Chapter 9~ DRAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No picture for this chapter.
So... School started. :( :( :( :( :(
Shoutout to BatgirlGeek she has been really active on my account and stuff.
Anyway here is chapter 9.

~Mar'i's P.O.V~

So it has been settled, Damian, Alfred and I were going to have a competition to see who could find the board games first.
It was quite stupid really, but it was still a decently interesting way to look for the games.

"I'm so in" I heard somebody say. I turn around to see the same guy from this morning.

Ugh, what was his name again, Todd, wait no that wasn't it, it started with a J. JASON! That's his name! Yes I remembered! Wait, what.

"What did you say?" I asked, hoping that I didn't hear what I think I heard.

"I'm-So-In" he repeated, slower this time.

"Count me in too!" I hear another voice say. I look up to see another boy, older than Damian, but younger than Jason.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe that we have met" he said, holding his hand out to me.

"I'm Tim, and you are?" He questioned, still waiting for me to shake his hand.

"Mar'i" I answered, finally shaking his hand.

"So, can I enter this competition?" Tim asked me.

"Sure, I guess" I respond, looking over at Damian.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT DRAKE" Damian yelled at Tim.

I'm guessing that Drake is his middle name... Or his nickname, possibly his last name... I need to ask Damian about that later, he did the same to Jason, but with Todd.

"Why not Dami-poo?" Tim questioned, looking at him.

"Say that one more time, I dare you to" Damian responded to Tim.

"Damian, just let them join, it's just a little game, that's all, nothing to fight over" I say, hoping that he'll stop yelling.

"Tt, whatever, see if I care, I'll beat him anyway" Damian spat out while crossing his arms.

~Third Person~

"Okay, get ready, on your mark get set, GO" Alfred said while watching everybody run around like crazy.

Alfred explained that he WAS NOT in their competition, he was simply going to watch them for his amusement.

Jason ran straight to the basement to search for the board games. He wanted everyone to be his peasants oh so desperately.

Damian ran into the library and started searching every nook and cranny to find the games.

Mar'i didn't really know where to look, so she just wandered around the manor, hoping that she'd find them.

Tim ran into his room, and opened his closet. On the shelf, in his closet, were the board games. He brought them there a while back when Alfred told him that they needed to be placed somewhere other than the basement.

Tim then picked up the box of board games and walked out of his room.

"I FOUND THEM!" Tim screamed, while cautiously walking down the hallway.

*5 minutes later*

"No way, you cheated Drake" Damian spat out.

"I found them fair and square" Tim replied, with a slight smirk on his face.

"Timmy where were they?" Jason questioned, staring at Tim.

"Umm, that's not really important" Tim started. "All that matters is--" he was cut off by Damian.

"Answer the question, I want to know as well" Damian said, standing in front of Tim.

"Ummmm, they were umm in m-my closet" Tim squeaked.

"DRAKE!!!!!!!!" Damian screamed while chasing his brother.

"You cheater!!!" Jason added, also chasing after Tim.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Tim screamed, running throughout the manor, hoping that his brothers would stop chasing him... They didn't.

Mar'i just stood there next to Alfred.

"Would you like to join me for some tea Mistress Mar'i?" Alfred asked Mar'i while looking down at her.

"Tea sounds lovely Alfred" she replied while following Alfred to the kitchen.
So that was the oh so short chapter 9. Thank ya for reading it. School started and I hate it! No more free time.
My mom wants me to try sports. Has she been living under a rock?! I can't even do a freaking push-up, and she wants me to try out for sports. I'm just going to ignore her request and continue to try and write fanfic.
There will be no question time in this chapter.
Until Chapter 10, byeeeeeeeeeee~Amber

Love, a small word with a big meaning (a demonfire fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora