Chapter Four - Leather

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~Leather's POV~

"He told me all of my questioning was annoying him so we aren't going to be talking for a couple days." Arianna tells me of her relationship with Nathan as I stand in the doorway of her room. 

"Why do you let him treat you like that?" I asked seriously. I really, really hate this kid. I swear, if we were back in America, I would make it impossible for him to produce offspring. 

"Treat me like what? I do get annoying sometimes." Arianna says as she shrugs. I shoot her a glare with enough ammunition to kill.

"Get up off your butt and get ready to go to the party." I tell her. I don't want to yell at her right now. I know she is having a hard time. 

"Aren't you going to get dressed up? We're going out." Arianna smiles and picks up a sparkly blue top.

"I don't get dressed up to go out." I roll my eyes and she sticks out her tongue. I don't see anything wrong with my outfit. I quite like my army jacket, leggings, tank top, and combat boots. Maybe I'll add a beanie just to piss Arianna off. 

We eat dinner and to my liking, Arianna made quesadillas. Win! Throughout dinner, Arianna kept asking me questions about my interaction with Ashton and Michael. I don't undersand what's so interesting. It was just me talking to random guys I meant. No biggie. 

On the way to the party, Arianna was already complaining about her shoes. I told her not to wear the wedges. "Maybe these shoes were a bad idea...." I hear Arianna say as we reach the house that we figured was the party. 

"And who is to blame for you picking those shoes?" I tease and Arianna sticks her tongue out at me. 

"Me. Don't shove it in my face." Arianna tries to look sassy, but it comes across kind of adorable. I try not to laugh as I knock on the door. The door opens to show a boy with blonde hair and a smirk. 

"Can I help you two?" He looks me up and down before moving to Arianna. I see his eyes light up a bit when he looks at her. I turn to see Arianna look completely starstruck. Why is she freaking out so much over these boys?

"Ashton invited us. I'm Leather and this is Arianna." I answer and he smiles at Arianna. I swear I can hear the butterflies fluttering about in her stomach. Maybe this kid can be a good distraction for her. 

"Oh, you're the girl him and Michael met today. Nice to meet you. I'm Luke." He says his name more to Arianna than to me. 

"I...I know who you are." Arianna stutters which makes him smile even more. 

I try hard to stifle my laughter, but it's a failed attempt. "I'm gonna go inside. You two kids have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I smirk and Arianna gives me a 'help me' look, but I just blow her a kiss and walk past Luke into the house. 

Music is blasting and it's pretty good music. Early 2000s punk and alternative. Nice choice. There is a guy next to a keg handing out beer. Hhmm, I'll go for it. It's legal here, right? I shrug off the thought and decide to blame it the cliche of experimenting and rebelling in college or something like that.

"You must be the smoothie girl! What's your name? Denim?" I turn around to see a boy with dark brown hair and a black tshirt on. He has a cup in his hand too. He must have been on the line behind me.

"It's Leather." I scream over the music and he smiles. 

"I heard you sassed Michael. Nice job." He tips his cup to me and I do the same.

"Calum! Don't scare my new friend!" I hear one of the only familiar Australian accents I know. Ashton comes from behind me and stands next to the boy who appears to be named Calum. "I'm really glad you could make it, Leather! Where is your friend?"

"I left her with some kid named Luke." Both boys smiled and then Ashton kept looking at me. "Can I help you?" I ask and Calum smacks Ashton's arm with a laugh. I laugh as Ashton blushes and rubs the back of his neck. "So, you said you were in a band?"

"Yeah! We have a pretty rocking punk band." Ashton answers with a bright smile. 

"Yes! We went on tour with One Direction for a bit. It was a blast!" Calum says and I nearly choke on my beer. "What?"

"You just said you're punk and you went on tour with One Direction. I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound like it mixes." I laugh and they both give me a pout. Oops. "Sorry." 

"It's fine. Uhm, I guess I'll see you later." Ashton says as he walks away. He has a pout. Aw. Pout. Calum smiles before walking away. 

Well, this is awkward. 

I refill my cup and explore the house. I walk up the stairs and find a slightly open door. Let's do some exploring. I open the door and see a room full of posters and boy stuff. I wonder who's room this is. 

I start looking through a stack of CDs when I hear someone clear their throat. I turn around and see Ashton. "Like my room?" He asks with a shy smile.

"This is yours? Wow. I'm impressed. Nice selection you got here." I wiggle a CD and he smiles. 

"You're sure it mixes with everything else?" He asks with a sad smile and I instantly feel bad.

"I didn't mean anything by it. I just, I'm a difficult girl and I tend to say things I don't mean and I run at the mouth like, a lot and I'm just a tad judgemental." Ashton just smiles at me and I scrunch my nose in confusion. "What?"

"I don't know what it is about you, but I can't seem to walk away." He walks closer to me. No, no. Back up. 

"I won't be easy." I say it and I mean it. I don't trust easily and I tend to play hard to get. Plus, I don't even know this boy. 

"How long are you here for?"

"A couple months or so." I answer, not quite sure where he's going with this. 

"Then I have a couple of months or so to break down these walls you seem to have up and get to know you." Ah, that's where he was going with it. 

"Well, then be sure you have access to a wrecking ball 'cause I built them up pretty strong." I say and I see a devious smile appear on his face.

"I came in like a wrecking ball! I never..." I quickly clap my hand over Ashton's mouth to stop his scream singing. In the process, we stumble over and fall onto the bed. He moves so that I fall onto him instead of the other way around. 

We both start laughing and Ashton is leaning over me. "I thought you said you're in a band. What the hell was that?" 

A laugh escapes his lips as he looks down at me. He has nice lips... Damn it, Leather. Get it together. "I never said I was the singer." He smirks. 

"Then what are you?" I ask and he smiles. He looks into my eyes and I start to feel uncomfortable. There's this weird fluttery feeling in my stomach. Stop it. No, bad stomach. "Are you, um, are you going to answer me?" I stutter and he giggles at me. You're losing it, Leather.

"You have really beautiful eyes and eyelashes." He smiles.

"Thanks?" Can you get off me now, please? Thanks, bro. 

"You're welcome." He smiles and his face inches closer to mine. This is not getting off of me. Oh God, he's getting closer. Do something!

Just as I'm about to push him away or maybe I wasn't. I have no idea, but I'll never know because Luke and Ari appeared in the doorway. Luke with a smirk and Ari with a raised eyebrow at me. "Are we interrupting anything?" Luke asks and Ashton climbs off me and I sit up on the bed. I look over at Ari and her eyes haven't left mine. Oh boy. Am I blushing?

If you're reading this, I want to let it be known that I love every single ounce of you! Please Comment and Vote! -Harmony xxx

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