Cant Believe It

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My hands tightened on the wheel, the skin on my knuckles going white before I sighed, letting go of the wheel and got out of my car. Ive had plenty of time to think about Luke's question and three people's point of views as well. I was definitely ready.

I looked at my coral colored phone, the time ready five fifty, meaning I had ten minutes before Luke would be coming over.

I walked up the flight of stairs to my apartment,  unlocking the doors and turning the lights on. I slipped off My sandals and walked to the kitchen. The tile was cold against my feet as I walked around,  heating up cold pizza. The best snack.

A few minutes after the pizza was done, the door jiggled, signaling that Luke was here. Maria and him were the only ones who had keys to my apartment.

The door opened and there stood Luke in his usual blue jeans and black T-shirt. He slipped off his shoes, not noticing me before looking up and smiling.

"Hey." I beamed back, handing him a plate of pizza that he took after kissing me for a second that I had to go all the way up on my toes.

"Hey." He smiled back and we walked to the living room where Supernatural was playing.

"Yes." I said after a few minutes and Luke gave me a strange look to which I giggled at. "Yes,  you can move in."

Luke's POV

She giggled at me as I broke out into a massive grin, bringing her onto my lap as I hugged her.

"I thought you were going to say no." I breathed into her ear, a happy sigh following it as the smell of vanilla and strawberries wafted up to me.

"I thought about it." The small blonde told me, drawing back only enough so she could face me. "But then I thought maybe I should be more open minded."

"Thanks for your open mindness, I guess." I laughed as she rolled her ocean blue eyes.

"You're welcome." She said softly, putting her head on my shoulder before jolting up. "Oh!"

"What?" I looked at her confused, my hands settling on her full hips.

"My family's reunion is next weekend. It's my old house, the farmhouse." She told me, putting her hands on me shoulders. "You've never been to my parent's house, have you?"

"I think I might have driven by once, before I left for college, when you were fourteen, I think." I told her, remembering how that day went.

She just graduated out of middle school, becoming a young adult, and was too mature for some one her age. She knew things most adults haven't even questioned, seen things most people didn't think they would. But it wasn't a good thing. And with that kind of knowledge came the loneliness and emptiness in her.

I was driving over there since we both had just graduated and planned on spending some time with my best friend before I left.

Stormie was wearing her long white-blonde hair down, curlier from the atmosphere with her jean shorts and tight t-shirt. She was working on something on her parents farm when I pulled in. Her smile bright and infectious.

I remembered being there the whole day, from early morning till almost day break the next day. I remember her eyes changing colors as we talked and the light from the sun or moon changed. I remember us talking about how we were always going to be friends.

"Promise me that even when you become some hot shot businesses owner, that you'll still call me at two in the morning to talk about how good supernatural is." Her face was shinning from the sunlight, a purple hue to her eyes as she looked genuinely sad for the first time since ive met her.

"Of course." I pulled her into a hug, that same vinalla and strawberry scent wafted up to me and my heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah, I remember that day." Stormie's bright smile pulled me out of the memories of her. "So, do you want to come? Maria and Josh are coming. And hopefully Micheal and Joe come too."

"Theyre really funny." I told her and she nodded, smiling again.
"Id love to go."

"Yay!" She fist bumped the air and laughed at her.

"You know what else id love to do?" I asked, the suggestion in my voice.

The blonde smirked, wrapping her legs around my torso tighter as she whispered, "Maybe you should show me."

I sat up, easily taking her with me as she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling at my hair as I dove down to kiss her.

"On the wall?" I breathed, as she racked her nails down my back.

"Think you're up to it?" She whispered back into my ear, grabbing the hem of my shirt before unzipping my pants.

I didn't respond, grabbing a condom from my back pocket before they disappeared into the dim lights.

"I hope youre ready for my stamina." The blonde smirked.

"I hope you're ready for mine.

Third person:
The young couple ended up in an assessment of blankets surrounding them on the apartments living room floor. The blonde curling her self into the taller man. Sex and pizza filled the air, something that fit the two quite good.

"Do you like me being on top or did you just get tired of holding my weight?" The blonde smirked as her small hand took Luke's larger One over her stomach.

"You do have the stamina of a horse, babe." He kissed her neck and she giggled. "Besides, it's fun when you're on top. You know, I get to see more boobs."

The blonde laughed, making a 'You're suck a guy' joke.

"I love you." Luke's tired voice filled the air, signifying that Stormie's stamina was indeed like a horse, before cuddling closer to her.

"I love you." The soft words were the last ones spoken before the young couple's shallow breaths filled the air, they're bodies intertwined under the sheets that lay on the living room floor.

Mean while at Maria's Apartment....

Maria had made some stuffed bell peppers for dinner knowing everyone liked then. She stuffed them with hamburger meat, white rice, chopped onion, over that she had tomato sauce and then set the top if the bell pepper on it to cook.

"Josh, next weekend Stormie's family is having a reunion and we wanted to know if you would come to, so you get to see how we grew up," maria asked him during dinner. "Of course I'll go, it can't be that bad can it." Josh said before taking a bite of the pepper. "Can we come to?" Michael asked. "Of course you two can come." Maria said grabbing her phone. She sent Stormie a text letting her know Josh, Michael, and Joe were all coming next weekend.

After they ate they had chocolate cake for desert before heading to bed. Maria and Josh went to her room to watch some TV so they could fall asleep. Michael and Joe laid together on the couch while watching the movie Neighbors.

Eventually in both homes everyone was tired and sleeping. All had cuddle buddies after having an exhausting but lazy day.

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