Winter Break

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The next day at school,  the steam class was waiting to get their tests back from Mr. C. It was the last major grade they would receive before the school was let out on winter break.  Edward knew he'd pass with an A. He had been studying for the pass month. He had tried to help Thomas, James, and Gordon study but it kinda went both ways. Mr C. was walking up and down the rows of desks placing each test flipped over. There was either a "Yes" or a mumbled curse word uttered as the tests were flipped over. Edward leaned over to Gordon. He had gotten a C+. Not bad for him. James got a solid B and Thomas got a B-. All three seemed happy with their grades.Lauren and Emily both got an A+ on the final. The girls smiled at each other and placed the graded test into their binders. With the tests handed back and grades booked, the semester was now over. The steam class let out a sigh of relief and relaxed for the remaining time of class. 

Down the hallway in the Diesels classroom, they too had gotten their final tests grades back as well. It was a large mix of people who cared and people who didn't. Daisy let out a happy huff. She had passed with 100%. In her snooty high pitched voiced she said to Mavis " I knew I'd get a 100.  I know my engine inside and out. It's the latest diesel rail car. Highly sprung and right up to date" Mavis rolled her eyes " I know Daisy. You tell me at least once every week about your springs." Daisy flipped her hair off her shoulder "Anyways.... What did you get Mavis?" "Oh I got a B+. I was expecting worse. I kinda slacked off on studying..." The two girls then got lost in the mix of conversations happening at the time. Across the class room, Splatter and dodge were discussing their test scores. Both had gotten the same thing. C- "Technically we passed dude" Dodge said. Splatter nodded in agreement. David looked down the test in front of him. He hadn't yet turned it over to see what he got. Dodge looked over at him "What'd you get dude?" Splatter had also turned around fully and joined into the conversation. " haven't looked? Do you think you failed?" "I think he failed. Do you think he failed?" "I think he failed" Splatter and Dodge kept going back forth before David spoke up. "Would both of you shut the fuck up already?!?" He said a little louder then he wanted to. The teacher looked up "Language David! Speak like that again and I'll send you down to the principles office!" David rolled his eyes and picked up his test. "What are you waiting for. Flip it over" Splatter said. David slowly flipped it over and looked at his grade. He had passed the first semester with a solid C on his final. He sat the paper down on his desk and sighed, relieved. 

The bell rung, releasing the students from their classes. The empty halls were soon flooded with students talking about their plans for winter break and what classes they had next semester. All classes changed, expect for the rail road kids. They kept their steam and diesel classes. All the others changed. David was getting his things from his locker when Lauren approached him with a smile. The two had grown very close in the past few weeks. Lauren still wasn't talking to Thomas. "I got an A+. What did you get." "Oh I got a C. It's no A+ but it's passing." Lauren let off a soft laugh. David threw one of straps of his back psck over his shoulder "So, what are your plans for break?" The two started walking down the hallway together. "Oh my family is going up North. Mr. Stone apparently has a business meeting so we're staying up there." "Ah that sucks. I was gonna see if you wanted to hang out" "Maybe once I get back we can hang out. I know this one place down by the mall. I'll text you the details if you want." By that time, they'd reached the parking lot/ "Yeah, that sounds fun, I'll see ya later then" Lauren smiled and walked to her car and David walked to his truck. Thomas was standing with Gordon. who was giving him a ride home today. Thomas rolled his eyes "Petty Bitch" Gordon laughed "wow. you two still aint talking?" Thomas shook his head "Nope. She wants to be like this. I say let her...."  Gordon laughed again and both got into the car and went home. 

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