Chapter Five - Arianna

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~Arianna's POV~

Can I help you two?" Luke asks, looking Leather up and down, then finally turning his attention to me. Oooh my God! Speak Arianna! Speak!

"Ashton invited us. I'm Leather and this is Arianna." Leather answered and he smiled at me. Why was he smiling at me? What was happening?!

"Oh, you're the girl him and Michael met today. Nice to meet you. I'm Luke." While stating his name Luke looked at me with a grin. Oh Jesus.

"I...I know who you are." I stuttered out. He must think I'm such an idiot. Why an I such an idiot?

"I'm gonna go inside. You two kids have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Leather smirks and brushes party Luke into the house. No don't leave me!! She blows me a kiss and then disappears. Why does she hate me so much?!

"Well since you know my name, mind telling me yours?" Luke inquired, leaning against the doorframe. Oh geez, focus Ari! Say something.

"Weren't you listening to Leather?" I replied instead. The smirk from a few moments before reappeared on his lips.

"Not really. I was focusing on how good you look." I knew my cheeks were turning red. Why did he have to compliment me?

"I have a boyfriend." I whispered, looking down at the ground. When I looked back up he was looking at me oddly.

"Where is he?" What was with all the questions mister punk band?

"In America." I responded, frowning a little.

"Now why is it every time this boyfriend of yours is brought up you look sad?" Luke's inquisition started to make me wonder.

"We're taking a break at the moment." I shrugged. His ever present cute smirk reappeared.

"Maybe I can help distract you then.... Ahhhhhhh you never told me your name." He held out his hand, extending it to mine.

"Arianna." I grinned, placing my hands in his. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm around me and then pulling me into the house. Damn boy.

Once inside of the house I was introduced to a huge group of people. Everyone was really nice. What really made me happy though was the fact that Luke didn't leave my side. He even brought me with him to get me a drink. He was a total sweetheart. Who wouldn't love that?

"Luke! Luke!" I heard someone shout over the loud music. Why couldn't the person just walk over? The two of us were having a very nice conversation. Okay, so maybe we were just talking about when their album would FINALLY be out. But it was a step forward from our doorway conversation.

"Hey Calum!" Luke shouted back, turning so he was standing next to me and facing Calum. Ah! Calum Hood! Two members of 5SOS down, two to go.

"Who's this?" Calum asked, finally being close enough where he didn't have to yell.

"Arianna." I held out my hand.

"Calum." He grinned weirdly and shook it. What?

"She knows." Luke smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and then stuck my tongue out.

"What do you mean she knows?" Calum gave both of us a confused look.

"I'm a fan of your music." I stated, only to have Luke smirk a little bit more.

"Right, the music is what you're interested in." My companion for the night chuckled. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but up until now I didn't think any of you were all that cute in pictures. Your song unpredictable was what made me listen to you." I responded all sassy. I wonder if he would think me trying to be sassy was just adorable too. That's what Leather almost always thought.

"Oh, I like this one. She's spunky." Another voice came from the side of us. I turned my head to see none other than Michael Clifford. Oh my God. Life being completed right now. Shh, Ari, don't fangirl!

"But you don't like Leather?" Calum asked with a mischievous little grin.

"She sassed him." Luke chuckled, looking at Michael with a grin that was nothing but cocky.

"Like a girl has never done that to you." Michael replied.

"Nope." Luke stated proudly.

"Um, sorry to burst your bubble sweetie, but I just sassed you about two minutes ago." I held my hand up pointing at myself while placing the other on my hip.

"See, I knew I liked her." Michael smiled. "Who is she?"

"Arianna. She's Leather's friend." Calum said. This was a fangirl's dream come true. They were talking to me like a normal person. They were so super chill and friendly. Especially Luke. I could definitely see us being good friends.

"I'm Michael." Pink-haired cocky boy said. I smiled and was about to reply to him when Calum and Luke cut me off.

"She knows." They said in unison. Asshats.

"Where's Leather?" I inquired, looking around and pouting.

"Did we hurt your feelings?" Luke asked, ignoring my question and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Who said he could do that again?

"No. Maybe. Where's my best friend?" One more my question was ignored. Luke placed his index finger under my chin and lifted my face so we made eyecontact.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly. I shrugged.

"It's fine." I replied.

"Why are you so okay with people treating you meanly?" Luke's face seemed to be so full of concern. Geez, the guy had known me for all of half an hour and already it was like he knew me. Shh, don't tell Leather that I think Luke is right, cause that means she's right.

"Can we go find Leather please?" I asked, sort of brushing his question off.

"Yeah sure. We'll see you two later." Luke pulled me along with him through the house, searching everywhere for Leather. We made our way upstairs and saw a door that was halfway open. When we got to the doorway, I saw something I never thought I would see. Ashton was about to kiss Leather. "Are we interrupting anything?" Luke asked with a smirk. Does he ever stop smirking? I saw a bright red blush on Leather's cheeks and couldn't help but laugh a little. That girl was so clueless.

"Nope. Not at all." Ashton had a goofy grin on his face. Aw. How cute.

"You sure about that?" I raised my eyebrow at Leather. She gave me an odd look and I laughed again. Catching her in this position was just so hilarious.

"Yeah. Um, let's go.... Get a drink." She stood up and grabbed my arm, starting to pull me back toward downstairs.

"I'll catch you later?" Luke inquired, letting go of my hand. When did he grab that?

"Definitely. I'll see you later." I grinned and followed her downstairs. "so, what was going on with you and Ashton?" I asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Leather said shaking her head. I laughed super loud at that and she shot me a glare. Oops.


"So you have my number right?" Luke asked, leaning against the doorway as I waited for Leather. Was this how he started and ended every evening?

"Yeah. You have mine?" I questioned. He nodded and just starred at me. Oh geez. Stahp!

"We'll have to hangout sometime." He finally said after about a minute.

"I agree." I answered, still feeling a little odd that he was starring me down.

"Ready to go?" Leather appeared, moving around Luke to get outside while Ashton appeared behind her.

"Yup. Bye guys." I waved semi awkwardly. Ashton gave a goofy grin and Luke gave a smirk as Leather and I turned to leave.

As usual, love you to pieces if you're reading this! Xx Anne

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