49: Get In Loser, We're Going Shopping!!

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Dan's Uncle was nice enough to lend us a hand with moving everything to the apartment. It was all so much. Now at home we have a lot to organize. Dan parents had gotten us a changing table, and the two bassinets that Brian and Alex got us. Then we got two swings, two walkers. I was excited to unbox the double stroller. We have a bunch of diapers and wipes, lots of baby clothes to put up and organize. Bottles, toys, pacifiers.
I was speaking on the phone with Lynn. I'll get a tackle on everything tomorrow, but for now I had a busy day and I just want to relax.

"We planned to stay for a week at least to explore, and to spend more time with you before leaving," Lynn says.
"Oh yay! Maybe you guys can help me organize all the baby stuff then," I chuckle.
"The boys said they already agreed to help Dan and Phil build some of the stuff, so we should go shopping tomorrow!"
"I would love to!" I smile.


Dan pecks me on the lips as I make it up to the door. "I'll see you guys later have fun!" I tell the boys as I walk out of the apartment. I meet Lynn outside who is already in the rental car her and the boys bought for the time they are gonna be here. She rolls the window down.

"Get in loser we're going shopping!" She says in an annoying preppy girl voice. I laughed as I got into the car. "You stupid ass," I chuckle putting on my seatbelt. "It was very appropriate for this moment! I had to take it while I could," she smiles. We head to the mall blasting music and even some of her own music. Once we parked we got out the car and headed inside.

Once we got there we walked around. Lynn and I spotted a baby store of course we had to go in. I know what the twins are now so I can shop for them properly. We walk in looking at clothes. I can't wait till they have their first Halloween, their first Christmas, their first birthdays. I know I'll probably cry my eyes out on those special days. Another thing I think about often is, after this will Dan and I start over sometime?

"Y/n look at this!" Lynn says holding up footie pajama's that was a Bear with the hoodies the ears on top. "That's adorable!" I smile. Lynn and I continue to shop, by the time we were done we were holding two bags each both large. "Damn, my children are going to be spoiled." I chuckle. "Hey, those are my god children, I've got to spoil them. I cant wait till they have their first Christmas!" She smiles. I wonder what they are going to look like. "We're also making sure that when they're old enough they are gonna learn to protect themselves. I know Brian and Alex will teach Boy how to protect his sister, but I'm not gonna let her not know how to protect herself. Girl will know how to protect herself and her brother." Lynn smiles. We haven't decided names for them yet. I love her plans for the future. She'll be the best god mom in the world. That reminds me though, where's Ollina? I haven't seen her anywhere. If shes gonna be apart of my kids lives then too I would like to know her better.
"I haven't heard about Ollina in awhile are you two doing alright?"
"I didn't want to bring negativity along but, I think I may be losing feelings for her... She's nice and all but suddenly now I cant see a future with her and I in it," Lynn explains looking at her feet. "At least you wont be dragging her along... right?"
"Right, i'm gonna do it when we get back to the U.S.. Speaking of that though. The boys and I were thinking about moving down here."

My heart leaped in my chest as my body was engulfed in excitement. "Really?!" I smile clapping my hands. "Yes really! It would be so much easier. I would much rather being here already when you're in labor, so I can be there for everything even though you might be a Satan for that day."
"Speaking of me being Satan, and said for that day he was gonna have a fake hand holding mine because he feels like I might break his hand," I laugh. "You might, I mean, do you know how much pain you're going to be in??" Lynn chuckles. "That's gonna be the only down side to this, I can't wait to see what the kids are going to look like though. Will they look more like Dan or me?" I ask. "Maybe it'll be switched, like the girl looks more like Dan and the boy looks more like you. Hey! you as a guy! Haha Mpreg," Lynn giggled. I rolled my eyes. "You weirdo," I laugh.

"That brings me to, do you know how freaky Phan and Kellic shippers are? Like damn they have active imaginations," Lynn laughs.


Lynn and I get back into the car. My feet and back are killing me right now. Once we sit down, it relives my feet and my back. "Thank god," I sigh, throwing the many bags I had into the back. Lynn shuts her door and does the same. Lynn and I did end up getting food, and buying more items. It was nice to have quality time with her, it had been awhile since it was just me and her.

"Thank you for the shopping trip Lynn, it was definitely needed."
"No problem its nice to just hang out with you," Lynn smiles. She gets the car started and backs out of the spot.

I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. I'm sure its Dan. Its too much trouble to get to my phone right now. He's gonna have to wait. "So when are you guys moving down here?" I ask.
"All I know is soon. We're finding houses which is another reason why we're out here."
My phone stopped vibrating. Sorry Dan, I'll be home in a few minutes Love. A few seconds of silence later my phone started to vibrate again. It must be urgent. Dan doesn't usually call twice. I manage to get my phone out my back pocket. I see its Officer Ross. I click the green answer button, and put the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"
Lynn mouths out to me, "Who is it?"
"Officer Ross," I mouth back as Officer Ross continued. "So we have more information on Danny..." She trails off. My heart started to pound against my ribcage. "Okay.."
"Well, they say he might've crossed into the UK. We don't know how yet, but they said they've seen someone with resemblance. Once we get a picture back then i'll send it to you immediately."
"T-thank you," I stutter. "No problem and be carful. We're gonna get a case started down there too so the authorities down there will know what to look out for."
"Bye." I hang up the phone looking down.

Why can't he leave me alone and just let me be happy? I don't want him anymore! He just cant get it through his thick skull. I feel my eyes start to burn as tears threatened to pour. They gathered on my waterline before actually falling. "What did she say?" Lynn said getting worried. "They said the lunatic has probably crossed over here.. How in the hell could he do that? How in the hell was he not noticed and caught? Why me? Why can't he leave me alone?" I say feeling the warm trickle of the tears falling down my cheeks. "We wont let him get to you Y/n, Its gonna be alright." Lynn says rubbing my back. "I hope so," I wipe away my tears. It didn't do me any good though because more fell.

Once we got home Lynn told me she'll get the bags and to go ahead and get inside. I unlock the door. "Y/n?" I heard Brian call from Dan and I's room. "In here," I say sounding defeated. I walk over to the couch and sit down. I put my face into my hands. Dan starts to call my name but he stops midway. He seems closer. "Y/n, what happened?" I felt the couch dip. "Its Danny," I say sniffling. "What about that asshole?" Alex ask. "I got a call from Officer Ross saying he might've crossed over here," I say wiping more of my tears. Dan uses his sleeve to wipe the falling ones away. "I'm not letting him even touch you," Dan says. "Make that two," Alex adds. "Three!" Brian chimes in.

I hear the door open signaling Lynn has walked in. "Four! We're talking about beating Danny up right?"
"Hell yes," Brian says.

Dan wraps his arms around me pulling me in for a comfortable hug. A hand in my hair, he kisses my head then strokes my hair softly. "He's messing with our family. Neither of us will allow him to hurt you." Dan says.
"If he even attempts to get close I'll pull out my big guns," Brian says flexing. Looking at him I had a small smile dancing on my lips.

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