Chapter 7~ Shakespeare?

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^Just a pic of Titus for anyone wondering what he looks like^ This is going to be in Mar'i's P.O.V, so sorry if it bugs you. Jason will be in this, and Mar'i will learn Damian's name lol. So, here is chapter 7.

~Mar'i's P.O.V~

They really couldn't save me any breakfast. Ugh, I bet that bratty boy ate them all, just so I wouldn't have any. But that's okay, I wasn't to hungry anyway. It's just the fact that they didn't... Someone then bumped into me.

"I'm sor... Ugh you" I started to apologize, but I then felt as if HE didn't deserve it.
"Father told me I should, be nice" he said while holding a leash. I looked down and saw a dog.

"Omg it's soooo cute!" I squealed. I love animals soooooo much. "-clears throat slightly- um yea, cute and shi... crap." He said, clearly trying to watch his language. I looked back over to him.

"Have we properly met?" I ask, trying to seem polite. If he's going to be polite-ish to me then I'll be polite-ish to him, even if he's just being kind because his dad asked him to. "No, I don't believe we have" he answered, looking down to look at his dog.

"What's it's name?" I asked, also admiring the dog. "Titus" he mumbled. "Like from Shakespeare?" I questioned, looking at him. "Yes, you know Shakespeare?" He responded, now looking at me.

He has nice eyes, wait what am I thinking, he's the enemy! For now at least. Besides aren't we rela... Crap he's staring at me, what did he ask?!

"Umm, can you please repeat" I said, quickly bringing my attention to Titus. He looks really- STOP IT!

"Yes, I got his name from the tragedy written by William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus" he repeated. "Cool" I answered, still looking at the dog.

I will not "fall" for him, and aren't we related? ew. Just look at him, not like he's going to murder you or someth...

"I then asked if you knew Shakespeare" he added, looking me in the eyes.
We made eye contact for about 2 seconds before I broke it.

I don't know to much Shakespeare stuff, if I say yes and he asks me more questions then I'm doomed. But if I say no, we might not become decent friends.

"I know a little" I responded, hoping for a good response from him. "Hmm, at least there is somebody else in this manor that knows that Shakespeare isn't a type of handshake!" He started to raise his voice, probably to get someone's attention.

"Little D, what's with all the yelling." A taller boy, correction, man, said while slowly walking towards us.

He has black hair, with a white streak in it, and he has blue eyes, and he looked as if he could be in his early twenties.

"Oh, who's your little friend?" He asked looking at me. "Todd, she is not my friend, this is Grayson's daughter, Mar'i"

"Oh, so you are the famous Mar'i, it's nice to meet y... Hey aren't you Starfire's kid?" He asked, looking at me. "You sure look like her, just younger and with black hair" he added, still observing me. "And your skin is a little lighter" he added.

I then started to remember my mother, and all of my memories with her. I'm about to cry I know it. I turned away from them and held my breath while squeezing my eyes shut. I thought for some reason this would stop me from crying. It didn't.

"See what you did Todd, your distasteful presence made her cry" HE said.

"Sorry kiddo, I don't know what it was I did, but I'll let you, do whatever your doing" Todd, as HE called him, said before leaving.

"I apologize for the fact that Todd has made you upset, perhaps a walk will bring your spirit up a bit?" HE asked. "I never got your name" I told him while wiping my eyes.

"Oh right, my name is Damian, that douchebag was Jason, but I call him by his last name, I do that to all my so called siblings" he answered.

"Well Damian at least I know your name now" I said with a slight smile on my face.
"Tt, whatever Grayson the II, let us walk Titus. He said before walking away.

I still don't know how Jason knew about my mom, but I don't want to think about it, I'm going to go on a walk with Damian and his Great Dane, Titus and clear my mind.

That was chapter 7, I wrote and published it today because I felt bad about keeping you guys waiting on chapter 6. Sorry that it was short but, at least I updated. My school starts in like 8 days, so I'm trying to write as much as possible before school time comes.
~~Question Time~~
If you were Mar'i, would you have answered Jason when he asked about Starfire? Would you tear up or stay strong or what?
Well that's it for Chapter 7, bye the way, what 11 year olds talk about Shakespeare, lol!
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I tried to make a rabbit, lol
Byeeee Guyyyyyys!~ Amber

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