Return of the (un)dead author??

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Okay, so first off, I've disappeared. Like MAJORLY! To be honest, I lost inspiration for this book, I'll admit it. I was thinking "What the heck is the point? No one is reading this steaming (ha get it steaming!) pile of shiz. But then I looked at the stats. OVER 3K READS!!!! WTF!!!!!! Plus I've gotten back into the fandom. So after reading some others people fan-fictions, going back over my own, I'd figure, eh why not. New chapter. So yeah, enough explaining, Imma jump right in!!! Another random fact, while I'm writing, I listen to a playlist of the original shows songs XD

At home, Thomas was sitting at his desk. He was trying to get a head on what ever next semesters rail class had in store. The only problem, it was impossible to stay focused. Every time he would finish a chapter, he'd try to recall what it had entailed, but couldn't He was reading the words, but wasn't really capturing what they were saying. After about an hour, he gave up in frustration and slammed the book shut. "A walk should help" He thought allowed. He threw on a heavy navy blue jacket, and his winter boots and went downstairs. His sisters were in the den. "where ya going?" Annie pipped in. "Somewhere, I'll be back later.." Thomas said before he made his way to he front door. He wasn't really supposed to be leaving his sisters alone at the house, but he was only going out for a short walk. They would be fine. Thomas opened up the door and a rush of cold winter air hit him in the face. He let out a shiver but walked out anyways.

The light snow that was falling from the sky made a soft crunch noise as Thomas walked. He could see his breathe clearly. Cars were passing along the road, but he paid them little attention. Honestly, the sounds were nice, calming almost. A familiar looking truck drove up next to him and slowed down. David rolled down his window and called out "Well Well Well, Look who it is boys. A little steamy pile of shit!" Some boys from the back of the truck let out laughs. Cars behind the truck started lining up and were laying on their horns. David ignored them and waiting for Thomas to respond. Not stopping or even looking up fully, Thomas responded "You're holding up traffic. Take your jacked up dump truck and go away....." David, well he didn't take to kindly to that. He drove up a bit further and parked along side the street. Seeing that, Thomas debated turning around, or turning the corner. Out of the truck came David, his two henchmen Splatter and Dodge, and another teenager Thomas didn't fully recognize. As they approached, Thomas continued walking, not wanting to cause anything.

"It uh...seems a little cold to be walking man.." David started saying "...I'd be willing to give ya a ride somewhere....." Thomas rolled his eyes and stopped in front of an open alley way. "Yeah, I think I'll pass on that one. I'm not a fan of getting...oil stains on my clothing...." David's tone of voice turned from one of sarcasm to one of seriousness. "Look, I'm uh...I'm trying to be...nice....for Lauren's sake....So why don't you be a good little kid....and get in the fucking truck..." By this time, David had gotten right up in Thomas's face. Reading the situation, and probably not responding the way he should have, Thomas looked David up in down, smirked and said "Fuck off, greaser..." He then proceeded to spit on David's jacket.

David looked at the shoulder of his jacket, then back at Thomas. "You're gonna regret that you son of a bitch!" The rest of the group, quite literally, picked Thomas up and started to drag him into the alley way. Thomas started kicking and thrashing but it was soon known that we was fairly weaker than the other boys.

When they reached the back of the alley way, splatter and dodge started taking turns throwing Thomas around and got a few punches in. Thomas held his shoulder in pain and could feel blood rushing to his cheek. David pushed Splatter and dodge aside and picked up Thomas by his collar. "Had enough yet?" Thomas didn't enjoy being beat up. No one did. But was at least gonna try and fight back. Try being the key word. When Thomas didn't reply, David took that as invitation. He dropped Thomas to the ground and proceeded to climb on top of him and started landing blows onto Thomas's face. Thomas's nose was now gushing blood, he would most likely have a black eye and his lip was busted. Eventually David thought he had done enough and stood up. He leaned over Thomas and smirked. "Let this serve as a warning to ya. Oh and don't even think about running and telling cause if you do... I just won't beat ya. I'll kill ya." With that, he landed a hard kick right into Thomas's ribs. Thomas let out a large groan of pain and watched the diesel team walk off laughing. Thomas managed to sit up and leaned against the side of a building with his head in his hands. He wanted to go home and clean himself up before anyone saw him. But he couldn't find the strength to stand at that moment. So he sat, waited for his nose to stop bleeding and watched the snow continue to fall.

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