Chapter 1~ So We Meet Again

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I am sorry that this chapter sucks, I just need a reason for the story to go the way I want it to.

~Third Person P.O.V~

Dick was out on patrol with his eleven year old daughter, Mar'i. It was only her second time on patrol, however she has already become pretty good at it, of course she has had tons of practice, considering that she had lived on Tamaran for the first 7 years of her life, and that there were constant wars going in there.

Dick was skeptical at first, letting his only daughter out into the streets of Blüdhaven at night, at the age eleven. She finally convinced him and they made a deal. She can go on patrol under two circumstances.

1: she can only go if he goes with her and 2: she has to go back home a few hours before he does, because she still has school.

"Mar'i it's time for you to return home", Dick said to his daughter. "But dad", Mar'i began to protest. Dick didn't want her out any later than this. It was already 1 a.m and it was now Thursday.

"Starshine, please don't fight back", he asked her, hoping she would obey and return home. "Okay, but only because it's boring out here and there's nothing going on", Mar'i replied while looking down and kicking the dirt.

~Dick's P.O.V~

I finally got Mar'i to go back home. I continued to patrol, when something caught my eye. I jumped off the rooftop and landed in a dark alley.

I began to think there was nothin there when I heard a small 'thud'. I quickly turned around and pulled out my bo-staff. "So we meet again", a sinister voice spoke. That voice, it makes my blood boil with anger.

"Slade" I hissed out. "My, my you've changed Robin... wait you don't go by that anymore, am I right Nightwing?". Now I am pissed off. He has no reason to be in Blüdhaven and yet here he is, once again pestering me and testing my patience.

"What do you want Slade?!", I replied, much like how he has just spoken to me.

"Actually I go by Deathstroke now, I suppose we both needed a new name. But anyway I've been meaning to ask, was that your little daughter I just saw flying away? Perhaps you and Starfire were more than friends like many others had suggested" He spoke with a smirk.

"Stop trying to change the subject and answer me!" I said, raising my voice.

"Calm yourself, and I'm here purposes", he answered still smirking in the process. I just stood there. Why on Earth would he be doing business in Blüdhaven.

"Until next time" he said slowly backing away, then he stopped and looked at me. "And just to give you a heads-up, I'd look after your daughter very carefully, she might get snatched away", he said with that creepy ass smirk still on his face.

I tried to go after him but he was gone. "Mar'i", I whispered. I then ran back home, ignoring the fact that I still had a couple hours left on patrol.

~Deathstroke/Slade's P.O.V~

I was in Blüdhaven for one reason and one reason alone. I needed his daughter. Not to sound like a creep or something, but I do need his daughter. There were rumors going around saying that Nightwing and Starfire miraculously had a child, a hybrid. The only one to exist! She's a scientific prize and having her could make me a legend. I could sell her off and get practically anything that I wished!

Of course I'm not the only one that is plotting to snatch her, but I am confident that I'll be the first to have her.

I silently followed Nightwing as he leapt from one rooftop to another. It was quite obvious that he was rushing home to get his daughter. This is good, I'll know where they live and perhaps learn their identities. It'll make this much, much easier on me.

I stayed in the shadows as Nightwing entered a window to an apartment building. The lights flickered on and I then left, knowing where to look next time I need an apprentice or a way of bribing Nightwing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ahh that was my first chapter! I know it was short and probably escalated quickly but I'm new to this, cut me some slack. I hope you guys liked it!
Lots of love~ Amber

Love, a small word with a big meaning (a demonfire fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora