New chapter and an explanation

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(Okay first, my explanation.  I know what you are all probably thinking, "Oh my god T. your story sucks and you never update ugh" Yes, i know. i never update. And when i do, my chapter are short, not every descriptive or make no sense. And i cannot apologize enough to the people who do like the story and do want me to keep updating. So, as my promise to you all (And to make sure a write at least one a week) Starting January 1st, 2017, I have a new system set in place that will remind me to write for at least 2 hours a week. I hope that in doing this,  it will help me write more descriptive and longer chapters and update the story more often.

Okay now that that is out of the way....Let's get on with the chapter shall we?...)

It was one week till prom. Dresses were picked out, decorations where being set up, girls were planning on going to get their hair and nails done. The whole  12th grade was excited for it. Well almost everyone. Ashima, the new student that came from India to Sodor wasn't excited at all. Ashima felt like she stood out compared to the other students at the high school. Everyone was really nice to her but she still didn't feel like she fit in. Her hair was a mousy brown color and was pulled back in  a braid most of the time. Her clothes didn't look like the other kids either. She wore a pink sari that was beautifully decorated in various blues, greens and other bright colors. Her eyes were a lovely vibrant blueish green color. As Ashima walked down the halls to place her books into her locker, she over heard various conversations from other students about the upcoming prom. Ashima just rolled her eyes and kept walking.  She felt that she had more important things to worry about than buying a dress and wasting a night to study. Mavis and Emily had tried to convince her to go but Ashima just wouldn't change her mind.  At her old school, they didn't have dances. The students main concern was studying, not on partying. Ashima had been to dances before but she really didn't enjoy herself. As ashima thought about her old skill she stepped on the bottom of her sari and tripped, falling onto the floor. Some people around her looked but didn't offer their help. Ashima frantically tried to pick up her papers before they got stepped on. As people were walking all over, one person stopped and helped her pick up her papers. That one person was Henry. He got the stack of papers in order and handed them to her "Here, I believe these are yours" He said with a smile. Ashima returned the smile "yes they are. Thank you." "Are you okay? I saw you fall. You're not hurt are you?" Henry said with concern "Oh I'm fine Thank you. I don't believe we met. I'm Ashima, What is your name?" "I'm Henry. Nice to meet ya Ashima." Henry said as they both walked to Ashima's locker. "What class are you in?" Ashima asked as she opened her locker. "Oh i'm in the steam engine class on the other side of the building. What about you?" "It may sound silly but painting." "That doesn't sound silly at all. It sounds fun. What all do you paint?" "I paint mandalas."  As the two were talking, the dismissal bell rang and the hallways were now more packed with people getting their things from their lockers to go home. But Henry and Ashima kept talking. Henry had heard of mandala paintings before but he didn't quite understand them. "Oh i've heard of them. But never really got the point of them. Maybe you could explain them to me in more dept over a walk in the woods later this evening?" Henry said trying to be smooth. "That sounds lovely Henry. I'll meet you be the oak trail at let's say...5:30?" "Awesome i can't wait." Ashima smiled and pulled her heavy book bag from her locker "Then I'll see you then...Bye Henry." She said as she closed her locker and began walking away.

Later that evening Henry was waiting by the oak trail for Ashima. From the corner of his eye, he saw a pink figure coming towards him. He smiled when he turned his head and saw ashima. "Hello henry. How are you" "Well i just got a whole lot better now that you're here." Ashima laughed as they started down the trail.  Ashima explained A mandala is a spiritual and ritual in Hinduism. Henry had started asking Ashima more questions about her culture and India. Ashima felt pleased that someone was that interested in her life style and her personality. As they neared the end of the trail Henry gave a sigh "Hey, can i ask you something Ashima?" "Alright. What do you want to ask me? " Ashima responded with. "Well, huh i don't really do this sort of thing but as i'm sure you know, prom is coming up and huh i was wondering if by any chance you'd like to go..with me." Ashima knew that prom wasn't her cup of tea either but she agreed for some reason "I'd love to, but you said you were going camping this weekend. I'd hate for you to miss it." Henry laughed "My friends say i go camping way to much anyways..But..was that a yes?" Ashima nodded her head "Yes it was. I'll go to prom with you." Henry smiled as well as ashima. They were both going to prom... 

At home ashima was finsihing her home work when she realized something.  Since Henry and here where going to prom together, She'd have to buy a dress....


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