fun times with the old gang

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Luke's POV:
"I want to move in." I told the tiny but curvy blonde that lay upon my chest. Her eyes turning that pretty turquoise in the moonlight as her face changed from confused to panicked.

She swallowed, shifting her elbows off my chest to move away but I grabbed them, making her breast slam down on my naked chest. Her eyes widen before returning to normal as she looked away.

"I-" Stormie looked back at me, her small hands on either side of my chest. "Why?"

Blonde eyebrows drew together as I smiled, sniffling a laugh.

"I've loved you since you were fifteen, it just took awhile for me to say it." I began, bringing her up with me as I sat up, her legs around my chest as I tucked a piece of curly white-blonde hair behind her ear. "So I want to make up for lost time."

She looked away, bringing her hands to my chest, lightly tapping her fingernails on my skin.

"I don't know... " She breathed, her eyes locking with mine as I saw something I've never seen. A blush.

Dark pink clouded her cheeks as her hands wound them selves around my hair, pulling at my neck hairs slightly.

"Can I have a day or two to think about it?" She questioned and I nodded before bringing her body to the side of me easily, resting my arm on her tiny waist and the other was being used as a pillow by her small head.

"Yeah." I whispered back after a few minutes of hearing Stormie's deep breathes. And I suddenly became nervous.

What if she said no?

Maria's POV:
I was in the middle of making coffee when Stormie stormed in my house. "Hey." "Maria I need your help." She said immediately. "What's wrong?" I asked. stormie gets a cup cause shes here. "Luke said something last night before we went to bed." I Grabbed a cup "well what did he say?" She looked at the coffee pot before looking back at me with a panicked expression. "He wants to move in" She says, barley above a whisper. I coughed a little, "do you want him to?"
"I don't know." She sighs, leaning up against the counter and looking up. "I-fuck..." She giggles, But then sobers up and looks over at Maria. "He told me he loved me since I was fifteen and wanted to make up for lost time."
"Well if u don't want him to move in just yet hell understand since he's loved u for so long." I said sipping my coffee. "I know that... The reason why I'm hesitant is because of the fact that ive lived on my own for so long." Stormie grips her cup a litter harder as she looks up at the ceiling. "Ive Just been legalized as an adult but ive lived on my own since I was eleven, twelve. I didn't tell any one this because I dont need the pitying looks." Rolls Her head to look at me who's already looking before staring up at the ceiling again.
"I think it's just because I haven't lived with some one in almost six years that I'm panicking about this." I Looks at her. "If your so worried about it why don't you have him spend the night a few times and see how u like it,"

"Yeah. That sounds good." She Swallowed befor looking at me with a smile and nodding, holding out Her coffee cup for me to pour some coffee in. "Im Just scared." I Poured coffee in the cup, "I understand, but at least you'll have company." "True." She went to my fridge to get the whipped cream. "You don't know this because my family acted perfect around others but when I was younger it was really hard to be in that big farm house." Stormie's southern accent became stronger as she closed the fridge and found the super. "My parents were always fighting and My siblings, since I was ten to sixteen years younger than them, would basically bully me constantly. I ran away from home when I was six. No body looked for me and I eventually went back after living in an abandoned apartment for a week." She Poured atleast pound of sugar into her coffee for reasons."I guess What Im trying to say is that I'm scared that once I let Luke in fully... He'll just do What every one else has done." Stormie looks up at me with a sad smile. "Leave."

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