Missing or Ditching

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-One week later-

It was one week after prom. Every thing had seemed to go back to normal. Well almost everything. When Gordon had punched D10 in the nose at prom, he had broken it, resulting in Diesel having to wear a plaster cast over it for a little bit.  The steam team was still congratulating Gordon for doing that. Well Thomas wasn't. He was to busy trying to get a hold of Lauren. "I'm worried guys. She's not picking up her phone and she hasn't been in school." Thomas said to his friends after school. "Just go over to her house man. Find out what's going on" James told him. "I tried. Mr. Stone said she didn't wanna see any of us." "Well that was a week ago. Try again." Thomas shrugged his shoulders "Can't. The one Last time I called their house, Lilly picked up. She said they were dealing with some personal family business and couldn't have anyone over for a few weeks." "Dude. Maybe that's why she isn't here. Maybe they all went on some sort of vacation." Gordon said as the others agreed "Okay if you say so. But i'm only giving it a week more." "You worry to much little Thomas. Take my advice and relax. Everything will work out." "On a different note..." Percy said "...Did you guys here. Mrs. Curtis isn't coming back." "the diesels teacher? What happened to her?" James asked, curious. "I heard that first, she called off sick. But now they're saying she left the high school to teach on the main land." "Well who's gonna teach the diesel class then?" "I think Mr. conductor's cousin, Junior is teaching them." Percy said trying to think if he got the information correct "But he's just their substitute" "They're gonna offer him the job dumb ass." Gordon said rolling his eyes.  "He won't last a month i bet." James said sounding a bit to confident. 

-Diesel class POV-

"They're all gonna pay for this" D10 said, while looking at his broken nose in his bedroom mirror. "It's not that bad dude" Dodge said while splatter nodded in agreement "I don't give a shit. They over stepped their boundaries!" David said, becoming angry. "Well ya did pour the red paint over them just to prove a point." Splatter said trying to make a point. D10 turned around, starting to get red in the face "Who's side are you on Splodge! " Dodge and splatter leaned a little bit towards  one another "Side? I didn't know we had sides." Said Dodge "Yeah me neither." Responded splatter "You guys are complete dumb asses! I called you guys over here so we can talk about what our next move should be. Can you stop being idiots for 5 minutes and think!" Splatter and dodge looked at one another, then back at David "Good. Now then let's get down to business." David said "I'm thinking, Since Lauren and her friends are in that little singing group, and they're looking for new members." Platter and dodge started to understand where this was heading "Hope you guys can sing. Cause I signed us up for Show choir" 

(I know short chapter. Work got ahead of me so i had to focus on that)

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