1: One Hell Of a Year

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An A/N before we get started. This is my first ever g x b book. Not reading wise but writing wise. This might be a bit of a challenge for me honestly, and I have accepted it. I'm excited to see where this book goes. Remember to vote, comment, ya know just that good stuff. Just showes me you like what I'm writing haha❤️ I'll update at least once a week. I'm in High School and the struggle is real. Sorry the first chapter is bleh right now it'll get better I promise! Mkay I love you my kittens enjoy!😘

~•A year before•~

(Y/n)'s POV:

I sigh getting into my car. Working at Starbucks can be fun but it's exhausting. I also really don't wanna work here. Im working here to put money in my pocket. Hopefully I'll find a better job. It's not fun when a customer gets mad at you for spelling their name wrong. It's not my fault your name is unique! I can understand if your name is super easy to spell and someone did it on purpose, but not of it's an accident. There's no reason to get mad at me. If you know we're gonna spell it wrong accept it or nicely tell us how to spell it. I understand if it's intentional but if not please don't yell at me. I drive back to my little apartment in (somewhere in the US).

I walk into the small home. The minute I walk into the door I'm already kicking off my shoes. I listen to see if I hear any movement from the room I share with Danny. I hope he doesn't come home tonight. I receive a text. It was Lilly Singh. She is one of my best friends! We met in high school after she moved here. Then Lindsey was another one of my best friends we've been close since the awkward years of middle school.

Lilly: Heyy!
Y/n: Haii

I walk into the living room and plug in my phone. I grab my laptop off the coffee table and I go on YouTube. Immediately clicking on to the new video Mark (markiplier) posted. After watching it, It was onto Felix's (Pewds), Seans (Jackspeticeye), and a whole bunch of other YouTubers that I love. I need more people to watch. God that sounds creepy as hell. It's true though! I need something to binge watch.

A YouTuber I can watch while eating some chips, then laugh and nearly choke on a piece of chip I was eating. Sounds like the life. I wonder if Lilly knows any good YouTubers.

Y/n: Lillllllllllllllllll
Lilly: Yessssssssss
Y/n: Do you have any good YouTubers for me to check out.

Yet again that sounds creepy as hell.
Lilly: Ummm do you know Amazingphil and Daniel Howell
Y/n: Nerp
Lilly: Okay then them
Y/n: Thank you!

I typed in the username of the first person she told me to check out. I clicked on the first vid that popped up. He's cute!! And adorable!


I was eating a chip when bam! It happened. I started laughing at something Dan said. Now I'm wheezing and coughing for air. I took in as much air as I could and coughed. The piece of chip flew out my mouth landing on the floor. I get up and pick up the wet piece of food. Ew!!! It's slimy and warm! I put it in the trash and return to my throne: my couch.

I sink down into it and just as I was getting comfortable I realized what time it was. It was 11:00 at night. Well damn time flies! "Just one more." I whisper to myself. I click on the next video and watch it play. I roll up the bag of chips before I laugh and choke to my death. I finished watching the video and ended up watching three more until I decided I'd better go to bed.

I put my laptop on the coffee table, and folded my blanket. I walked down the hallway and into the room. I shut the door and lock it. I need a shower.


After getting clean and putting clothes on, I looked at myself. I grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped the make up off my face. The bruises on my face became more visible. I sighed as I walked back into the room and I crawled into bed. I wish I could escape this life soon. Within minutes of my head hitting the pillow sleep took over me. I didn't realize I was so tired.

I wake up to my annoying alarm clock going off. I groaned and got up. I look around to an empty bed. Great! He didn't come home last night. I shut it off and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I get up and get dressed. After putting on some make up to cover the bruises I made sure I looked okay in the mirror one last time. I slipped on my jacket. Then I grabbed my phone, my wallet, and my keys then I headed out. The chilly October morning air hit my face, and I could hear were birds chirping all around me.

I walked to the parking lot, and to my worn out car. I unlocked it and got in. I shut the door, start the car then I back out of the parking space. Soon I was arriving to my enough paying job.


I turn my head towards the person walking into the room. I reconize that black hair from anywhere. Danny. My abusive boyfriend. "Hey babe," he smiles walks toward the counter. I back up as fear rises in my stomach. "Hi," I say forcing a smile. Why is he here?? "Can we talk?" He ask. "I'm working," I say shaking my head. I know if I go talk to him he'll probably hit me. "Please?" He begs. I shake my head. "I-I can't," I say. His smile dropped. "Now," he clenches his jaw. He's always had a horrible temper. I looked down and started to walk towards the exit to get to the other side of the counter. I don't need to make things worse on myself. I feel someone grab my arm. I look behind me to see its Lindsey (Lynn).

"She can't and she won't." Lynn steps in. "Lynn! How are you?" He ask faking his happiness. "Don't pull that shit on me. I know you! I know what you've done to her. You're not gonna see her anymore. I'm not gonna let you. Now get the fuck out before I call the police because a little makeup wipe can reveal a lot." She threatens. He growls and steps back from the counter.

He glares harshly at the both of us then walks out. "Shows over people," Lynn says to the crowd staring at her. Everyone turns their heads and acts like nothing happened.


I work at HotTopic and live with Lynn. We moved in together because it helps save money. I'm on my way to becoming a big YouTuber and her bands getting bigger. So far I have fifteen thousand subscribers and that's a lot to me right now. It seems to grow everyday which im thankful for. Im sure it's because of Lilly though, we did a collaboration together a while back.

"Is that all for you today?" I asked the teenage girl buying a Fall Out Boy shirt. "Yes!" She said excitedly. As I rung it up for her I say, "You must be going to see them in concert soon." I chuckle as I realize this is a shirt for their tour. "Yeah I am, I'm so excited." She grins. "That'll be, twenty-two fifty." She hands me the money. I put the money in the cash register. Then I put the shirt and the receipt in the bag. "Have fun," I say smiling and handing her the bag.

"Thanks," she smiles and walks off. She was the last person in line. It's ten minuets till closing time. Now it's just me and my co-worker Taylor. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pull it out seeing it's a notification from YouTube saying Dan has posted another video.

I click on the video and lean on the counter top while it plays. "Hey (n/n) you can leave now if you want. I'll lock up." My coworker Taylor says. "You sure?" I ask. "Yeah go on." He says. I click off of YouTube and put my phone back into my back pocket. I clock out and leave. There's only one reason why he let me go early. That's because he has a pretty huge crush on me. Sometimes it's creepy sometimes it's not. I call in sick and boom he's asking me if i'm okay. I've allowed him to take me on one date because he wouldn't have stopped trying. Which I did find cute. I hope he realizes I just don't feel for him that way.

Sure he's tall, has blonde hair, greenish greyish eyes, and is just gorgeous, but I don't think he's for me. I can't see us together.

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