Time to meet the neighbors

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Thomas was up in his bed room. He could hear his parents talking to one another down stairs and he could hear his sisters every now and then from their room across the hall.
A knock came from the front door and he knew it was his cue to head down.

Down stairs, his mother was greeting another lady a little older than herself. Thomas walked up beside his mother to introduce himself but his mother beat him to it "and this is my son, Thomas. Thomas this is Tasha. Her family just moved her from the states." Thomas said hello and noticed a familiar face standing behind Tasha. It was lady. The girl from class. She looked less than happy to be there. Tasha stood aside and pushed her daughter forward a bit. "This is Laura. But she liked to be called lady." Thomas's mother smiled "Thomas, why don't you take lady into the sitting room while Tasha and I chat for bit." Thomas awkwardly smiled and lead lady into the sitting room.
The two sat in silence. Thomas attempted to start a conversation "so..how are you liking sodor high?" Lady shrugged her shoulders "it's fine I guess" Thomas just nodded and tried to think of something else to say " how are you adjusting to the steam class? It can be difficult to understand some of the material" "yeah I know. I live with a man who used to be a railroader. So I know about the same amount as you." "Cool.." Thomas said wishing the mothers would enter the room to break the awkward moment. He got his wish. The moment was broken. But not from his mother. His sisters came running into the room. They where all too excited to meet Lady. The twins smiled happily at lady "ooh, she's pretty" exclaimed claribell. Annie nodded in agreement. "Awe. Who are these two" lady said as she started playing with the small twins. "Oh these are my sisters, Annie and claribell" Thomas responded. "I'm Annie!" "And I'm claribell!" "We're twins." They both said in unison. "Well I can see that. You two are just too adorable!" Lady said. "What's your name?"  A nine said to lady. "Well you can call me lady." The twins both waved hi then claribell walked over to her big brother. "Thomas. I thought you said you were going over to percy's today. But you're here.."  "Mum asked me to stay home because she invited lady and her mother over." "Ooh... Can you take us to the park later?" Claribell asked changing the subject like usual. "Perhaps. If you do your chores and mum says yes." Claribell smiled and turned back to lady who was braiding Annie's hair. "Ooh! Can you do mine next!" She said eagerly. Lady laughed and smiled  "of course. Here. Come sit. I'm almost done with Annie"
As lady started to braid claribell's hair, the mums entered the room.

"Look mum! Lady braided my hair. Isnt it pretty?"  Annie said showing off her braid. Her mother nodded "yes. It's very cute. Now, you and you're sister go to your room for now." "Awe but why? We wanna stay with lady!" "I'll call you down to say good bye. Now go." Annie and claribell walked up to their bedroom. The only people left in the room was Thomas, lady and their mothers.
"So lady, your mother tells me you have another teenager living with you?" "Yeah. Her name is Lilly." "Oh, why didn't she come with you guys?" "Oh, she's hanging out with her grandfather. We're kinda all mixed together family wise. I live with her grandfather and my mum". "Well I love to meet her sometime. Will she be attending sodor high school too?" Tasha shook her head. "We're not sure. Burnett is still unsure if he wants to send her or not." "Well, I'd make a decision soon.." "How come?" Tasha asked curiously "..because if she's in the senior class, they'll soon go out on the tracks. And after that, it's really hard to get into the class.." Tasha was taking mental note of what Natalie was saying.  (forgot to mention, Thomas's mothers name is Natalie). "Well thank you for telling me Natalie. I'll be sure to let Burnett know." Natalie smiled "of course Tasha. If you have any other questions just feel free to stop by or call me up. And lady,.." Lady was daydreaming but immediately looked up, giving her attention. "...if you have any questions about anything you can feel free to ask Thomas. I'm sure he'd be happy to help you around...isn't that right Thomas."  Thomas nodded "yeah not a problem and if you'd like lady, I can introduce you to my friends. If you'd like.." Thomas said smiling. Lady returned the smile "thank you Thomas but I'll just stick with Emily for now I'm kinda shy.." Tasha then noticed the time "oh heavens! The time just flew by now didn't it. We should really be getting home. Lady and Lilly have studying they need to do." Natalie walked them both to the door "well thank you for having us over Natalie. You have a wonderful family!" Tasha said hugging her new friend good bye "oh any time Tasha. Feel free to come by anytime" the two waved good bye again then Tasha left along with Natalie.

Thomas walked into the kitchen and got a bottle of water out of the fridge. His mother was packing the twins lunches for school tomorrow. "Well she seemed nice.  Don't you think Thomas?" "Yeah. She's okay. A bit shy" Thomas said as he drank the water. "Well she's new. Of course she's shy. I just hope that Burnetts granddaughter will join the school. I think that she's enjoy meeting all of you." "Well maybe not all of us" Thomas commented as he finished his drink "why do you say that?" "Because the diesels. They're back at it again." "Oh they don't mean no harm." "Mom, they're always starting fights or trouble! Especially diesel 10." Natalie sighed "go easy on the kid." "But mom he's-" "but mom nothing. Thomas, he's all along at home. His parents are always away on business. And If he does start stuff, just don't engage. Ignore him. Understood?" Thomas nodded "yes mother." "Good. Now, go get ready for school tomorrow." Thomas just headed up to his room and looked over at his back pack. He had completely forgotten to do his homework. But he's get to it tomorrow morning before school starts...

(I'm sorry for the late update. It took longer than I had hoped to edit this chapter! Enjoy though!)

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