Chapter Eleven - Arianna

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~Arianna's POV~

"Arianna! You can't go in my room!" Luke shouted as he chased me up the stairs. He was right behind me. If I slowed down he would catch me. And we couldn't have that.

"Why Luke? Are you hiding something?" I giggled. Once I finally got in to the hall I dashed toward the room I had figured out was his.

"No! It's a mess though." He yelled as I stumbled over myself but kept running. "Arianna!" He laughed and just as I got to the door of his room he tackled me.

"Hi." I smiled up at him, his arms around me as we were both on the ground.

"Hey." He smirked.

"What are you two doing?" Calum asked, his head popping out of the room that was obviously his.

"Keeping her out of my room." Luke said nonchalantly.

"Oh good, I thought you were just about to make out on the floor." Calum replied.

"I have a...." I cut myself off from finishing that sentence. I didn't have a boyfriend anymore. Well fuck.

"Ari? You okay?" Luke questioned, leaning back off of me. I shook my head no and sat up, him leaning back on his heels but staying on his knees.

"You have a what?" Calum inquired, looking confused. I didn't blame him. I probably looked like an idiot. There goes that whole good impression on these boys thing.

"Nothing. I don't have anything." I muttered and pushed myself up off of the ground.

"I'm confused." Calum stated. Yeah well me samezies bro. Get used to it when I'm around. I really did cause a whole mess of problems. My name should be something that means problem bringer or bad luck. I would have to google that and then legally change my name.

I always wanted to do that. Legally change my name I mean. Although I always figured that I would just be changing my last name eventually so atleast I would get some change. Thinking about that was depressing. Nathan wasn't interested in me anymore. No one was.

"Arianna?" Luke's hand was infront of my face.

"Stop doing that! You're gonna give me a heartattack." I mumbled and smacked his hand away. Then I smiled. "And ow, you're giving me a heartattack looking like you do-o."

"Cause you're all I ever wanted." Luke smirked and sang. How did he do that? I wanted to be able to do that! Talents I will never possess. That would be a long long list. Geez why do I ramble so much?

"How do you do that?" I asked, poking his cheek. He laughed and raised his eyebrow.

"Do what?" Came his reply.

"THAT!" I pointed at his face.

"Look this good and not have a girlfriend? No idea." He chuckled. Guitarists have such egos.

"Ha. Ha. So funny." I rolled my eyes.

"I know. I'm a comedic genius." Did he ever stop smirking? I mean it was attractive, but really!

"Listen you arrogant little boy..." I started but was cut off.

"Did you just call me little?" He looked so offended. Ahhhhhhh, I wounded his ego. How precious.

"You two just going to sit there flirting or is someone going to answer the phone that's sitting in the floor ringing?" Calum questioned. I forgot he was still there. Wow that probably seemed super rude.

"We're not flirting." I answered at the same time Luke said, "what phone?" We both looked at eachother quickly. Was he flirting? Was I? I didn't think I was... Oooh no. I refused to be one of THOSE girls. The ones who flirt without realizing. Those were the worst because they hurt peoples feelings in the end.

"That one." Calum stated, and I looked on the ground next to me to see my phone ringing. When did that start?

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller id. Really, who could it be? It wasn't like some psycho from a horror film would call me and say he could see me. That's Scream, isn't it? Oh well.

"Arianna! Where are you?! Your class ended like three hours ago!" Leather shouted through the phone. Hmmm, probably should have left a note.

"At the... Hm, I guess it's the Hemmings, Irwin, Clifford, Hood residence..." I paused for a second. Seriously, they shared the house. Should I call it the five sauce house? Would she even get that?

"You're with those boys?" My best friend inquired. No, it was totally the other boys I had met.

"What do you mean by THOSE boys?" I giggled. Luke raised his eyebrow and I made a face at him.

"The ones we literally met yesterday." She responded. I giggled again as Luke made a cute face. "Stop flirting with Luke and focus." It's like she was reading my mind. Geez. I began playing with my hands, holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder.

"I'm not. And yes, those ones. I have to talk to you about some stuff." I looked down to where Luke had just taken a hold of my hands. Ugh.

"Well then get back to the apartment. We both have stuff to talk about." Leather said in a weird way. Well alright then. We ended our phone call and Luke gave me a look that clearly asked me to explain.

"I gotta get back to the apartment. Best friend calls." I smiled sideways at him. He nodded and helped me to stand up.

"See you soon Arianna." Calum said before going back in his room.

"See ya Hood." I waved even though he couldn't see me. Luke and I both walked down the stairs and successfully made it to the front door before Michael appeared, looking different than yesterday. Just something about the look on his face. Less arrogant. More thoughtful. Then he saw me and it changed back to normal. Weird.

"You two sure are getting cozy." He chuckled. I narrowed my eyes at him, about to reply but decided it was better not to. That would just end with me crying or really angry.

"Want me to walk you home?" Luke was clearly ignoring Michael too. I shook my head no.

"I can get there myself, but thanks for the offer. It was sweet." I squeezed his hand before releasing it and heading out the door. It took only a few minutes to get home. It actually wasn't all that far away. Surprisingly. When I walked through the door to the apartment Leather had this serious look on her face. Was I in trouble?

Love you to pieces! Cute as a button every single one of you! Vote and comment please! Xx Anne

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