Chapter Seven - Arianna

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~Arianna's POV~

"Hey we're taking on the world, I'll take you where you want to go, pick you up if you fall to pieces, let me be the one to save you." I sang under my breath.

"I love that you know our songs." I heard a familiar voice say behind me.  Gasping a bit, I whirled around to see Luke standing behind me in the Starbucks line. Holy cow!

"When did you get there?" I shouted, holding my hand over my heart. Luke chuckled and then smirked.

"About a minute ago. I would stop shouting if I were you though. People are starring at you." His smirk didn't leave his face when I looked around and saw he was right. Damn him.

"That's your fault." I muttered as I walked up to the counter. The girl smiled at me and then looked passed me to Luke, where her eyes stayed.

"What can I get you?" The girl asked Luke.

"Oh I don't know, what do you want babe?" Luke wrapped his arm around my shoulder. The girl narrowed her eyes at me, looking like she wanted to rip my hair out. Ah. I see what he did there. Asshole.

"I don't know. You buying, babe?" I said through my smiling teeth. He shot me yet another smirk.

"Ofcourse sweetie." He made a smoochie face at me.

"Well then, darling, I would just adore a caramel frappuccino!" I squeaked, nuzzling closer. The girl behind the counter looked ready to kill me. Luke, you cause so many problems!

"Alright pumpkin, you go sit down and I'll bring our drinks over when they're ready." I rolled my eyes at him and walked away. Idiot. I walked over to a high table toward the corner and sat down. As I put my phone on top of the table it vibrated.

Ashton: 'found her! Thanks'

I smiled and laughed a little. Such a weird little boy. Well, he was older than me but you know, maturity wise and all. I felt a pair of eyes burning the back of my head so I turned in my seat to see the cashier girl still glaring at me. This is not what I need before I go to my first day of classes.

"If you don't acknowledge her, she'll stop plotting your murder." Luke said, appearing out of nowhere. I gasped and clutched my chest again. What the hell was this kid doing?

"I hate you." I laughed, shaking my head and reaching for my drink. Before I could get a grip on the cup he pulled it away.

"Is that any way to talk to the boy who just bought you Starbucks?" He teased. I stuck my tongue out and reached for the drink again. This time he wagged his finger at me.

"I need sugar! Luke!" I whined, reaching for the cup once more. He rolled his eyes. The drink was placed infront of me with a smile.

"Only because that face you made was pretty cute." He chuckled. Who was this kid? What boy says that?

"You mean this face?" I giggled and scrunched up my face the way I had before. He started laughing and I felt the butterflies in my stomach erupt. What was he doing to me? I have a boyfriend! Well... HAD a boyfriend. Was that break the first part of a break up? Was Nathan going to leave me?

Thinking about Nathan brought me back to what Leather had said that morning. Why did she hate Nathan so much? I mean, I know he could be a but harsh sometimes but I deserved it really. I was annoying and over the top. Who wants someone like that?

The way Leather had said she didn't think I was the one who should be giving relationship advice. That was hurtful. I knew Nathan and I weren't perfect but we were still a couple. That's more than I could say for her and her guys she's had trouble with.

I stopped my train of thought right there. I shouldn't have even thought that. That was just rude and unnecessary. A good friend doesn't say those kinds of things. Well, I didn't say it to her face but I thought it and that's the first step to saying things like that out loud. I frowned down at my frappuccino as I thought about that.

"Hello! Earth to Arianna!" Luke's hand was suddenly right infront of my face. Startled, I launched myself back away from the new objects appearance. That was a bad idea. My chair began to top backwards and I could see my life flashing before my eyes. I was going to die.

Then without warning Luke tugged on my arm, pulling me toward the table we were sitting at. The chair landed back on all four legs and my life then felt safe. He just saved my life. I mean, not literally but he was totally my new best friend! Hmmm... Would Leather be offended?

"Are you okay?" Luke looked at me seriously. I nodded and carefully glanced at his hand which was still gripping my wrist. His eyes landed there too. For a few moments we both just starred until he finally released me. Geez boy.

"Um, yeah. I'm good. Thanks for, you know, that!" I smiled awkwardly. I sounded like such an idiot. He thought I was a totally moronic teenage fangirl. Though, I completely forgot he was famous while I was around him. He was so normal. Is that weird?

"Yeah ofcourse. Don't want you to get hurt." He flashed an award winning smile and my heart melted. Stahp! I'm taken boy! Maybe this was just how Luke was with girl friends? See, that little space inbetween girl and friends, that's the friendzone. I would be taking permanent residence there.

"I suppose me getting hurt would be bad considering I have my first class in...." I looked down at my phone only to have my eyes bug out, "five minutes! Oh Luke I'll talk to you later! Thanks for the coffee! Bye!" I blew him a kiss and then ran out of Starbucks with my frappuccino in hand. Did I just blow him a kiss? I'm such a weirdo! Ahhhhhhh late for class!


I smiled down at my phone which was sitting on the table desk thing as my professor lectured and lectured about the Piaget Theories. Shut up man! I already know these!

Luke: 'how about tomorrow?'

Me: 'I have class tomorrow!'

Luke: 'well when do you get out?'

Me: 'it's a morning class. I get out at nine forty five'

Luke: 'how about hanging out after?'

I laughed a little under my breath at him. He was such a loser. Why did he even want to hangout with me anyway?

Me: 'haha, sure Luke! See you tomorrow at ten :)'

After my last message he didn't bother to reply. Guess he was waiting for tomorrow. I tuned back into the lecture and wanted to die of boredom as I realized that he was still on the same part of the lesson. What the hell man?!

Love you bunches and you're all my favorites! Comment and vote! XxAnne

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