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Prom. Ah prom. That day every senior looks forward to. Getting all dressed up and feeling like you're the only person in the world. Well, almost everyone felt like that. School had off today to give the prom couples time to get ready and to also give the committee time to put finishing touched on the gym and court yard. It was 7:45 in the evening.  Prom started at 8 and went until 12, but most people left around 11 for the after party. Thomas, Percy, and Edward all sat on the tracks by their usual spot. "Man, this sucks." Edward said as he threw a rock onto the old tracks, watching it bounce 2 times before stopping. Percy sighed in agreement then looked at Thomas "Come on man. cheer up." "Cheer up? I just got dumped dude." "I know what you mean buddy." Edward said, trying to sound comforting "I was planning on going with Caitlin but, she decided to ditch me and go with Hiro." "Bummer dude." Percy said "I didn't bother to find a date. I didn't see the point in it." "Now you're starting to sound like Henry." Thomas said, giving a light laugh. "Yeah, but even he found a date. He's going with that new girl...I think her name is Ashima" "Man, i didn't see that coming." Percy Thomas said leaning back against the old brick wall. "You wanna know something. Mavis told Toby that Emily is only going with Gordon because she thinks, they'll make a good prom queen and king" Edward said picking up another rock and giving it a good toss, trying to get it to reach farther than the last. "Dam. That's harsh. How she know she's gonna win." Percy said watching Edward throw the pebbles. "She's the only one running" "Write ins. People can write someone's name in"  The three friends sat in silence for w little bit before Edward spoke to Thomas "So, T. I don't mean to bum ya out, but you never told us who Lady ditched ya for" Thomas rolled his eyes "D10. of all people" "What? D10?" Edward said a bit confused if he had just heard his friend right. When Thomas shook his head that Edward had heard him right, Edward jumped up "That doesn't seem right. Just last week he was flirting with Daisy, and the week before that it was Mavis." "What are you saying bro'" Thomas questioned "I'm saying that i don't trust him and neither should you guys. Come on. Let's go" "Go where?" Percy said. "To the school duh. Where else" "But we don't have tuxes or dates" Percy said and he and Thomas slowly rose to their feet. "My dad has some ties and Suits we could use. We'll stop at my house, change and head over." Edward said as the three walked towards Edward's truck "This is so stupid" Thomas mumbled to himself as they drove back to Edward's house. 

Back at Edwards house, Edward's dad was rooting through his closet. "Well i don't have full on suits, but i have some dress shirts and ties for you boys" "That'll work fine dad" Edward said as his dad laid out various shirts and ties on the bed. Edward picked up a plain white shirt and a baby blue tie. Thomas picked up a black shirt with a turquoise colored tie. Percy decided to go green. A green shirt, a black tie, and put his usual green checkered jacket over it. Once the boys where changed, Edward drove them to the school.

At the school, music could be heard, blasting from the large gym doors. Edward walked inside followed by Thomas and Percy. (Okay the following are the characters in their prom outfits. It was hard to try and find different poses so some poses are repeated and it was hard to make them all look different so sorry if some look the same)

 It was hard to try and find different poses so some poses are repeated and it was hard to make them all look different so sorry if some look the same)

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Sodor high school (Human Thomas and friends)Where stories live. Discover now