26: Snappy

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Y/n POV:

After I had taken a shower, I went to go put my dirty clothes inside a plastic bag. After, I went to go to Dan's room to discover the door was closed. I walked over to his door and knocked on it.



His voice was shaky and sounded out of breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute or so." He told me.

"Okay?" My eyebrows knitted in confusion.

He didn't sound okay... I'll ask him when he's out. I walk away from the door back to my room to my things to put them away. Once had I put all my things away into my suitcase I sighed in happiness knowing I won't have to do this later. I heard a knock on my door and looked up to see Dad standing there.

"Y/n," he starts walking further into my room.

I sit down on my bed and he follows sitting on the other side.

"How are your feelings towards Dan?" He ask.

"They are very strong, why?"

"Are you sure?" He ask.

"Yes Dad, Dan isn't like Danny okay? Plus it's time I get back out there. I mean it's been a year or so since that all. I'm fine. Let me go through this relationship and see how things go. If I need you I won't hesitate to get you or call you. I will be fine though." I tell him.

"Okay, well goodnight."

He gets up off the bed and heads to the door.


He shuts the door softly leaving me alone. I hope he doesn't bud into my relationship. I know what I'm doing. I hear Dan's door open across the hall. I get up out of bed and open my door. His cheeks were flushed, and his head was a bit sweaty at the top, but he seemed like he's calmed down.

I whisper, "Hey!"

He looked at me. A smile stretching his lips. I tiptoe over to him. I push him back into his room and shut the door.

"Are you okay?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Y-yeah why?" He ask.

"You were acting weird just a second ago."

"I'm just tired. Today was a lot." He says.

My face softened. My dad must've given him a hard time.

"Aw hun. My dad give you hard time?" I ask.

"Yeah, and your brother-in-law."

I give him a quick kiss on his cheek and rub his forearms before slipping my arms under his and giving him a tight hug. His arms wrap around me, and we just stood there for a moment.

"Not my grandpa?" I ask.

"Nope, he was very wise I should say."


"He understood that you can make your own decisions."

"Oh okay, he's always been that way thank god." I say.

Dan cupped my face in his hands, he leans down a kisses my lips softly. I love his kisses they are always so tender and love filled. They make me feel special.

"Let's go to bed," He tells me pulling away.

I jump on the bed then move the covers to get in it. After Dan gets in on the other side, I lay down on my side. Moments later the light turns off and Dan's arm goes around my stomach. His arm tightens around me, him drawing my closer. I smiled as his fingers laced into mine.

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