A Draco malfoy love story:) deticated to one of my bestfriends Cheyenne.

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Chapter 1.

"I think I love you..." and then my heart stopped when those words came out of Draco malfoys mouth. I thought I was going crazy. Two months ago I have been having a secret relationship with Draco yes, the hottest guy at hogwarts i think anyway. 

But you might be thinking he's such a jerk and blah blah blah!

But really he's the sexiest nicest and funniest guy ever and he just told me he loves me.

Anyways let me take you back when this all started.

When I was five I went to a little park and that's when I met him the little boy with bleach blonde hair, and a bad attitude.

Draco malfoy.

Well after that we've been the closest of friends and that continued even when we both started Hogwarts. We both got into slytherin and I've been keeping a huge secret from him about my parents him and his family hate well let's put it this way mudbloods which means your a wizard and your parents aren't there're just human or in other words your muggle born. The only reason that Draco knows nothing about this is because I told him there deatheaters and they are always running around doing things for the dark lord or some random thing like that. I shouldint be associating with death eaters, but dracos worth it.

Well I feel so stupid for not telling him about that and I'm gunna start the story from two months ago.

Two months earlier-

"Hunny get up!" 

I ignored my mothers annoying outbursts at me sleeping in on the day that I am going to hogwarts!

I'm 16 and I'm going back to hogwarts after our "summer vacation" is over as I should I live in England like most kids in hogwarts do but the sad thing is that I have to keep secrets from the people I care most about like Draco, for one thing he would of never talked to me if he knew the truth but I just have to keep this secret until I'm older and put the spell on my parents so they will never remeber me vannessa carrow that's my name.

Well anyway back to the story.

"Yes mother what would you like?" I said sarcastically.

"Stop it young lady and get out of bed or I will get a bucket of water and I'll have your brother pour it on you." 

Yes my little brother who's 10 he's normal like my parents but he's my only sibling so atleast when I leave my parents they will have him.

"Mom I am bloody tired so will you get out and shut my door!"

"Fine I'm not bringing you to that stupid magic school of yours!"

"Fine." my parents don't like that I'm not normal like them they are always saying I should go to a normal school.

1 hour later- 

I see Ron weasleys dads flying car outside my window.

I opened my window.

"Just put your stuff in the back." Weasley said as he opened the back door and I threw my stuff in. And jumped in the back seat next to all of my stuff and Ril my owl.

"If you tell Draco or anyone else about this not even your little friend Harry your dead weasley just dead!"

"oh and you think that your threatening scares me." 

He gave me a cocky grin.

"Drive before anyone sees!" I bursted out.

I looked out the window to see that we were on our way to Hogwarts.

1 hour later-

I looked out the window and saw the beautiful school that felt like home to me more than anything.

The place where my friends were. Were everyone I loved stayed.

I felt the bump when we landed and it scared the bloody shit out of me.

"I have to be home before I miss the trian because my fathers expecting me back with the car before they leave." he looked at me as I grabbed my things and jumped out of the car. My owl Ril looked like he had a heartache from the landing with Rons fantastic driving skills.

"Go." I said.

I looked up as I saw Ron in the air.

I started walking towards the front doors of the school.

Luckly Snape let me in.

"Miss carrow I got Dumbledore to give me your roomates name and he told me that Draco got his father to get you a private room and here is your key." I took the key from his hand and said thank you.

Draco has been always nice to me giving me things I shouldint deserve being the best of friend to me and the thing was he was my only friend I had none he kept me a secret from his friends but his family knew alot about me but the truth.

His friends made fun of me the only one who cared besides Draco was Blaise.

Draco told Blaise about me and he supported him because he was dracos best friend.

Anyways I went to my room it was big and it was exactly how I imagined it to be my perfect dream bedroom.

I set my bags and trunk on my bed and put Ril on the dresser in her cage.

I moved the bags over and plopped on the bed and sighed.

"your here early." a familar voice said I sat up as a heard the door close. I looked to see Draco walk in in a pair of blue jeans and a blue vneck tshirt.

"hi." I said as I looked down at the ground.

"what's the matter?"he asked as he sat down next to me.

He grabbed my hand which made my heart flutter.

"oh nothing." I said like I said which made me sound guilty.

He lifted my head up and moved a piece of my redish brown hair awafe from my face.

"what's really wrong?"

"seriously I'm fine anyways why are you here early."

"my father brought me earlier so we could make a couple stops."

"oh I see."

He looked in my eyes and smiled.

Then he leaned in closer and kissed me.

He quickly pulled away.

"I'm sorry I have to go." he threw a note on my bed and quickly left the room without saying goodbye.

"oh bloody hell." 

I picked up the note and read it to myself.

- Vannessa I just wanted to tell you that I like you I accually liked you since well I met you I wanted to ask if you could meet me in the astronomy tower before dinner from Draco

He was probly waiting to give me the note when I found it on my bed. 

But I didint I had to get there early and him finding me and then kissing me which was really great and all but oh bloody hell what if our friendship ends because of him kissing me and then-  

Wait calm down breathe.

I layed back down on my bed and closed my eyes last thing I knew I fell asleep and missed diner and going to talk to Draco. But I was kinda thankful for that.

When I woke up I sat up and opened my bag and grabed a pair of sweat pants and a blue hoodie and put then on thank god I packed my dill pickle chips. They might sound gross but there delicous.

I ate enough chips for someone to call me fat and layed down well I'm not fat but I'm not super skinny I'm just the right weight that's what my docter that mom made me go to because she thought I was over weight but she can go suck it because the docter says I'm completly heathly for my age.

I layed down and went back to sleep hoping I wouldint see Draco until tomarrow.


First chapter and I finally edited it:)

A Draco malfoy love story:) deticated to one of my bestfriends Cheyenne.Where stories live. Discover now