Chapter 13~ sleepover part 3

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Sorry for the really long wait, school has just been pretty intense, and I've been working on something special for you guys. (It's a book that I'll keep constantly mentioning, warning I'll get annoying really quickly because I'ma keep mentioning it)

Also, I made a new cover!

WE GOT OVER 800 READS!!!!!!!

IF I get over 1k reads, I will publish chapter one to a new book that I've been working my butt off on. (More info at the end)

You guys are amazing and I love you all!

Next, shoutout to GoddyModdy recently they voted for like all the parts in my other stories, My favorite quotes from DC and stuff and DC memes and pictures. Thank you for that!

Okay so here is chapter 13!

~Mar'i's P.O.V~

Okay, so Lian is forcing me to ask Damian out on a date. That can't be to hard... Right? Oh who am I kidding, I can't do this.

I look back to see Lian smirking at me. I turn my head to look straight ahead and continue to walk down the hallway with my head down, slowly dragging my feet while walking.

I was wondering through the halls until I noticed Damian.

Awe hell nah

I quickly flew back to my room, hoping that he didn't notice me.

"Sooo, did you ask him?" Lian questioned, a smirk still present on her face.

"Uhh, yea" I lied.

"Fam, I thought that I had already told you, you're a sucky liar" Lian responded, still staring at me.

"Yea, I know" I mumbled out looking down.

"Look how about we make a deal, you do your dare and I'll ask out Colin" Lian said, grabbing my attention.

"Isn't Colin the boy that you were on the phone with and hung up on?" I asked.

"Yea, he's pretty chill I guess, but anyway... We can make your dare kinda like an eye for an eye" Lian continued.

"An eye for an eye" I questioned.

"Like if I stabbed out your eye you stab out mine..... hmm that was a bad example. But still, it's like you do something I do the same thing... Kinda. It's hard to explain and my brain doesn't want to work okay Mar'i." She babbled.

"You ask out Damian and I'll ask Colin out, and if you want we can go on a double date or something" Lian finished, looking at her phone.

"Okay, I think I've got this... Thanks Lian, you're an amazing friend" I added before walking out of my room.

"Oh Honey, I know" she gloated, still staring at her phone.

"I rolled my eyes yet laughed at the same time and just went to go find Damian"

~ Lian's P.O.V~

It's so cute that she thinks I'm going on a double date with her... Or any date for that matter. I have one mission and believe me I will make sure my mission is complete... Find Mar'i a boyfriend.
I've been so worried about her all this time. I used to protect my bff from bullies and jerks, and I can't do that if I live far away from her and go to a different school.
By the way that she talks about Damian, I can tell that he cares about her and that he can protect my bestest friend in the whole entire frickin universe.
Wait... What if he breaks her heart? Eh, then I'll just break his face. (A/N my solution when my best friend's boyfriend dumped her) Mar'i's been gone for a while, I wonder if she's okay.

~Mar'i's P.O.V~

Okay Mar'i, you always talk to him, so what difference does it make now.

"Her Dami! How are you coat!" I blurted out. He just gave me the world's most confused look ever.

"Uh Mar'i, how are your coat, makes no sense" He replied with one eyebrow raised, still staring at me.

"Uh right, I meant how are you and I like your coat, is it new?" I corrected.

"Yes, father told me that a new coat would be bests since it might start snowing soon, not like I'll go outside though bec...." He started but I cut him off.

"Wait it's gonna snow?! Last year there was no snow and I was upset" I blurted.

"There was no snow because we went to Hawaii for Christmas you stupid girl" he explained.

"Oh, right" I mumbled out.

"Do you enjoy the snow?" I questioned

"No, not really. I find it quite cold" he answered.

"Of course it's cold you idiot, it's snow!" I responded to his stupidity.

"I know, but I don't see why people find it fun" He objected.

"You just don't know how to have fun... But I can change that" I offered, suddenly feeling excited.

"Oh dear lord, please have mercy on me and my soul" Damian prayed.

I rolled my eyes while dragging him out of the manor.

Am I forgetting anything? Nah.

Mar'i you forgot about Lian!!!!!!!

Okay, I know that the chapter was short, and I apologize for that.

I am currently writing a new book titled, Don't Enter The Woods. It's a horror book.

*it doesn't have demonfire or DC in it* it is just a regular horror book. But I added a character named Damian Logan and Timothy Drake if it makes ya feel better.

If you're into horror or Supernatural (it's kinda like supernatural) then I feel as if you might enjoy it!

I'll post an update on here telling you when chapter 1 of that book is out in case you are interested, it's supposed to be my way of thanking you guys IF I do get 1k reads, and it'll be a while before that so yea.

If you really want a spoiler about it private message me and I'll send you a description.

Anyway, bye my precious narwhals!

Love, a small word with a big meaning (a demonfire fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora