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Lady was out if it for most of the morning. She had been daydreaming. Not about anything in-particular. Just about random things. The only thing she did manage to actually recall, was Mr C. Telling the class that tomorrow was going to be an outdoor day, which met the students were going to be out with the engines. She wrote down a note to remember to wear sneakers instead of heels or anything else. The bell had rung to dismiss the students to lunch. Lauren gathered up her items got up, exiting the classroom. She went to her locker and placed the books she wouldn't need for the rest of the day on the bottom shelf and made her way to lunch room.

When Lauren entered the lunch room, she scanned it and found the diesels table and the steamies table. She found her friends sitting in the corner. Emily waved to her for her to come over and sit. Lauren looked at the table and noticed the only open seat was next to Thomas. Lauren didn't want to be in that awkward situation so instead she went for another less awkward situation, in her mind at least. She went over to the diesel's table and sat next to Mavis. Mavis was nice to Lauren. She always helped her out when she needed it. Lauren looked around the table. It felt like they all were staring at her. Mavis decided to break the silence "You're not eating today Lauren?" Mavis let out a small laugh and so did Lauren "Well I don't really eat lunch. I usually end up getting sick afterwards" Mavis nodded and it seemed like the rest of the table had gone back to their previous activities. Mavis and Lauren chatted for a bit before lunch ended and the students continued on with their school day.

----After school----

Lauren was placing her books into her locker so she wouldn't have to take them home with her. Thomas walked up and tapped her shoulder. Lauren turned around and gave a light smile "Hi..." Thomas wasn't trying to make small talk though. "Lauren, What's going on between you and David." Lauren tried her hardest to hold the smile "Oh Thomas. Do I sense a hint of jelaousy?" Lauren let out a weak laugh and Thomas rolled his eyes. "I'm not jealous. I just find it a bit, wierd, that, considering what you've told me about the past with him." Lauren flipped her hair and laghed a bit more "oh Thomas you worry to much. You just be concerned with yourself and mind your own business okay" Lauren didn't mean for her words to come out so harsh, but they did, and she just rolled with it and skipped happily down the hall. Thomas watched lady skip away and felt a wave of anger wash over him. He walked over to his locker, kicked it open, threw his books inside and slammed it shut. James had offered to give him a ride home, but Thomas stormed out of the school and walked homed.

--meanwhile with Lauren and David--

Lauren was waiting for David by his truck. She was leaning against the bumper, twiddling her thumbs. David walked up and smiled at her "so you did decide to come.." lady looked up and shrugged her shoulders "did ya think I would bail on ya now?" David laughed and opened up the passenger door for her "it was a possibility" Lauren climbed up into the cab of the truck and David got into the drivers side. The truck roared to life and the two road back to the house.
Davids house was on the opposite side of the town from Lauren's. It was slightly bigger than the others. In the drive way was one other car. Lauren looked over at David "is your mom or dad home?" She questioned. David shook his head a bit and pulled up into the driveway "nah. We just keep that car here in case we ever need it. Come on. I'll show you around" Lauren smiled a bit and hopped down from the truck. David walked her up towards the door and lead her inside. "Are you thirsty at all?" David asked, leading them to the kitchen and grabbing two cups "uh yeah a little bit" Lauren answered leaning against a counter. David poured two cups of fruit punch (cause why not) and handed Lauren a cup "thank you" Lauren said with a smile and took a small sip. David smiled back "yeah uh no problem. We can go work on the car then...if you want to. We can work on it when ever you want to...." David let out a light chuckle. Lauren moved a stray piece of hair out from her face "well I don't know the first thing when it comes to fixing cars...but I'd love to keep ya company...." David smiled, nodded, and they both walked out to the garage.
((OKAY SO AUTHOR HERE WITH A MESSAGE! So I legit don't know the first things about cars so imma end the chapter here! Also! If I start drawing like short web type comics of the characters and posting them on tumblr, how many of you would read/ watch it. Please comment you're opinions!!))

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