Chapter Three - Arianna

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~Arianna's POV~

"Are you serious? You met Ashton and Michael?! That's so awesome!" I cheered, ecstatic. I couldn't believe she had met them! That was so crazy!

"And, do you want to know the best part?!" The grin on her face was way too wide to be real.

"What?!" I squealed. She looked at me oddly before laughing.

"They invited us to a party they're having tonight!" My best friend looked way way WAY more happy then normal. It was nice. Then what she said hit me. Party. Tonight. Five Seconds Of Summer.

"YES!!!! You said yes right?!" I was bouncing up and down in excitement. I couldn't believe this was real.

"No. I told them I wasn't interested in their party and they would have to have fun without us." Leather waved her hand dismissively. My eyes went as wide as saucers and my mouth dropped open.

"You did WHAT?!" I shouted. Leather burst out laughing and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Bitch." I laughed.

"You know you love me!" Leather grinned. I rolled my eyes at her.

"No. I hate you. You lied." I pouted. This time it was Leather who rolled her eyes at me. 

"So are you going to continue making dinner and looking like you smelled something gross or are you going to thank me for saying yes to them?"

"Thank you! Thank you! Ah I get to meet people!" I ran off toward my room cheering happily. Ah! Five Seconds of Summer! I loved their music! I didn't know much about them but they were cute and their music was great!

I had to get dressed up and look cute! Who knew what kind of cuties would be at that party? I had to make sure to look my best! Just as I was pulling out a sparkling blue shirt I paused. What did it matter if there were cute guys there tonight? I had a boyfriend...

The little voice inside my head, also known as my annoying conscience, spoke up. He just treated you horribly. You two are on a break, basically broken up. I sighed and sat down on my bed. Why did that little voice always have to say something?

"Ari what are you doing?" Leather inquired as she leaned against the doorway of my room. I looked up at her between my fingers.

"Figuring out if I should even bother going tonight or not." I told her seriously.

"What happened with you and Nathan that you're so out of it?" I knew she was giving me a disapproving look. She never really liked Nathan. According to her he treated me badly.

"We're on a break." I replied, waiting for the inevitable judgment.

"A break?" She was attempting to keep her voice reserved. She didn't do that much.

"He told me all of my questioning was annoying him so we aren't going to be talking for a couple days." I shrugged, finally daring to fully glance up at her.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?" She asked seriously.

"Treat me like what? I do get annoying sometimes." I shrugged. Leather gave me a small glare.

"Get up off your butt and get ready to go to the party." I knew she was sparing me one of her speeches about Nathan and how horrible he was.

"Aren't you going to get dressed up? We're going out." I smiled lopsidedly at her and picked up the blue sparkling shirt again.

"I don't get dressed up to go out." She rolled her eyes. I stuck my tongue out at her. Changing into the blue sparkling shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans and my tan and blue wedges.

"Dinner time!" I yelled as I headed into the kitchen.

"Quesadilas!" Leather shouted happily. I nodded and started to cook while taking a sip from my piña colada smoothie. Did I mention I love piña coladas? Without alcohol ofcourse. I don't do illegal things! Often.... Kidding! Maybe.... "Are you ready to meet your new favorite band?" Leather asked, distracting me from my very odd train of thought.

"Obviously! I hope I they're as nice and funny in person." I stated in a dreamy way.

"You're such a fangirl." Leather laughed. I flipped her off and then placed her food infront of her.

"So, did you really yell and tell Michael you're into dummers?" I asked curiously. She nodded, already busy eating. "And Ashton was there?" I added in the inquiry.

"Is there a point to these questions?" Leather responded getting all sassy. I chuckled and shook my head no. No need for her to know that she had told the two boys that she was into Ashton.

"So what time is this party?" I decided to change the direction of my questioning. Leather checked her phone for a few moments and then looked at the clock.

"In about an hour. Want to watch some Girl Code?" She smiled knowingly. I nodded excitedly and we headed into the livingroom.


"Are you sure we're in the right place?" I poked Leather's shoulder again as we walked up the walk way to a fairly large home.

"Well, if the pounding bass and flashing colorful lights are anything to go by, then yes, we're in the right place." She replied sarcastically. I wrinkled my nose at her and continued up to the front door.

"Maybe these shoes were a bad idea...." I glanced down at the wedges. My feet were already killing me. How in the world would I be able to dance?

"And who is to blame for you picking those shoes?" My best friend and mother like figure at the moment asked me. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Me. Don't shove it in my face." I placed my hands on my hips attempting to look sassy as Leather knocked on the front door. Just as she was about to respond the door opened and revealed the cutest boy I had ever seen. Hello Luke Hemmings.

If you're reading this you are loved and that is all you need to know! Comment and vote :) xx Anne

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