51: The Blindfold Is Now Off

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{3 Weeks later (9 months 1week)}

"If you need me call me okay, I'll be here as fast as I can," Dan tells me walking out the door. "I know I know I will call you. Or I'll call Lynn and them I'll be fine," I tell him. "Okay..."

Dan has been a lot more scared about going out. He feels like my water is going to break at any second. Which it could but he's been afraid of leaving me here on my own, but he shouldn't worry either way I'll be fine. I was in some pain early this morning. It kept waking me up every hour but they've been off and on all day. I'm not worried much.

"Are you sure-"
"Yes!" I cut him off. "Go Dan. I will be fine, we'll be fine okay? I love you," I tell him. "I love you too, I'll call you when I'm on the way back," he tells me. "Okay have fun with your dad," I chuckle. He bends down to peck me on the lips. He opens the door and opens his mouth. I beat him to the punch by speaking first, "You won't have to worry, I'll be here all day."

He shuts his mouth and laughs. I shut the door behind him. It's so quiet now. I walk into our room and to Dan's piano. I've been playing lately to keep myself busy. It's something fun to learn in my free time. Sure I'm not too good at it but I always try my best and if I keep up with it, with time I'll be as good as I want to be. After playing until my fingers were starting to hurt from stretching them and pressing on the keys I got up. I think it'd be a good time to go ahead and pack up the babies and I's things.

When we're at the hospital at least I'll have clothes to put them in. I hear my phone ring. I walk over to the bed and sit down. I pick the phone up hearing the familiar voice of Eric.

"Y/n are you busy today?"
"No why? Are you okay?"
"Caleb and I just got into another fight.." I heard him sniffle. Hearing that made me feel worse for him. He's crying.

"I'll send you my address you can come on over," I tell him. "Alright," he hangs up the phone. I send him my address and he text back telling me he's on the way. Poor thing. I wonder what happened this time.

As I folded a blanket I heard a knock on the door. I get up walk over to the door and open it to reveal a very sad Eric. "Aw hun come in," I tell him stepping to the side. He walks in and looks around. I shut the door and lock it. "Come sit," I tell him. We both go to sit down on the couch. "What happened?" I ask.

"Well Caleb got mad at me because I told him I needed more attention from him.. I didn't mean to make it sound bad I mean he's always playing his video games. Sometimes they seem more important than me..." He says looking down wiping away tears. "It's good you're giving him some space then. He'll realize he was wrong by tonight."
"Really hope so... I hope he's not stubborn with me.. Was it wrong of me to request more attention?"
"No! You honestly shouldn't even need to. If he loves you, since you called this to his attention he'll stop spending more time with his games."
"I hope I didn't fuck up..."
"You didn't! Caleb sounds like he just needs time to realize his mistake.."
"Thanks for letting me come over.."
"No problem I told you anytime." I rub soothing circles onto his back.

After some silence I thought it'd be a good time to change the subject. "I was about to pack up the things for the hospital. Maybe you can help me?" I ask. "Yeah I'd love to!" He smiles. We go into Dan and Is room. I had loads of baby stuff on the bed, and some of my things to pack up.

"Why are you packing things so early?" He ask.
"It's not early, I'm at nine months. I could go into labor at any moment and honestly I feel like it might be soon. I've been having a lot of contractions lately," I admit.

I could go into labor any time now which frightens me but excites me at the same time. What scares me is how much it'll hurt. Seeing my kids is what excites me though. I sat on the bed, then sat criss-crossed. He sat at the foot of the bed and did the same.
"There's so much you have to prepare for, Jesus," he laughs. "I know," I chuckle, putting the folded blanket inside the diaper bag. "Do they move a lot?"
"Yeah, sometimes its hurts a little bit but I'm just used to it now." I tell him.
"It's like you have two little soccer players in there."
"It really is," I laugh.


My phone starts to ring. I look at the contact name seeing it's officer Ross. It's late where she's at right now. I'm guessing they have a picture of what he might look like now.

"I've gotta take this I'll be back," I tell Eric. I get up and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask shutting my door. "Hey, so I just wanted to tell you. We have word on what he might look like and this will definitely shock you because it's nothing of what he looked like then which is probably how he got to the U.K. In the first place," She explains.

My heart sinks. I walk into the bathroom and shut the door. "Okay.. what do you think he looks like?"
"Lanky, beard, darker features..."

Everything she's says is describing Eric. I don't think it would be a good idea to go out there now. "Okay thank you.." I tell her. "I will talk to you soon," she says. "Bye," I hang up and put my phone on the counter. If Eric really is Danny... how could I let him get so close to me. He has my address again. My number. He could taunt me. Eric is so sweet though! He's also gay! But Eric as Danny was and is always good at hiding things. Like he always did when we were around his friends... I just should tell him it's time to leave because I'm tired and I want to take a nap. I put my hand to my stomach as I go up to the door. I open it, frozen in the door way to see Eric sitting on Dan and I's bed. His elbows on his legs, hands clasped together. His head down. He speaks with a dark more manly tone. Much different than the other voice he was using. It sounded like Danny...

"I'm guessing you know now Y/n..."
"I-I don't know what you mean.." I say acting dumb.
"Oh bullshit!" He yells scaring me. My eyes start to burn. The warm trickle of tears start to fall down my cheeks. "I know you were just talking to the police....I did all this for you. Just so we could be together... I love you!" He says standing. My body awakens and I back up into the bathroom. As I shut the door I see him get up and run towards me. I lock it and lean up against it. He bangs onto the door. I guess he's not as strong as he used to be because he made himself unhealthy.

"Go away!" I yell. "I just wanna be with you!" He yells banging on the door. Yell out in pain feeling my abdomen contract, it being a hell of a lot more painful then the last. I slid down the door on weak knees. I need to call Dan. Once the pain passes, I grab my phone off the counter and dial his number. He picks up almost immediately.

"Are you okay?!"
"No I'm not! Eric is Danny I'm locked in the bathroom and I'm in pain!"
"I'll call Brian and the police hang tight I'm coming." Dan says hanging up.

"We could be a family Y/n! You, me, and the twins! Dan doesn't need to be in the picture! I'll love you more than he can!" Danny shouts. "Why can't you see that I'm happy with Dan? I love him!" I yell. I scoot away from the door.

I feel a small pop, and I feel warm water seep through my clothing. Oh shit. Not now! I breathe trying to calm myself. I need to calm down. Someone please hurry. I hunch over in pain as I feel another contraction. I moan in pain.

I hear another bang on the door. "Go away Danny!"
"It's Eric!" He yells. "I don't care just leave me alone!" I start to sob. I just want him to leave me alone!
"Y/n?!" I hear Brian yell from the living room. Then it's quiet. I sniffle and breathe. "Brian!" I yell out of breath. My contraction finally passes.

There's a knock on the door. "It's Brian! Alex went to chase after him!" I pick myself up using my arms and the counter and unlock it. Brian sees the reddish water on the floor.

"My water broke."

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