4: Keeping Company

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Three months later Dan and I have gotten closer. Lynn and her band went on tour with Pierce The Veil today, so I'm home alone. I'm currently in my room listening to music and talking to Dan. It's a Saturday and I have nothing to do. A chill day sounds amazing anyways. It's two o'clock and I'm also still in my pajamas. I might order pizza later.
Dan: Y/nnnnnnnn
Y/n: Yesssssssss
Dan: We should FaceTime
Y/n: When?
Dan: Next few minuets
Y/n: Okay sure
Dan: Skype information please
Y/n: (s/u/n) [skype username]

I look like a piece of crap right now!! I get up and go to my bathroom. I brush my hair and make my self look presentable enough for the camera. I make sure I look okay. I change my shirt to a better one and look at myself one more time in the mirror. I heard my Skype ringing and I answer it. "Hey!!" Dan smiled. You've been talking for three months now! Don't fan girl. "H-hi..." No stuttering either!! Great first impression. I mentally face palm myself.

"Hows it going?" I ask trying to stop my awkwardness. "Amazing now," he chuckles. "Ooh why?" I ask, curious. "You're actually you." He explained. "You didn't think I was me?" I question. "I don't mean for it to sound rude," he starts. "You're picture is so..." He trails off. "So what?"

"Bea- Pretty, and to see its actually you. Like, you never know when you talk to someone over the internet." He confesses. I feel my cheeks heat up, and I look away while smiling. "I'm sorry that was probably very awkward." He chuckles nervously. "No, no it's its true," I agree. "Thank you by the way." I smile. "No problem," he grins, his dimples showing. He's so cute oh my god!

"You wanna know what sounds super good right now?" I ask him. "What?" He answers. "Some pizza," I laugh lightly. "Then order some," he laughed. "I might just do that," I chuckle. "When are you gonna post another video??" Dan ask. "Soon I promise," I tell him. "Good because your number one fan is waiting." He snapped and pointed at me. I shook my head and giggled at him.

You're too damn cute. I smile at him. "When are you gonna post another video cause your number one fan is waiting as well." I say. "Soon I promise," he mocks. We both start to laugh. My phone rings. I see its Lynn's contact. "Hold on," I say to Dan as I answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey N/n [nickname] whatcha up to?" She asked. "Talking with Dan," I say. "Of course you are," she sighs jokingly. "Anyways, I was just calling to see how you were doing." She says. "I'm fine, been bored mostly but I'm fine." I say. "Okay you're going when we come there right?" She asked. "Of course," I say. "Alright, have fun with Dan." She laughs. I roll my eyes, "Bye Lynn have a good show tonight call me afterwards." I tell her.

"Yes mom, bye." She hangs up. "Being here alone is so boring and scary," I say. "That's exactly how I feel when Phil leaves. I'll keep you company." Dan chuckles. "Good because night time is the worst. Last night was the first time I've been by myself in a year. I thought I heard something down the hall." I told him. "Me when I played Outlast without Phil here. Word of advice don't play anything scary if your alone. That only makes it worst for you. Believe me." He added. I laughed remembering that video. "I'll be back." Dan said getting up.

"Okay." Dan left his room. I got on my phone and started listening to music to past the time. I sung the word to my favorite song, (f/s). Moments later I hear movement. I look up and see Phil peer into the camera. PHIL LESTER!!! Try not to fan girl.... Keep your cool you've got this. "Hi!" He greets. "Hi!!" I wave. "You must be Y/n." He says. "Yes I am..." Phil Lester knows me! Wait how does he know me? "How do you know about me?" I ask. Never mind I make videos on YouTube duh! Wait.... Phil Lester watches my videos!!! Oh my god!! Wait he probably doesn't... I should stop getting my hopes up. "Dan talks about you so much! It's like he never shuts up." Phil chuckles. A smile stretched my lips. "Really?" I ask surprised.

"Yeah, it's nice to finally meet you." He laughed. "Nice to finally meet you too!"

"Oh and you're YouTube channel is amazing by the way. You better post another video soon." He warns, squinting his eyes and pointing at me. "Okay okay I will." I laugh. He does watch my videos!! "You know you should come collab with us one day! It'd be fun! We can even show you around London. Maybe one day we can surprise Dan." Phil says whispering the last part. I nod and whisper, "That sounds like a great idea."

Phil smiles that adorable smile of his. "Phil? What are you doing?" Dan ask sitting on the bed next to Phil. "Talking to Y/n." He answers. "But I'll leave you two alone." Phil gets up and walks out the room. As I'm watching the screen I see Dan mouthing out words to Phil I couldn't make out.

"Question, Phil wasn't acting weird right?" He ask. "No why?" I ask. "I was just asking," he said. I think there's more than what he's telling me but I won't push it. "What took you so long?" I ask. "Food!" He says, grabbing a bowl of popcorn. "Ooh yummy! Now I want some food. Pizza it is." I chuckle grabbing my phone. I order the pizza and while I'm waiting Dan and I talk more.

Once I hear the doorbell ring I tell Dan to hold on and I get up. When I open the door I opened it reveal someone I wasn't expecting to be there.


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