Time for school.

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It was 5:30 am. A loud alarm awoke Thomas from his sleep. "Ugh. It's too early" he said, hitting the snooze button, half asleep. But he didn't get to sleep in a little longer. He heard two giggles entering his room and felt tiny hands start to poke his back. "Stop it you two" he said swatting away the hands. It was his sisters, Annie and claribell. They were twins and about 9 years old. It was their first day of school as well but they attended the elementary school. "Mom said to wake you up." Annie said as they resumed poking him. Finally Thomas groaned and sat up. "Alright. You win. I'm up. Now go get dressed" "we already are." Claribell said twirling in her brown skirt and white top. Annie twirled as well, showing off her white dress. They always wore similar outfits. "Well then leave to I can get dressed." Thomas said waving them away as he stood up. The twins gave a sigh and left their big brothers room to head downstairs.
Thomas grabbed a towel off his bedroom floor and went into the bathroom to get a quick shower.
After he was down in the shower, he went through his dresser and pulled out black skinny jeans, a blue shirt and pulled his jacket off the ground. He quickly got dressed and stood in front on his mirror. His jacket was a light blue and had a large yellow number one on the back and a smaller yellow number one on front right shoulder. He tied the jacket around his waste, satisfied with his clothes and went down stairs to greet the rest of his family. His father had already left for work and his mother was pouring Annie some juice. "Morning guys" he said as he got himself something to drink. "Morning hun" his mother said handing him a plate with toast on it. He happily took a slice and ate it with joy. "Shouldn't you have left by now? You'll miss the bus" his mother said checking her watch. "Relax mom. I'm catching a ride with James today." His mother gave an unsure nod before picking up her purse and turning her attention towards the twins. "Let's go you two. I gotta be at work early today and you two have school" The twins placed their breakfast plates into the sink and grabbed their back packs, said bye to Thomas and went out into their mothers car. His mother was about to walk out the door but she remembered something "oh! Thomas. I invited the new neighbors over for tea tonight and I forgot to tell your father. Can you tell him when you get home from school?" "Yeah. Not a problem mom" his mom smiled and left for her work day. His father worked for the railway as a construction worker. He fixed the rails when they broke or became damaged. His mother worked at the docs and was in charge of the imports to the island. Thomas ran up to his bedroom and grabbed his backpack off his door handle.  He had about 10 minutes before James would arrive.  He was excited and nervous to meet the new neighbors tonight. Perhaps he'd see them at school. Just then a car horn came from outside. Thomas rushed down stairs and out the door to meet James. James had gotten a new car over the summer and loved showing it off.  It was a 2008 Ford Mustang Supersnake

  It was a 2008 Ford Mustang Supersnake

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Thomas climbed into the passenger seat. "Thanks man. Really didn't feel like taking the bus" James reversed the car out of the driveway "not a problem man. I wouldn't want to take the bus senior year." Thomas's house was only 8 blocks down the road from the school.
They arrived to the school in about 5 minutes. James parked in his usual spot along with Edward and Gordon. Edward drove his parents pickup truck. It was old and beat up. The once bright blue paint was old, faded, and chipped in a few places. Gordon drove a royal blue Dodge Dart rallye. Thomas, Percy, and Toby had yet to buy cars. They all could drive but only a few of them had actual cars. They turned towards the high school.
Sodor high school was a unique high school. Most high schools only taught the requirements and arts in school. But at sodor, on top of the required teaching courses, it also taught them how to run a railroad or how to work on the island some where. Well maybe not run a railroad. But they start to learn how and engine runs and how to drive one in freshmen year but in their junior year they actually start to go out and drive an actual engine. But that only happens if you take the course. And they're two different courses. A steam courses and a diesel course.
The steam gang started walking towards the school but a car speed passed them into the parking lot. It was a dark pink neon. It parked next to a yellow Mercedes. A girl stepped out wearing a pink skirt, with a black top and wore black high heels. Her hair was brown and went to about her waist. The girl tapped on the window of the Mercedes and another girl got out and ran around to hug her. The other girl had on black jeans and a green shirt that stopped above her belly button. The boys just ignored the two squealing girls and walked into the school. The found their way to their lockers and hung up their book bags and went to their home rooms. They had about ten minutes before first bell rang. The teacher was no where to be found. The guys sat in the back corner and chatted. The girls from before entered the class room still chatting away. They sat up in the front next to each other. They guys groaned. They didn't think the girls looked liked ones who could be a railroader but who where they to judge. The bell rang loudly and a man dressed in A full blue suit entered holding a list.  He didn't say anything yet. He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote his name up on to the black board
Mr. Conductor
The kids read the name silently to themselves. Finally the teacher spoke.
"Good morning class. I'm you're teacher Mr.Conductor but you can call me Mr.C. This year, I am to teach you all the last few things you need to know about railroading and eventually take you all out onto the main lines. Now, if everyone is settled down, I'll begin roll call"
He started naming the students names. Everyone knew everyone from classes before. But their were two names that they didn't recognize. "Emily?" The girl from the yellow Mercedes raised her hand. "Laura?" They girl from the pink neon raised her hand "here sir. But call me Lady. Everyone does." Mr conductor wrote down the name onto the list and nodded. "Alright. Now roll call is done, let's begin with today's lessons" everyone groaned as the class officially started.
The day seemed to drag on for the steam team. It felt like it would never end. Eventually it did. Instead of catching a ride home with James, Thomas decided to walk home. His fathers car was parked in the driveway. He fumbled for his house keys and unlocked the front door. "Dad?" He called out. "In the garage son" a response came. Thomas walked into the garage and saw his father working on an old junk car. "Hey. Mom wanted me to let you know that she invited the new neighbors over for tea later on." "You mean the American who just moved in down the road?" Thomas nodded then went back up into his room and waited for evening to come.

Sodor high school (Human Thomas and friends)Where stories live. Discover now