Chapter Thirteen - Arianna

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~Arianna's POV~

"Drummers just know how to bang." Leather smirked at me.

"Yeah, but guitarists are just so talented with their fingers." I smirked back. That conversation had taken such a wrong turn.

"Listen all I'm saying is that guitarists have egos. Drummers are classy." My best friend laughed, holding up her hands in mock defense.

"So classy that they act like animals." I scoffed, we both rolled our eyes at eachother as we walked through the campus. The effort of walking though. Really. Way too much. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out.

Luke: 'Dinner tonight? Just you and I?'

I smiled down at my phone. He was such a sweetheart. The perfect friend. He was being so nice since two nights ago. Then Leather's words rang in my head. "He has a major hard on for you, you know? You can practically see his pants get tighter the second he looks at you." Why did she have to say that? That wasn't even true. We were just friends. He didn't see me like that at all.

Me: 'Just you and I huh? I'm in :)'

I would prove Leather wrong. Luke and I were friends. Nothing more. I could go to dinner with just a friend. Easy.

"So do you want to do something tonight? Maybe explore the town or something?" Leather questioned, raising her eyebrow at me. Um, um, damn.

"I actually sort of just made plans..." I muttered, playing with my hands. She gave me that 'Oh Really?' look and I looked down.

"Oh! You're going out with HIM." She said, and you could almost hear the smile in her voice. No. No that was not okay.

"Don't say it like that. He just invited me to dinner. A FRIENDLY dinner." I stated, tucking my hair behind my ear. She smirked and rolled her eyes. Ugh! "Actually, you wanted to hangout and listen to their music before the show right? I'll ask him if we can do that." I decided that that was the best course of action.

"No by all means, enjoy your date, um, I mean dinner." She grinned. I was gonna wack her.

Me: 'Change of plans. How about u, me, and Leather listen to some songs tonight? Raincheck for dinner?'

Luke: 'yeah ofcourse. As long as that raincheck is good ;)'

I smiled and then turned my attention to Leather again. Why was I getting butterflies in my stomach? I wasn't even interested in him like that... I didn't think so atleast. It was just that, well he was such a good friend. Oooh my God...

"I told Luke that I didn't want to leave you all alone, so we're all hanging out tonight." I said.

"You know you didn't have to change your plans for me." Leather said in a weird way.

"It's fine. I get to show you some of their music. I think you'll love it." I smiled, trying not to show my slight disappointment. I didn't even know why I felt disappointed. It was so stupid. I was so stupid. That must have been why he left me. Well, I already knew that didn't I? God it hurt. Him leaving me like that. The only reason I was even awake and functioning was because of Leather and Luke.

"Arianna...." Leather waved her hand infront of my face. I gasped and took a step back. "Zone out much?" My best friend laughed. I stuck my tongue out and then shook my head.

"Just thinking. I'll see you later after class okay?" I smiled. She nodded and we headed our separate ways.

Me: 'I'm good for it :) don't worry kiddo.'

A few moments later my phone started ringing. Oooh geez. Phone calls never seemed to work out for me.

"Hello?" I answered, slightly uncertain.

"I'm not a kiddo." Came a slightly irritated voice. I grinned from ear to ear.

"But you are." I laughed.

"Don't call me kiddo." Luke said. I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"Listen, I actually have a class in about a minute so I'll discuss this with you later, okay?" I didn't even give him the chance to respond. Just hung up. He would get used to it.


"Ah!" I shouted and jumped on top of Leather.

"Get off of me!" She laughed and shoved me away so I wound up sideways on Luke's lap.

"Hey." I grinned. He rolled his eyes.

"Hey." He smirked.

"So are we going to listen to this supposedly 'pop-punk' music or what?" Leather raised her eyebrow at us. Oh yeah, that was the plan. I got so sidetracked.

"Definitely! I think we should listen to out of my limit first!" I smiled.

"Really? That's the one you recommend?" Luke asked. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well what did you have in mind?" I asked, attempting to be sassy. My sass was totally improving.

"I was going to say we should listen to Try Hard." He shrugged. Ah, I see which song he liked.

"Alright mister band member, we'll listen to your choice first." I held my hands up and then reached backwards to the speakers that were set up that my phone was connected to. Try Hard was flowing through the speakers a minute later and Luke was singing along under his breath. How cute.

"She's dropping outta school 'cause she don't need the grades. The colors in her hair don't seem to fade. I get dressed up when I go out but she gets dressed down. She's 17, I told her I'm 20. I can't take her out 'cause mom's got no money. It's stuff like this that makes me wish that I could change somehow." I saw Leather bopping her head to the music and I knew we had her. Okay, so maybe Luke had a good idea.

"Sitting here at home, it's obvious. She's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard 'Cause she makes me feel, makes me feel, Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard, 'Cause I'm not being me, and it's getting me down That she makes me think, makes me think, That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again 'Cause I'm trying too hard again."

"Don't you love it?" I poked Leather's shoulder.

"Sh." she said instantly. Ahhhhhhh, I win!

"She's got a rose tattoo but she keeps it covered, I play guitar but she's into drummers," Leather smiled as soon as she heard that line.

"I said that to Ashton and Michael when I met them. That I was into drummers I mean." She said, mostly to Luke. I giggled and Luke smirked.

"Did you really?" He asked. She nodded and then looked very confused as Luke and I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Leather asked. It was hilarious how absolutely oblivious she was.

"Do you know what that means for the show?" Luke whispered in my ear. Oh, shock of a lifetime right there.

"That's going to be priceless!" I smiled, still giggling, trying to hide my face in Luke's shirt.

"Would someone like to explain to me what's so hilarious about me telling Michael and Ashton that I'm into drummers?" Leather asked, looking a bit annoyed with us. If I were her I would kind of be too.

"Just that you totally owned Michael." I continued to laugh. "Next song!" I shouted as I changed the song to Unpredictable.

"You aren't going to tell her?" Luke said softly in my ear. I felt a shiver go down my spine. I was probably just cold. I guess Luke felt it too because he tugged me closer to him to keep me warm. I shook my head no and then looked to see Leather watching us. Problem? Oh God I was starting to sound like her. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and smiled at my best friend.

"So do you like it?" I asked, leaning just slightly into Luke's warmth.

"Surprisingly." Leather smirked. That girl I swear.

Okie dokie folks! As always if you're reading this I adore ya! Comment and Vote por favor! That's Spanish for please :) xx Anne

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