Chapter 10~ She Tried and Failed

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The picture is just one I found, I think it only really relates to how I feel about Dami in the last paragraph thingy.


Guys... school is sooo hard, I fell down the stairs in my high school. Oh yea, WE GOT OVER 400 READS! OMG! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Anyway, here is chapter 10.
*Spoiler Alert* things escalate really quickly

*2 weeks after their competition thing*

~Tim's P.O.V~

I haven't left my room very often, only when necessary. I fear that they are waiting for me, waiting to chase after me again. Let's just say that they don't let "cheaters" get away without a couple scars.

I didn't cheat though, is it illegal to know where things are placed?! They happened to be placed in my room, but that doesn't mean that I cheated!

~Third Person~

*11 o'clock pm*

"Master Timothy, I assure you that your brothers are not here, your father took them on patrol, it is only me and Mistress Mar'i" Alfred spoke from the outside of Tim's room.

"Are you sure that she won't try to kick my a... butt?" Tim said, trying not to sound like Jason or even worse... Damian.

"I'm not gonna kick your ass unless you don't get it out here so we can talk about this, because I'm tired of having to hear you scream in the middle of the night when you pass the room I stay in" Mar'i yelled through the door.

"Fine fine, just don't kick my butt. By the way, you should really watch your language, you neve..." Tim was cut off by Mar'i.

"I apologize, was I speaking in Tamaranian, because I could've sworn that I spoke in English?!" Mar'i "asked", obviously being a smart ass (like Damian).

"We need to separate you and Damian" Tim grumbled while exiting his room.

*2 hours later*

Tim, Mar'i and Alfred all ate a "mid-night meal" as Jason would've called it.

"I'm sooooooo full, Thank you Alfred" Tim said while slowly walking back to his room.

"Yea, thank ya Alfy" Mar'i added before flying back to the room she was staying in.

A/N  (Alfy Alfie, same difference)

*3 years later* (I know, I skipped a lot, lol)

A lot has happened during the 3 years.

Damian became MUCH friendlier to Mar'i, Jason didn't eat his mid-night meals as often and as for Tim... At least he is able to leave his room in decent peace.

But there was still one thing. Dick never came back. Mar'i was told that he'd call her everyday, and that he'd write to her and stuff. He only called her once and never wrote.

Mar'i acted as if everything were fine, she just walked around the manor with a smile on her face. When she was asked how she was doing, she would say "fine" and walk away.

She tried to act strong, she tried to act as if she wasn't terrified that her dad might not come back. She tried to act as if it didn't bother her. She tried to act as if she didn't fear that he passed. She tried so hard. But that's the thing, she tried.

She tried to hide how she was feeling. She tried to keep it a secret. She tried to be strong and fearless and all that sh*t in front of everybody. But she failed.

Every night Damian heard the soft sobs. Every morning he would sneak into her room, to see her face red, puffy, and tear-stained. Whenever she awoke, he'd make sure he saved her some breakfast so she wouldn't be hungry. He made sure that Alfred would clean her room and her laundry before everyone else's.

He might act like a stubborn ass on the outside, but on the inside he isn't. Okay that was a lie, but he actually cares for Mar'i. He knows what it feels like to be abandoned, hell his mom just dumped him at his dad's and left.

Damian didn't want Mar'i to feel abandoned. She was the reason he became friendlier. She was the reason that he went out in public more. She is the reason that Damian Wayne smiled for crying out loud.

Never would he ever admit it, but he loved  Mar'i. The Damian Wayne, loved and cared about somebody other than himself.

He admired the way that she laughed, how she would sometimes snort when she laughed too hard. He admired the way she bit her lip when she was nervous or concentrating. He admired every little thing that she did. The way that she walked. The way that she talked. The way she'd always correct the teacher's in history class. The way that she played dodgeball in gym class. The way that she'd fight criminals. The way she'd goofily flip her hair when she wins an argument. The way she did everything.

He didn't just love her though. He was in love with Mar'i. He just didn't know how he'd tell her, so he made a promise to himself to never tell her, or anyone as a matter of fact. He would just simply wait until his love for her leaves, so he could go back to normal.


Sorry for the long wait. Also, sorry that I kinda made things escalate too quickly.

High-school SUCKS! If you aren't in high-school yet, then know how lucky you are.

*This next part is just me blabbing about my day, if you do not wish to read this then go to the next part in bold italic*
I have to wake up at 7, get ready, catch the bus at 7:38 and go to 7 classes. (So many 7's I know) school ends at 3, but my bus leaves at 3:40. I usually get back at 4. I had after school theatre today and I quite enjoyed it. Why am I telling y'all this?
*Told ya*

Anyway, I hope that you guys have an amazing day/night/ life and I will try to update more often.

No question time.

Good bye my precious narwhals!

Love, a small word with a big meaning (a demonfire fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora