Quickly before I start this chapter I wanted to let you know that it's going to be Asriel's POV for this chapter only. You'll understand why once you start reading. Thanks for reading!"Go get Gaster!" I yell once Chara fell.
Frisk runs downstairs and gets Alphys and Gaster.
Everyone else crowds around me and Chara.
Every question running through my head. Is she ok? Will she live? Is her soul completely broken?
Frisk comes back up with Alphys and Gaster. She brings them over and pushes everyone out of the way.
Gaster tells me to put Chara on the bed. I pick her up and set her down on the bed.
Alphys tells everyone Chara going to the be fine and everyone hesitantly leaves.
I want to stay and help in any way I can but Gaster and Alphys insists I leave.
I slowly leave with Frisk by my side.
When we get home I sit in the kitchen still in my armor. I can't get my mind off of Chara.
"Do you know what happened back there?" Frisk asks coming into the kitchen.
I should tell her but I know she'll get worried so I have to lie. "No."
"Did it have do to with her getting hurt during the war?"
"I don't know." I lie again.
We sit in silence for the rest of the day.
Everyday I go and check on Chara, hoping that she'll wake up. She's been in a coma for days on end.
Frisk always says she'll be ok. She's been living life like always.
Me on the other hand, I can't think straight. My mind always wonders off and I start thinking of Chara.
I know Chara's soul is very broken. I want to help but I can't. I'm just relieved that she's still alive.
Every time I walk into her room I have to walk out, to many memories.
I always find her things lying around the house. Her phone is ringing with notifications and updates constantly, but there's no one to answer them.
Everyone seems like they forgot about her. I know they haven't and they're worried for her but it doesn't look that way.
Everyday is the same.
I go to the lab and find out Chara is still out cold.
It's hard to look at Chara. Tubes in her nose, wires all over her body.
Gaster is working night and day on fixing Chara's soul.
I don't know how it'll turn out but as long I get her back, I don't care.
I haven't been able to do anything without thinking of her.
It's been weeks without seeing her chocolate brown eyes.
Three months.
I've had it up to here. So I walk out of the house and to the lab.
I bang on the door.
Gaster answers and I walk up to where Chara is.
Frisk is sitting on a chair next to Chara, holding her hand.
I look at Chara. Still sleeping.
"We're doing the best we can." Gaster says.
"This doesn't look like the best." I look at Gaster.
"Alphys and I have been hard at work to fix her soul."
"Then why is she still in a coma?"
"It's not that easy to fix something like a soul. She will be fine."
"No she won't! Her soul is still breaking as we speak!"
"Don't think like that Asriel. She's strong. I know she'll live."
"And what if she doesn't? I won't be able to live with myself knowing that I killed her."
"You didn't do anything to harm her."
"I told her she could handle herself on the battlefield. I sent her out to fight. She's in this coma because of me."
"Uh Asriel?" Frisk says.
"Not now Frisk." I put a hand out to stop her from saying anything else. "I need to see Chara, Gaster."
"We're working on it."
"She's not going to be ok! It's been months!"
"Asriel!" Frisk says a little louder.
"Not now Fri-" I turn to look at Frisk and see Chara sitting up in her bed.
She's awake!
I don't know what to say so I just hug her.
"Ow ow ow!" Chara says.
I let go. "Sorry, it's just been so long."
"How long was I out for?" Her voice is a little faint because of the pain she's in.
"I don't care! Your awake." I smile.

Asriel X Chara (An Undertale FF)
FanfictionChara was the first human to fall down Mt.Ebott. She meets a friendly family of monsters who kindly take her in. Asriel and Chara become best friends. They explore the underground and go on adventures together. They both are really good friends, cou...