Finally an update!

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Back at the class room, chatter and rumors where spreading like a wildfire across the steamie students. A rumor was floating around about a new transfer student from India. Apparently her name was Ashima and she was coming to Sodor High starting next week. The girls where all too happy to have another female in the class. The boys groaned in disgust. The class was already to large in their eyes.

Lady walked over to Thomas's desk and sat up on top of it. The two had grown really close in a short amount of time. It seemed like a lot of people had. Everyone was close with some one. James had even hooked up with Rosie. No one was expecting that. Lady smiled down at Thomas. "Hey T.." She always called him T for some reason. "...I was thinking. Maybe you and I could hang out after school. But only if your free that is.." "Yeah. Sure. I'll meet you at the mall okay?" "awesome! See ya then!" Lady said as she happily skipped back to her seat.

Later after school

Thomas shifted his feet around in his shoes. He was outside of the food court in the mall waiting for lady to arrive. All day at school his friends where teasing him, telling him that lady had asked him out on a date. Thomas didn't think that. Him and lady where just friends hanging out. Nothing more. But after some thought, Thomas came to realize that if in fact, this did turn out to be a date with lady, he'd be okay with that. She did have a pretty face and beautiful hair.

While still in his thoughts, lady had approached Thomas. When he didn't respond to that, she had started tapping on his shoulder. Thomas turned around and smiled. "Sorry if I'm late" lady said smiling back. "Oh no. It's fine I'm early." Thomas said as they started walking.
"So..uh are there any stores you like?" Thomas said trying to make half decent conversation. "Well I shop at pretty much any store. But I would have to say my favorite is Areopostal,. It always had cute clothes. Where do you shop at?" "Mainly at department stores. I'm not really one to go to main  brand stores but if you'd like we can head to where ever you like" "oh well actually I'm getting a bit thirsty. You wanna go hit up the Starbucks?" Thomas looked a bit confused which caused lady to laugh out loud a little bit. "I can tell you don't know what a Starbucks is. That's hilarious. almost everyone knows what Starbucks is" "well I don't really get out much if you know what I mean" Thomas said becoming embarrassed. "Don't worry. It's basically like a coffee shop. You'll like it. Trust me" lady said as she opened the door to the shop.

The two walked into Starbucks and over to the line. Like usual, the place was swarming with people.  When it was their turn it order, they walked up to the counter. Since lady knew the place far more better than Thomas, he decided to let her do the ordering. The lady behind the counter greated them with a smile. "Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you today?" "Just two medium Carmel iced coffees please" the counter lady nodded. Lady started reaching into her pocket to pull out her wallet but Thomas stopped her. "I got this" he pulled out his wallet, took out an orange card and handed it to the lady. "Dad said the boy should always pay" Lady had a soft blush forming on her cheeks. The cashier handed Thomas back the card, pulled off two cups and picked up a black marker "And the names for the order" "Lauren and Thomas" as the lady wrote down the names, Thomas and lady moved down and waited with a few other people "Some times I forget your real name is Lauren and not lady" Thomas said as they waited "where did that nick name come from anyways?" Lady picked up the drinks and handed one to Thomas. "Come on. I'll tell you at a table. The two sat down at a in the far corner. "I got the nick name Lady from Mr. Stone. He was and kinda still is a stickler for etiquette and stuff. He was always telling me to act like a lady and stuff so finally one day, it was so funny. He was talking to a potential business employer and introduced me to him. The man asked me my name and I told him it was Lady. Brunette didn't find it as funny as I did but, the nickname has stuck with me ever since."
"Well I like the nick name." Thomas said as he sat his cup down on the table. "Awe thanks Thomas" the blush had returned once again to lady's cheeks. There was a small silence between the two. But it wasn't an awkward silence. It was soon broken by  the ringing of lady's phone. She was quickly searching through her purse and pulled out a magenta coloured phone.  "Oh. I'm Thomas I gotta take this" lady said as stepped out side for a moment.
Thomas waited inside for her return and when she did, she looked upset. "What's wrong?" Thomas said concerned "oh it's nothing. Lily just asked me to come home and help her with some stuff. I got to go. I'm sorry"
Thomas and lady made their way outside "oh it's okay. Don't be sorry. You can't help it when family needs you" "yeah well. I had a lovely time" lady said, putting a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "well then, how about we try again for tomorrow? Maybe?"  "I can't tomorrow. I promised Emily if hang out with her. But I'm free Saturday." "Well then, I shall see you Saturday" Lady smiled and Thomas smiled back. Neither had a clue on what to say. So instead of talking, Thomas leaned down and planted a kiss on Lady's lips. Instead of pulling away, Lady just let it happen. Thomas soon stepped back "oh god I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry. It's fine." Lady said looking down, trying to hide her red cheeks.  "Well imma get going. I'll see you later Thomas" Lady said as she started to walk back to her car. Thomas stood in his spot and watched her walk away. But there was just two things he kept thinking about. The first being that his friends had been right, this was a date and the second one; he was in love with Lady...

(A.N- I AM VERY SORRY! I know I haven't been updating at all lately. I have had writers block and I think it just may have broke. But this chapter was difficult to write because I was trying to get the 'first date' awkwardness haha. Somewhere in the next few chapters or so I plan on bringing in Ashima. If you don't know her, she is the engine from India in the Great Race movie. I look forward to drawing out her character design. Thanks for reading guys! :D ))

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