Chapter 14~ Sleepover part 4

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Quick note, I always die when Beast boy has that deep laugh in the video above!

Okay so first of all, I really need to end the sleepover soon, it's already at part 4!

Secondly, WE GOT OVER 1000 reads!!!!!

Third, and last of all, enjoy the chapter.


~Lian's P.O.V~

Okay, where on Earth is Mar'i?! It's legitimately been over an hour!

I decided that I shall go out and search for Mar'i. I marched out of her room and stomped over to the kitchen.

"MAR'I!!!!" I yelled marching in there. I look around and see nobody in there... nobody except Alfred.

"ALFRED!!!!!!!" I screamed. He dropped the plate he was washing and jumped a little.

"My my, Miss Lian, you nearly gave me a heart attack" he chuckled slightly as he went towards what I'm guessing is a "cleaning closet"

"HAVE YOU SEEN..." I started yelling but Alfred cut me off.

"You know you don't have to yell. I might be old but I still have impeccable hearing" He assured.

"Right, have you seen Mar'i? I can't find her" I questioned looking at the shattered plate on the floor.

"If I'm not mistaken, I believe they went to the carnival... or was it the ice cream parlor... I think they said they were going to both" he babbled.

"Wait! You said they, who went with Mar'i?" I asked, looking up at the old man.

"By they, I mean Miss Mar'i and Master Damian" he answered while sweeping up the broken shards.

"Yes! That's my girl! Way to go Mar'i!" I chanted as I ran back to her room.

~Damian's P.O.V~

Mar'i insisted that she should teach me how to "have fun". It sounded quite dirty to be honest, but then she started babbling about the carnival and getting ice cream and I was relieved that she didn't mean... something else.

She grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the carnival. I'm not really a big fan of this type of stuff, but I'm going to try it for her.

We enter the carnival and I quickly spot something that I'm slightly interested in.

I see a boy, about my age, dancing on one of those dance game things, the ones that trick people into exercising.

~Mar'i's P.O.V~

I was observing the rides and booths that the carnival had, when I noticed that Damian was eyeing the dancing game thingy.

Me, being the amazing person that I am, started pushing Damian towards it.

"Mar'i, I can't and won't do this!" He angrily murmured.

"Fine, then we can just watch other people have fun" I mumbled and started watching.

After a few rounds, I realized two things, That the same kid kept winning, and that Damian looked so intrigued by the game.

"Free popcorn to anyone who can slay the beast" a guy bet to a large group of people. What happened next really truly shocked me.

"I can do it" Damian deadpanned while walking towards the game.

Authors Note~ Basically what went down in the video I put above is what happened. The video is a clip from Justice League VS Teen Titans, and that's kinda what I inspired this chapter off of.

"Wow, you actually did it!" I congratulated him happily.

"What, did you not have faith in me?" He questioned with a smirk.

"Whatever" I mumbled as I rolled my eyes playfully.

I really feel like I forgot something, but I can't remember what it is!

"Mar'i, perhaps we could get something to eat?" Damian asked me, disrupting my train of thought.

"Yea, sounds good" I reply with a smile.

After eating we decided to go on the Ferris wheel.

"The view is amazing, especially at night" I exclaim, looking over at Damian.

"Tt, it is just the busy streets of Gotham" he replied blandly. I sighed and just slouched.

"But, I suppose that it does look quite... enjoyable?" Damian added to his comment, but it sounded a whole lot more like a question.

"-sighs- I'm sorry Damian, I tried to teach you how to have fun, instead I just kind of..." I started to apologize for wasting his time, but I was cut off... BY DAMIAN'S FRICKIN LIPS ON MY LIPS!!!!! He was kissing me! The Damian Wayne, was kissing me! After all this time, he finally made a move, and now we're kissing!

My mind, being the way it is, just remembered what I had previously forgotten. I suddenly broke the kiss. "I forgot Lian! That's what I forgot!" I randomly blurted out.

"Oh, I'm sorry Damian I didn't mean to break the... I mean I really enjoyed the... Can you please look at me when I try to awkwardly talk to you!" I attempted to apologize, but Damian wouldn't even face my direction.

"Mar'i, I'm sorry for my actions, I was foolishly being controlled by my emotions, and I am sorry for making lip contact with you" He replied, still not looking at me.

"Dami, don't be... wait did you just say emotions? You have emotions?!" I asked in a joking manner.

"-tt- forget it, why do I even bother" he mumbled in response.

"Hey, I was just joking around" I replied and lightly smacked his arm. The ride was coming to an end.

"And don't be sorry, I actually enjoyed it" I added right before I got off the ride. I looked back to see Damian catching up to me. I decide to just stop and wait for him.

"Wait so you enjoyed our shared kiss?" He questioned, his deep blue eyes staring directly into my jade green eyes.

"I meant everything I said" I reply, not daring to break eye contact with him.

"So you also meant that you think that I don't have emotions?" He asked me with an arched eye brow.

"Everything but that Dami" I corrected while giggling.

Damian just smiled and cupped my face. He then leaned down and i stood on my tip toes, and we shared yet again, another magical kiss.

~Lian's P.O.V~

Sitting on the toilet
Sitting on the toilet
Sitting on the toilet
Sitting on the toilet
Sitting on the toilet
Now flush

Jeez, where the hell is Mar'i?

Oh well.

I'm just going to go through all of her super personal things and belongings.

Good thing she left her phone, hehe.

Sorry for the long wait. I had one job, and it was to write this chapter. What did I do? Everything but write this chapter!

But now, I have finally written the chapter.

If you are interested, the first 2 chapters to my new book, Don't Enter The Woods, are now published.

Anyway, I hope that you all have a wonderful day, remember that you are beautiful and that I love you very, VERY much!

Lots of love~ Amber💕

Love, a small word with a big meaning (a demonfire fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora