The Slutty Devil In A Fat assed Blonde

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Stormie's POV
(The next day- Saturday afternoon)

The after noon sun beat down on me as I lay back on the back porch of the old barn house. It's been a whole day since I got the call from the adoption agency, telling me that I actually dont know all my past. I was kidnapped, both Jason and I. From the report, Jason was barley five and I was just a new born, blue eyed and white haired. It was surreal to say the least. I knew I was different, Jason and me, but I didn't realize I wasn't even blood to them. Not that it matters, I just wished I knew where I was from.

But it shouldn't have come as a shock to me. My siblings hated me and my parents basically kicked me out when I was only a pre-teen, giving me only enough money to survive. Then there was the actual physical appearance, my mother and sister were both taller than me, with shorter straight dirty blonde hair and hazel green eyes. My brothers were just distant, as if they knew what had happened.

At that thought I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to remember if they ever acted like they actually loved me. My eyes flew open as I drew a blank. This whole minor amnesia thing was really pissing me off.

Maria was beside me, a look of concern as I glanced at her, seeing her look at me. I sighed, sitting up to face the brunette.

"Whats on your mind babe?" I asked, my arms hugging my small legs to my chest. "Are you ok, I know finding out you were kidnapped has to be alot to process." Maria asked dodging my question.

"Of course I'm fine." I smiled and Maria faced me confused. "I feel like I finally understand why I never felt right here. Why I never felt loved in this house." I laid My head down on my knees, looking at the sky line was a grey cloud blocked the sun. "They must have a reason to have taken you and Jason right?" Maria said looking at me.

"I dont- I dont know." I sighed, putting my hands flat down beside me as I leaned on them, angling My head to look at her. "The real question is why I was called by the adoption agency? Did my real parents not want me as well and Jason just became collateral damage in the kidnap?" "I am. Of course I am. I'm just waiting till every one else is here so that I can judge their reactions. To see if they knew the truth the whole time." I told the brunette back, smirking slightly.

"That's the Stormie I know," maria laughed. "Have you ate today?" "No. Ive been too busy thinking. You know me? Thinking twenty four seven." I laughed at the truth. "Yea, let's go eat everyone else is except Luke he's still asleep." Maria said standing up.

"You know he slapped my ass yesterday?" I grabbed her hand that was extended, standing up as well as Maria laughed. "It left a big ass, red hand mark! Like why are his hands so big!? " I laughed leaning into Maria. "Omg, well typical luke thing to do, but did he know it left a mark?" Maria asked after laughing.

"Probably. The Little fucker." We snickered, opening the back door.

"Stormie." The name sounded confident and cocky belonging to a male.

"Landon." I faked a smile, eyeing Maria as I mouthed help me. "Stormie can u come help me find an outfit to wear for later after we eat?" Maria asked looking at her. "Sure babe." I smiled at her as she walked forward, following her but was stopped by the taller boy.

"Come on, babe." Landon sneered the nickname, tapping his fingers on my arm. "Don't be like that."

I ripped my wrist away from him, not looking back as I ran after Maria.

"I think he knows." I whispered. "Knows what?" Maria's whispered back confused. "What do you think?" I asked as we entered our room. "That you were kidnapped twice?" Maria guesed.

"Duh." I looked at her as if she were stupid. "He knows and now nothings stopping him. Fuck." My hands grabbed my hair, tugging at the white-blonde strands. "Stopping him from what, raping you?" Maria asked concerned. I gave her a look, before sitting on the bed. "What?" Maria asked even more confused than before.

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