Chapter 4~ Alone

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Gah I have so may ideas bouncing around in my head but I can't put them together, Enjoy!

~Dick's P.O.V~

I want to explain everything to her, I really do. But I don't think she'll understand, she is 11 after all. I finally decided to tell her as much as I could without terrifying her too much.

"Mar'i, can i talk to you?" I asked while nudged her awake. We were almost at the manor. "Mm-hm" she answered slowly waking up.

"Listen Starshine, I want you to know that I love you, and I'm doing this to protect you" I told her. Her eyes started to water. "Daddy, what's going on" she whispered, looking really scared.

"Starshine, their's a really bad man that wants to take you, and I'm afraid that I can't protect you" I said in defeat.

This is it, I just admitted that I couldn't protect my daughter. She was full-on crying now. Shit, did I scare her that much? "Dad" she said in a whisper looking at me with tear filled eyes.

"Yes Starshine?" I asked looking back at her. "Where are you taking me, and when can I go back home?" she asked, wiping her eyes while doing so.

"Mar'i, I'm taking you to Bruce Wayne, he was my legal guardian when I was little" I answered. "And the second question?" She asked, wanting an answer. I stopped in front of the manor. I looked into her jade green eyes. Damn, she looks so much like Kori.

"I'm sorry Starshine, I don't know the answer to that" I answered as a tear threatened to roll down my cheek. She stayed silent for about a minute.

"Mar'i, I need you to stay strong" I finally said, breaking the silence. "Okay" was all she managed to say.

"I love you" she whispered to me before leaning over to hug me. "I love you more Starshine" I replied, tears now slowly rolling down my cheek.
Mar'i giggled.

"Dad, you told me to be strong, and now I'm telling you the same thing" she whispered to me before breaking the hug and opening the car door.

"Can you come with me" she asked as she stood by the trunk. "I wouldn't have it any other way" I answered as I popped the trunk.

~Mar'i's P.O.V~

I got out of the car and stood by the trunk, waiting for my dad to open it so I could grab my luggage.

When he opened it I grabbed my duffle bag and suitcase, while my dad grabbed my backpack and my pillow. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I was honestly scared and I didn't know what the heck to do.

I soon followed him to the door. He pushed me towards the door lightly, gesturing for me to knock on the door. I swiftly looked at my watch. It was 3:37 a.m. I slowly knocked on the door. Almost immediately an elderly man opened the door.

I quickly observed the man. He was wearing a long-sleeved, white polo shirt and a black bow-tie. He had some black, formal pants on. For shoes he was wearing black slippers, I can't blame him, it is half-past 3 in the morning. He also had a warm, welcoming smile on his face.

~Third Person~

"Master Dick, I have been waiting for your arrival, would you like a warm, cup of tea?" Alfred asked, still smiling. "No thank you Alfred, I won't be staying" Dick replied. A sniffling noise was heard from behind Dick.

"However my daughter Mar'i will be staying here for quite sometime"Dick said, sounding upset as he said so.

A young girl with long, jet-black hair, golden-tan skin, and jade green eyes stepped out from behind Dick. "Hello, you must be Miss Mar'i" Alfred said kindly while holding out his hand. "And you must be Alfred" Mar'i said shaking the elderly man's hand.

"Come on Misstress Mar'i, let's get you situated so you can get some sleep tonight" Alfred said kindly as Mar'i yawned. "Bye Dad, I love you!" She said once again, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Bye Mar'i, I love you more." Dick said as he embraced his daughter one last time. He then kissed the top of her head and looked at her.

"I love you so much Starshine, I'll try to keep in touch, I promise" he said with tears slowly falling down his face. "Hey, be strong" Mar'i said with a slight smile. He chuckled at her. " I'll try Mar'i, goodbye sweet heart" Dick said as he walked back in his car.

Alfred brought Mar'i inside and showed her the room she'd be staying in.

"Make yourself at home Mistress Mar'i, you can decorate when you awaken if you wish." Alfred told her before wishing her good night and walked away. That was it, now she was alone.

Chapter 4 COMPLETE! I hope you enjoyed it. I know that they cried a lot and I apologize for that, but they had no clue how long they wouldn't see each other, soo yea.
┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘Question Time┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘
What do you want Mar'i's new room to turn out like? Do you want her to repaint it and get new furniture or leave it as it is, describe how you picture her room because I honestly don't even know yet and I'd love to hear your feedback!
See ya next chapter
Bu-bye~ Amber

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