Chapter Thirty-Eight - Leather

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~Leather's POV~

"Are you gonna join the world today, princess?" Ari asked as she came into my room and sat on the end of my bed.

"No." I muttered and pulled my blanket up higher. It's been a couple days since my birthday and I have not left my room since. Well, except to pee of course. Ari has been bringing me food. Luke spends some time with me when he is over, but none of it helps. 

"Leather, you need to go to class. Your professors are not going to accept any more excuses. I know it's hard, but you have to get up." Ari said as she walked over to the window in my room and opened up the blinds. I groaned at the light.

"Ugh. Fine." I crawled out of my bed and slid on my glasses and my flip flops. I began walking out of my room when Ari stopped me.

"You're going to class like that?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Listen, you got me out of bed. That's all I can give you right now." I said as I walked passed her and went on my way to class.

I couldn't even tell you what I learned in class. It took everything in me not to curl in on myself and hide from everyone and everything. I couldn't get Ashton out of my head. The anger and hurt in his eyes. I hate that I am always the cause of that. 

On my way out of class, my teacher, Ken, asked me to stay. I walked over to his desk and he waited until everyone was gone. "So, Leather, nice of you to join us today." 

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. 

Ken sighed and got up from his desk and asked me to follow him. We went into the recording studio attached to his classroom. This was my favorite part of college. I loved coming in here and clearing my mind and letting the music heal me.

"Leather, I've spent many years in the business and as a teacher and I can tell when someone has had their heartbroken or is sad and you are clearly both of those." Ken gestured to my appearance. I was still in the same clothes I changed into the night of my birthday and my hair was in a messy bun paired with my glasses. 

"What does my current emotional state have to do with the studio?" I asked as I sat down at one of the chairs at the sound board.

"I have a proposition for you. You can either make up all the work you missed while you were out or you can record a cover of a song that means something to you right now, a song that speaks the words that are in your heart. Music has the power to heal and make us understand, Leather. It has the power to make us feel like there is still hope. So, what will it be?" Ken asked as he leaned back in a chair.

I took a look around the recording studio and sighed. "I'll record the song." 

Ken smiled and got up to leave. "Good plan. All I need is two verses and a chorus." Ken patted my shoulder and headed toward the door. "Oh, Leather," he began and I turned around to face him, "I hope whatever is hurting you works out for you, kiddo. If not, use it to your creative advantage." I smiled and nodded and Ken left me and the studio alone. 

I set up the sound board and made my way into the booth. I picked up the acoustic guitar and a pick and sat myself in front of the microhone. A song that means something to me. A song that speaks the words in my heart. Right. Here goes nothing.

'I don't wanna fight no more

Only wanna get to shore

Baby, don't slam the door tonight

We ran another off the tracks

That's time we can't get back

But, we can save tomorrow if we try

Oh, 'til we make this right

Oh, I won't say goodnight

I just wanna make you laugh

I just wanna see that smile

Babe, we're only here, oh, for a little while

I just wanna hold you till we fall asleep

I want love, I want us, I want you, I want, me, I want peace

Everybody needs a palce

Somewhere that's warm and safe

A shelter from this crazy world we're in

Bug tonight I let the rain inside

And took away your palce to hide

I'm sorry that I made you cry again

Oh, we can make this right

Oh, kiss me goodnight'

I finished the song and squeezed my eyes letting the tears that built up fall. "I didn't know you could sing, or play for that matter." I jumped at a voice and looked to see Calum on the other side of the sound proof glass. 

I put down the guitar and exited the booth. I cut off the recording and sighed as Calum handed me a coffee. "Only Arianna knows. What are you doing here, Calum?" I asked as I sat down and started finalizing the recording. 

"I called Ari and she said you were at school and your professor told me you were in here. You sounded amazing, by the way." Calum smiled and took a sip of his coffee.

"Cal, what do you want?" 

"We need to talk, Leather. You need to make things right with Ashton." He said. I rolled my eyes and continued working on the song. Calum grunted and reached out and spun my chair so that I was facing him and held it there. "I am serious."

"Cal, he hates me! I broke his heart, AGAIN! There's no point in me trying to talk to him. He will just walk away or slam the door in my face or something." I sighed as I sat back in my seat.

"You can't let him go on tour with a broken heart." Calum said as he looked me in the eyes.

"What? Tour?" 

"Yeah, tour. We got the call the night of your birthday. We leave April nineteenth."

"Wow." I sat back in the chair again and stared blankly at the sound board.

"So, will you please go talk to Ashton? He hasn't gotten out of bed. He won't eat unless I straddle him and force it in his mouth. Maybe even play him this song you just recorded because I know it reminded you of him. Just do something, Leather."

"Okay." I nodded my head and Calum smiled. "Hey, Cal, can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot." He smiled as he leaned back in the chair.

"Why is your hand bandaged?"

Cal looked down at his hand and sighed. "Well, I kind of beat up Daimon a bit before him and Nathan got on their plane."

"Why?! Oh my God! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just a little busted and he messed with two people I love very much and I wasn't going to let him get away with that without at least a couple of scratches." 

I smiled and walked over to give Calum a hug. "I love you too, Cal. SO much. My little monkey." I giggled and squished his cheeks.

He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Good, now go get your man back!" 

"I will." I took the cd for my professor and grabbed my coffee before heading out of the studio. "Oh, Cal, thank you, for everything." He smiled and shooed me away. I laughed and made my way to Ken's desk. I placed the cd on his desk and he smiled.

"Go fix the rest of that broken heart, kiddo." I smiled and waved as I headed toward the boy's house. I slipped the extra cd I made to have Ash listen to it like Calum said to. I just want peace. 

Will Leather and Ashton make up? Stay tuned to find out! Can you believe Cal beat up Daimon?! Me either! Ah! Oh, also, the song in this chapter is Peace by O.A.R.  It is a great song and I suggest you all listen to it. Thanks for reading! All my love, Harmony xxx

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