Girls night out gone wrong

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Stormie's POV
The music vibrated in my bones as our heels clicked on the tiled wooden floors. My white dress that barley went mid thigh showed off almost all my cleavage. And I knew my leather jacket would be discarded in thirty minutes of dancing.

My wedges barley made me average height and my hair was in it's natural curly mess.

My elbows were locked with Lisa's and Maria's as we ventured to the bar. I turned to Maria as they thought about what they want, fake IDs in check with us all.

"What do you want, babes?" I asked them, smiling as a song I liked came on. "I'll have a coke" Lisa said not into alcohol very much. "I'll have whatever." Maria said looking around.

I nodded, looking to the bartender that already had his eyes on me.

"What'll be, Blondie?" He winked and I smiled back, putting my elbows on the counter as to hear him better.

"One large coke and two cosmopolitans." He nodded, saying, "Coming right up."

I looked at Maria's outfit a short dress with a black top and an almost tribal coloring on the bottom. Her black heels tall.

Lisa's outfit was more laid back, a pair of short jean shorts and a lacy almost see through peplum top. Her sandals and jewelry going nice with it.

"Here you go, gorgeous." I smiled up at the bartender, taking the drinks after I examined then. "Don't worry, I wouldnt drug you or your pretty friends."

"Id hope not." I told him, southern accent strong, before laughing and handing the girls their drinks.

"That bartender was flirting something like a  storm." I told the girls, having Lisa her coke and Maria our favorite alcoholic drink. "Thanks babe, I think the bartender wanted to hit that." Maria said winking.

"I could tell." I nudged Maria, laughing, as we took a sip of thier drinks.

"Mmm." I practically moaned. "It gets better every time, I swear" "It does." Maria agreed. Lisa sipped on her coke before she saw her brother. "Is that Logan?" I whispered loudly, looking around for any of the other boys, before we hunkered down out of their view, drawing close together.

"Yea, if he sees me he's gonna flip his lid." Lisa said groaning. "Fuck." I cursed in a whisper. "If he does anything I'm going to beat his ass, no apologies, Lisa." I looked at Lisa to see her reaction.

"Its fine, " Lida shrugged. "Wouldn't he call Luke and josh if he sees us?" Maria questioned. "Luke doesn't care, he trust me and would probably think fuck face was starting shit."

"And Josh shouldn't mind since youre with me and he's known me for a good while." I told Maria, looking as Logan slugged back a beer. "You're a big girl Lisa, don't let him boss you around." I turned to Lisa.

"I try not to but when he's mad he's scary and I get scared thinking he'll do something." Lisa explained starring at Logan. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't do shit." I turned around, slamming the rest of my drink down before smiling.

I ordered another cosmopolitan, turning to them as I took a sip.

"Now, come on. Let's dance babes!" I dragged them onto the dance floor as the song hell bent by Mystery Skulls came on. "I'm going to get another drink." Maria said walking to the bar.

"I'm surprised Logan hasn't noticed us hes looked over here a few times." Lisa said. "Fuck him. Just have a good time babe and let go!" I laughed as I danced with Lisa to the beat.

"Fuck him. Just have a good time babe and let go!" I laughed as I danced with Lisa to the beat. "Maria! Come dance with us." I yelled, laughing as the lights started to blur together for a moment before returning. Lisa and I were dancing on each other, waiting for Maria.

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