lot like a star. I trailed it down the path as I walked, it illuminating a pair of shoes. I willed the light to rise, a pizza delivery man was standing ten feet to my left, his head was bowed and his hands were clenched at his side. He looked up, his eyes were a milky white his teeth where red pointed fangs pointing out in different directions as he'd never heard of braces. I drew my mom's knife, its eyes rolled back further into his head as it blinked. It's skin peeled off and flopped to the ground, splattering the ground with blood, so all the flesh was exposed, I felt like I was going to puke. It grinned, and said in a dry, haunting voice,

"Et in die et loco de Protecteurs!"

I gulped, I wasn't sure of what it had said, but it didn't sound good, I started to move farther back into the shadows to conceal myself. But the thing snarled and lunged, I started to sprint towards it remembering what Jay had said: If you are going to fight, build up the momentum! So instead of just impaling your enemy, cut straight through him.

Adrenalin pumped in my head, I lunged, so did it. I concentrated, the wind changed direction it was caring me up in a fast ark. It had lunged at thin air, it got up, the dirt clung to the bloody mess. I looked down to see the demon looking up at me, a flew a couple more feet before marking my body turn in an elegant backflip, then I shot towards the ground. I landed and little dust tornados rose up. I looked into its dead white eyes and sliced at the demon's throat. It screamed and writhed then it exploded. I closed my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut this time. Red chunky liquid exploded in my face, glueing my hair together and welling up in my socks. I whipped my hand over my eyes, then slowly opened them. The only thing left of the demon was a bloody head with its blank eyes looking right at me.

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now