Chapter Nine - Arianna

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~Arianna's POV~

"It's dark. And scary. And I don't like it." I muttered into my phone. I heard a chuckle on the other end. Rude.

"I'm sure it's not that dark out babe." Nathan said, and you could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm glad you called. I missed you." I said dreamily, twirling a piece of hair around my index finger.

"It's been a day. Don't be so clingy." Nathan snapped. I stopped in my tracks when he did. Clingy?

"I just love you and miss you. That's all." I stated in a small voice.

"Well guess who's fault that is? If you weren't so stupid about this whole going to Australia thing then you wouldn't be missing me!" He shouted. Why was he yelling?

"Nathan why are you getting so mad?" I continued to walk forward, not really focusing on where I was going.

"Because you're acting stupid! This is your fault!" He kept screaming. Why was he screaming? What did I do?

"I never said it wasn't. Baby please stop yelling." I pouted, even though he couldn't see it.

"Why should I? You're acting like such a bitch Arianna! You're the one to blame for all of this and you act like us not talking isn't your fault!"

"My fault? Nathan you said we should take a break." I muttered in a whisper.

"You're the one who made me do it! Do you even realize how irritating and repetitive you seem?" and then he added, "Arianna, if you weren't so clingy and needy and absorbed in yourself I wouldn't have to treat you this way to get the attention you constantly take away from me with all your whining" my heart nearly stopped. How could he say that? I felt tears start to slip down my cheeks but attempted to hold them in. Nathan would just laugh if he knew I was crying.

"I'm sorry." I muttered to the ground and a few more tears fell, they were coming faster the more silence I received from him. I knew what that meant.

"I'm so over you Arianna." Nathan said seriously and then I heard the disconnected sound through my phone speaker. I lost it. Broke down sobbing in the middle of wherever the hell I was. God, I was lost. Figures as much. He just broke up with me didn't he? Not like I didn't deserve it. How could I be so stupid? Fumbling with my phone I went into my contacts. I needed to talk to Leather. I needed to talk to anyone. I pressed which one I thought was her name through the tears and waited for it to start ringing.

Unlike when I called Nathan, the answer was immediate. I didn't expect anything less. Leather was a great friend. The phone rang out once and then there was that click sound that told you someone had picked up.

"Leather! Oh my God! Nathan just broke up with me! I'm such an idiot! He said I'm clingy and a bitch and whiny and oh I'm whining to you! How does anyone even stand me?! And I'm lost on top of that! Where am I?" I choked out between sobs. There was a bit of silence on the other end of the line and I was worried she was mad at me too.

"Arianna, where are you?" Luke's voice rang clear and true through the phone. Luke....? LUKE!

"Oh geez, you weren't... I'm sorry you shouldn't have had to hear that." I muttered, tears still spilling.

"Arianna, tell me where you are. You're lost aren't you?" His voice was now calm and soothing. Yeah good luck with that. Soothing wouldn't be very helpful here buddy.

"I don't know. I'm so stupid." I sniffled, looking around me for something, anything, familiar. "There's a street sign that says something about koalas and sunblock." I said, continuing to cry.

"I know where you are. Stay there and I'll be there soon." He then ended the phone call. Was I supposed to listen to him? I didn't know where to go from here anyway. Might as well just stay put and hope for the best.

I attempted to quiet my crying. Another one of my annoying traits. I was such a bad crier. I sat down on the curb of the street, waiting patiently for my tears to stop. I couldn't believe I had called Luke. Another example of me being stupid. Maybe Nathan was right with everything he said?

That broke my heart a little more. Nathan was probably right. Is that why he had called me? To break up with me? No, I'm sure I just annoyed him so much that he just got tired of me. I would get tired of me too.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. Then I placed my head on top of that. I had to stop crying. I must look like such a mess. I ran a hand through my hair, taking some deep breaths. How had this happened? How did I go from being the girlfriend he had always wanted to just a nuisance? Had I done something that had made him hate me? Not unlikely. I was only slightly irritating at the best of times.

"Arianna! There you are!" I heard his voice before I saw him. I picked my head up just in time to see Luke kneeling down infront of me with concern etched in his features. Why did he even care about me? He had just met me yesterday. I wasn't anything special. "Are you okay?" He questioned in a quiet voice. That was a good question. One I didn't really know the answer to.

"Not really. No." I responded. He sighed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, starting to pick me up. "What are you doing?" I inquired.

"I'm bringing you to our house which is right down the road. I'm glad you got lost somewhere I knew where you were." He hadn't even brought it up. Was that weird?

"Listen, Luke, about what I said on the phone...." I began but he cut me off.

"About your asshole now ex boyfriend?" He spat out looking a bit disgusted. He was acting like Leather.

"Don't blame Nathan. It's my fault." I replied, looking down at the ground. Luke stopped walking, looking down slightly at me, and stood infront of me.

"From the way you were crying when I answered that phone call, that break up wasn't your fault. Why in the world would you think that? Has he hurt you that badly that he's made you believe his issues are yours? Arianna you..." He was going to say more but I couldn't take it. I just couldn't.

"You don't know him! You barely know me! You're not one to judge!" I snapped. He looked shocked and hurt for a few moments but then his countenance softened.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I just don't want to see you so upset." He said in the calmest voice I had ever heard. How could he do that? How could he just keep trying to comfort me after I had snapped at him?

"It's... Fine. You just sounded like Leather for a second and it got me thinking about the last time Nathan and I broke up." I shrugged half-heartedly.

"You'll get over him Arianna." Luke said with such conviction I almost believed him for a second.

"But I can't get over him getting over me. I thought he loved me and me being an idiot tore us apart."

"Don't call yourself an idiot." Luke's voice was stern.

"But that's what I am." All of my tears were finally gone.

"No Arianna, you may be blind to the truth, but you're not an idiot. Come on, let's get you to the house and I'll make you some tea." His arm went back around my shoulder and we began walking down the street. I scrunched up my nose and he chuckled.

"I'm more of a coffee girl." I replied with a giggle. He sent me a smirk and a wink.

"We'll see what we can do about that then." He joked and for the first time in the past thirty minutes I felt like I was wanted. Someone actually wanted me around. It was a good feeling.

So, this chapter is sort of emotional, but I hope you like it anyways! Comment and vote please! As always xx Anne

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