Chapter XIX

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Brianna POV

I couldn't believe my eyes as I got up and walked over to where Cameron stood. I stretched out a hand to touch his glowing face. It was so cold and so smooth, like marble. I couldn't speak, I just let out a slow sad breath. I could see in his silver eyes that he didn't want to be this creature. It was my fault, all my fault. I had dragged him into this world. I couldn't help it, because this was who I am. But Cameron had a little baby sister. He had a mother, but now they were both dead. Because of me. I could hear voices in the wind, from outside the wall. A door materialised as I swung around. Grace, Liam, Kyle and Gray stood staring at us. Then someone said a name I didn't recognise, Demetrius. Swinging around, I spotted a ginger-haired boy. He was tall, and thin as a twig. Ash grind,

"How are you? Long time, no see." They talked like best friends.

"I'm good. Oh, Alaya and Irey, How are you guys?" He was smiling with a fun childish crooked smile.

It was like they were all family.

Irey looked around,

"Where's Edlen?" He asked.

"You miss that sociopath! She was the one who set blew up to everything, and pushed you off the cliff and broke your neck, Demetrius. Remember!?" Alaya shouted in anger.

Then another door mineralised, and Freya and a girl, I'm guessing Edlen, toppled through, still wrestling. Jay dashed towards them and pulled them apart. Freya brushed herself off and Edlen snarled at Jay, then cried,

"Demetrius! Oh, it's been too long!" She shouted.

Demetrius actually looked scared as she ran to him, she flung her arms around his neck. Demetrius cringed. I clear my throat, I said dryly,

"Sorry to intervene." Ellen glared at me, "Now why did we all meet here? It seems a bit strange." I looked around. Jay stood up and walked over to me, He wrapped his muscular arms around me and I lent back resting my weight on him, I could feel his heartbeat quicken as he ran his hands over my hips and back up my waist.

"Your right! It is a bit strange. Maybe this is how the guy planned it. He is rather horrible. He does enjoy hearing us scream." Cameron tapped me on the shoulder, and I turned to look at him, I felt Kyle warm breath on my throat. He seemed to be looking at the floor. Looking down I saw that we were in a massive elevator and we were moving down. We passed room after room, filled with horrible monsters. Some of the walls were splattered with silver, green or vivid red quintessence. But no gold. I had a flashback to when I saw my blood. The golden quintessence had spilt onto the floor. I nudged Kyle,

"Why is our blood different colours?" I said leaning into him.

"Each elemental has its own coloured blood. I have bright green blood and Grey has silver because water elementals have silver blood. The water angel mixed a string of his hair with water and gave it to the first water elemental. You get the idea." He said very quietly.

I shook my head in wonder before today I would not have believed if Kyle said, Oh, by the way, we were created out of angel hair. I would've said that angels don't exist. But now I glanced at Cameron out of the corner of my eye. I could no longer say that they weren't real because I had lived, breathing evidence standing a foot away, talking to Gray. Their voices were hushed as they spoke, but, being an air elemental meant that I could hear their whispered conversation perfectly.

"Gray, what was that thing?!" Cameron whispered.

"You mean Aingealag? The angel I had in my closet? She is a shapeshifter. I found her and trapped her in a magic cage. She is an angel of chaos. She can bite someone and read their fate. Then, if they're bad, she'll kill the person, or if they're good, she will leave them. I've never seen her transform someone permanently." Gray was so puzzled.

"Permanently!?" Cameron squeaked in a high pitched voice.

But just as Gray opened his mouth to reply, the elevator stopped and the glass walls exploded with a crashing noise so loud that it left a ringing noise in my head. I had just about enough of this! I disentangled myself from Kyle, I was going to end it now. I was still wearing the cat gloves and I flexed my fingers and the razor-sharp blades shot from each knuckle protector. I was so angry and so full of emotion that when we came to another door, I just thrust my fist out and the door imploded. The room that lay before me was pitch black, except for a throne made out of ice. It seemed to be glowing with an icy blue light. A man was sitting in it, he was covered from head to toe with a royal blue coat. He spoke in a very familiar voice, but that wasn't a good sign. My muscles tensed as he moved his hand and lifted carefully, gracefully removed the hood from his head. Dark curls shone in the blue light and a slim, beautiful face emerged as he shook the rings of hair out of his eyes. He was so familiar, and I suddenly remembered that he told us to come and looked after me and Cameron when we were younger. I had a flashback to when I was alone with him. He had set up a game which had looked fun at the time, but now that I remember more clearly. It was deadly, he had placed nails under the carpet, so if you step on the carpet you will get impaled. And he had taped knives to the doors and walls. He had called it 'The great escape'. He used to look mad when I never got hurt, and we never played it when Cameron was near. Jay was right, he enjoyed watching us scream. I could see it in his eyes. As he bared his teeth in a cruel and horrifying smile. He held out his hands in a welcoming gesture. His eyes seemed to be saying, Now how should I kill first? And he knew I could see it.  

The Elemental Wars - Sanity         Book 1 (complete BUT UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now