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-Next week-

Oh Mondays. The ugly stepsister of the week. No one likes you. Except Ashima. Every Monday she was up bright and early ready to take on the day while her fellow classmates where cursing the day. Ashima walked down the hall happily. On her way to her locker, she passed Emily. The two exchanged a quick wave and Ashima continued walking. When she got to her locker, there was a note tapped to it. Ashima knew who it was from. She opened the note and read it to herself. Henry wanted her to meet him after study hall in the court yard. Ashima just smiled and placed the note into her purse before pulling out her books and walking to her first class.  On her way to her first period, Ashima was admiring all the paintings that had been done by students and hung up for the school to admire. The painting held a different variety of styles. Some were portraits, some were short cartoon strips, some were done in charcoal. Ashima went down the line looking at the artwork that fellow students had created. Then she came by a few pieces of her own. She had only submitted 3 pieces to be shown. One was a charcoal portrait drawing she made of her face. The other was an oil painting of the engines her friends were learning to drive. And the last was the largest of them all. A beautiful painted Mandela. It had a variety of blues pinks purples greens and lots of other colors mixed in as well. Ashima was very proud of the painting. She admired it for what seemed like forever. She also noticed someone else admiring it too. "Did you paint that?" "Yes I did" ashima responded with as she studied her fellow student. The other student was daisy. Daisy's blonde hair was pulled into a high pony tail and her makeup looked like it had just been touched up. "Well it's very nice. I don't believe we've met before. I'm Daisy by the way." "Hello. It's nice to meet you Daisy. I'm ashima. I think I've seen you in the Diesels hallway before. Might I ask what you are doing out in the hallway. Aren't you in the diesels class?" Daisy walked past ashima and flipped a stray hair from her face "I have it second period. I'm on my way to show choir. My friends convinced me to join with them." "I thought the class wasn't taking any new members? You're friends must be really talented. " "no not really. They only wanted me to join with them so I could help them with something. Perhaps you know them. They're names are splatter, dodge and Diesel." Ashima looked Daisy dead in the eyes. "You're friends with the kids that humiliated Lauren and Thomas on prom night?" "Oh it was just a joke. People need to let it go." Ashima was starting to question why 4 students of the diesel class just up and joined one of Lady's favorite classes. "Why did you guys join show choir? Surely you must know" ashima asked, taking a step closer to Daisy. "Oh would you look at the time...I told teacher I would only be 5 minutes. Must run. We Diesels try to stick to our times. Wouldn't wanna run Late. Now would we.." "but wait a minute-" ashima said as she started to walk after Daisy. Daisy spun around and gave Ashima a stern glare. "If I were you, I'd keep my nose out of other people's business kid. You and your little steamie friends better leave well enough alone if you know what's good you for. We wouldn't want any one else having a humiliating accident now would we.." Daisy's tone of voice was threatening towards Ashima. Ashima merely nodded to the threatening girl. Daisy smirked "good. Now get lost."
Ashima quickly walked into her class and sat at her desk. The class started 10 minutes ago but thankfully her other classmates said the teacher had to run to the office for a meeting and that no one would notice she was late. Ashima didn't care that she would be late. She cared and worried for her friend. Even though this was her first time officially meeting Daisy, Ashima knew that from what she'd been told, Daisy was a bit nicer than what she had just witnessed. Ashima tried her hardest to focus on her art project but it was hard when right down the hall, there was a possibility that kids where planning on humiliating her friends again. Should she go tell some one? Who would she tell? The show choir teacher? The Diesels class teacher. Maybe the principle? The Principle! That's who Ashima would tell. She begun to write down everything that Daisy said. But it was hard for her to remember the names of Daisy's so called friends. After a little the names came to her. And as she finished writing the information out, the bell rang. The hall ways slowly filled up with students trying to get to their lockers and next classes. Ashima went right to the office.
The office was small. It was just the secretarys desk, a few cabinets and the room behind it where the principle was. The name plate on the desk read Mrs. Kyndley. The office secretary looked up and smiled at Ashima. "Hello what can I do for you?" "Hello. I'd like to see the principle please." "Well he's in a meeting right now but if you have a seat, I'll let him know you need to see him." Ashima nodded "Okay thank you." Mrs. Kyndley smiled and Ashima took a seat in the small plush chair against the wall. Ten minutes passed. Nothing. 20 minutes passed. Still nothing. Ashima was tempted to just say she'll come back later but the door opened and out came Lauren. Ashima smiled happily at her "you're back. " was what she managed to say as her and lady shared a hug "yeah. It took some convincing but I'm back." "Im so happy. Thomas had been trying to get ahold of you. He's really worried." "I'll deal with him later. For now though, I have to stay in the counselor's office so they can help me catch up on all my missed work. I'll talk to you later okay?" Ashima nodded and said bye to her friend. Then, Mrs. Kyndley said Ashima was able to go in.
Ashima walked into principles office and sat in one of the chairs that faced the desk. The principle was a short man he wore a top hat too. Ashima waited. Was she supposed to talk first or wait. The principle finished writing something down, placed a paper in on the desk drawers and smiled. "Hello Ashima. What can I do for you." "Huh principle Hat. I'm concerned. " "about what?" "Well I believe some of the students from the Diesels class are planning on doing something to Lauren and the others." "You'll have to be more specific Ashima. What kids and what do you think they're planning." "Well I ran into Daisy and she said her friends, splatter dodge and Deisel had all joined the show choir club cause lady was in it. The reason I'm worried is cause they were the ones that caused the red paint to fall on Lauren and Thomas on prom night. I just feel like they're up to something again sir " principle Hatt twiddled his thumbs for a moment "that' ridiculous Ashima. Why Just this morning, Daisy offered to help tutor Lauren in all her missed classes. Even though I appreciated her offer, Lauren needed a student from the steam class to help her. Students are free to join any classes they choose Ashima. Perhaps those students just have an interest in show choir and wanted to join it for the second semester. Also in regards to the paint incident on prom night no one planned anything. The custodial department was repainting the gymnasium roof and forgot to put the paint cans away. You're worrying about nothing Ashima. Now go back to class." Ashima couldn't believe it. Her own school principle didn't believe her. "But sir-" "that's enough Ashima. I won't have students trying to accuse others of frivolous things now get back to class." Principle Hatt said in a slightly stern tone of voice. Ashima quietly stood up, picked up her binder and purse and in a quiet voice said "you're right sir. Sorry for wasting your time sir" Ashima quietly left the office and went to her second class.
In the principles office, Principle Hatt took a sticky note off of his desk and wrote down the names of the four students Daisy had mentioned. Even though he tried to believe that his students weren't out to get one another, he couldn't just ignore the problems and concerns of a student. Some time this week, he made it a goal to speak to each of the four diesel students.

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