Play rehearsal

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5:30. The clock felt like it was taking forever to reach 8:30. Rehearsal had began at 5 and everyone was still waiting to begin. Every one was there. Well almost. Emily and Lauren were running late. "Ugh can we just start already?" bill said pacing the stage floor. Mr ash shook his head. "No we have to wait for Emily and Lauren."  everyone groaned in annoyance. 

Emily was in the locker room with Lauren "Come on dude. if you don't do it, then you'll fail the class." "But I don't see why we have to do the play this year. isn't that usually taken care of by the  dance theater kids?" Lauren said shoving her books into her back pack. "usually, yes but they needed extra people and i guess Mr ash said we'd fill in for them. They're doing all the background singing and other cast, we have the main roles and stage crew is currently working on the set designs." "Fine, i guess we can get going. but i swear to you, if he tries anything and I mean anything Emily, you get me out of there. Promise?" Lauren said walking slowly towards the door. "Promise dude. I won't let anything happen to you." Emily said as the two friends walked out of the locker room and towards the auditorium.

"there you guys are!" Mr ash called as Emily and Lauren walked through the side stage doors. "Where were you two?" Donald asked, standing up from his spot. "Clothing mishap. sorry." Emily said, covering for her friend's little freak out. Lady just nodded and scanned the room, looking at the other students. She was looking for David and his 'gang' when Mr ash cut in "Alright, since we finally have our leading lady, I think we should start with rehearsing one of the songs. Now we don't have our props because stage crew is still working on them so for the time being, you guys have to just use our imagination. Now I trust everyone has been attending the dance theater lessons for the past two weeks like I've requested. Right?" Mr ash looked through his students and waited until everyone had answered that they had attended the lessons. "Okay good. The dance theater kids can't join us this rehearsal because they need to practice their routines but starting next week, they will be.

"Lauren, Etienne, Bill, and  Emily will you please come up here the first song we will be practicing is "Be our guest" " The four students came forward as the others sat in the auditorium seats to watch. Mr ash directed where he wanted each kid to stand to start out. Lauren stood at what would be the end of the table and  Etienne stood off to the side of the imaginary table. Bill was about 10 feet across from Lauren at the foot of the table and Emily was on the other side of the stage. When the set was set up, Mr ash had explained that the stage would be used as the dining room for the scene and the kitchen was supposed to be back stage. Or at least that was what was to be implied to the audience. Once everyone was situated, Mr ash walked down to join the other students. "Ready everyone. and..Action!" Mr ash hit the play  button in his remote and the music started. Since there was no microphones being used at the moment,  Etienne had to make his voice sound louder. He did his routine perfectly with Bill playing his role without a mistake.  Etienne threw his own flare on to his character, Lumière,. Throwing in a lot of the facial expressions and his french accent was perfect. When it was Emily's turn to start singing, she sounded beautiful. She didn't miss a beat. Lauren was happy she didn't have to sing at the moment. She just had to look amazed, which she did.

When the music ended, The students began clapping for their class mates performance and returned to the stage. Mr ash wanted to run through all the songs before they started to rehearse their lines. He was counting on the not only use rehearsal time for practice their lines,  but also on their own time as well. "That was magnificent guys! Marvelous job." Mr ash started to say to his students "But i few little problems I saw was fist off, Lauren, even though you had the perfect facial expressions, you kept looking off into the distance. Now I know it's hard to try and act entertained when there's nothing but your feet in front if you so i don't think it'll be a problem in the future but just keep an eye on it okay?" Lauren nodded. She had been trying to look around the stage. " Etienne, I love what you did with your character just tone down the accent a little. okay?" Oui Oui sir" He said with a smirk. A few students let out a weak laugh. Mr ash just shook his head and moved on. "Now on to the next song. Places everyone." 

8:30 rolled around finally. The students where picking up their bags and walking towards their car. Lauren had gotten a ride with Emily. The two where walking towards her car and where nearly hit by a Large, very loud pick up truck. The truck stopped in front of them and blocked their way. The window rolled down and David leaned out. "Hey Lauren, why don't you ditch your little friend there and let me drive ya home honey." Lauren just rolled her eyes and looked at the ground. "Get lost loser." Emily said for her friend "Hey now, I'm just trying to be nice. No need to get bitchy there Em&M' " David replied with. "It's Emily you oily prick. Not get your big ugly truck out of our way before I kick your ass."  David let out a breath "Well dam.  Look who's got an attitude. Well if that's how ya wanna be, I'll see ya tomorrow at rehearsal. See ya Lauren." Lauren shifted on her heels. David let out a laugh and drove off, his truck 'roaring' the whole way out of the parking lot. Emily and Lauren walked to the car and placed their bags in the back seat. "You okay?" Emily asked. "Yeah fine. He just urks me. That's all" She said getting in to the car. Emily got in the drivers seat and started the engine. "You and me both".. 

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