29: White Room

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Don't kill me! I'm sorry the update is late. Last week was practically hell for me especially Friday. I also got to see Panic! In concert so that was one good part out of the week but anyways here it is! You guys can stop yelling at me now 😂 I love you Kittens!😘😘


Dan's POV:

It's all my fault... if I would've gotten there sooner Y/n wouldn't be in this mess. She looks so peaceful sleeping, but it pains me to see it's a hospital bed. I know she only passed out but she scared me Her cheek is bruised. He hit her. Her arm is bruised. He must've grabbed her too hard or he hit her there too. There are faint marks on her neck where he choked her. My Angel she didn't deserve this. They've thrown him in jail, but Y/n needs to move. Her and Lynn need to get away from that house. It's no longer safe, especially for Y/n.

Her peaceful face turned to one of fear. She must be having a dream. Her eyes shot open and she sat up. Covering her eyes as she started crying.

Y/n POV:

I felt someone touch me and I flinched away. I looked up to see it was Dan. I grabbed him and pulled him down onto the bed I was on. I held onto him for dear life. His arms wrapped around me as I sobbed into his shirt.

"It's okay I'm here now," he says rubbing my back.

"They've put him away, he won't be touching you ever again." Dan kisses my head.

"Like away away he's not coming out for a long time?" I questioned.

"Yes Darling. I'm so sorry I couldn't get there in time. My uber was taking forever and then there was little trouble with the traffic...I'm sorry I feel horrible."

It's not his fault... he did all he can.

"It's not your fault sweetheart."

"I feel like it is... I'm so sorry."

"Stop that, you did all you could."

"Alright," he says sadly, " also there are some cops here that want to speak to you about what happened do you wanna wait or do you want me to get them now?" Dan asked.

I want to get this over with and forget about it.

"Now, let's just get this over with..." I say.

"Are you sure?"

I nod my head and Dan hesitantly got up from my grasp and walked outside the room. I looked around noticing I was in a bed. The room was white. Designs of burgundy red and army green triangles all over the walls. The consistent beep that was connected to my heart would probably get on my nerves or fall on deaf ears soon. I looked down at my lap. I'm going through this again... having to talk about what he did to me. I didn't think I'd ever be doing this again. I can't believe that I actually believed him when he said he changed. Now he's back in jail for what I hope is longer. This time he should be charged for attempted murder. I don't even know what his fucking problem is with me! What in the hell did I do to him?! I was always good to him even when he was beating me. I took the pain out of fear... More tears spilled from my eyes. I heard the door be opened. I wiped my eyes quickly, even though I know it wouldn't make too much of a difference on my appearance.

"Miss, L/n?" The officer is a woman. "Yes?" I say still not looking up. "I'm officer Ross and this is my partner officer Grant. What happened before we found you?" She ask. I replayed everything back in my mind. The way he grabbed my arm and pulled me up. The amount of rage I saw in his eyes. The way he taunted me.

"Miss L/n?" She broke the silence. I looked up at her and took a deep breath. I told her everything from start to finish. Finding myself in thought while telling my story, I might've went into more detail then I should have. Dan's face had no color in it, there were tears brining his eyes.

"Thank you for your time miss L/n." Both officers turned to walk out but I stopped them. "Wait..." They turn around to face me. "He's going to be put away for years right?" I ask. "Yes, but I'd recommend a restraining order after this Dear. If we wouldn't have gotten there in time things could've gone worst. He will be in there for long time but I don't think it'll be forever." I nod and then they actually leave this time. I see Dan crumble on the couch. This is the first I've seen him cry.

My poor baby. "Come here," I tell him. He looks up at me with red puffy eyes. "Come on," I motion him over. He walks to my bed and sits down. Now it's my turn to hold him. I grab his arm and pull him into me. As he continues to cry I rub soothing circles onto his back. "What are you crying about baby?" I ask, then kiss his head and run my fingers through his locks.

"I-I'm sorry," he sobs.
"For what?"
"I didn't get there in time... I could've helped."
Those words only made me hug him tighter.
"Dan... there was nothing you could've done. What's important is that you got there I'm fine," I tell him. "You're not fine. You have a bruise on your arm, bruises on your neck, you have a bruise on your face for gods sake!"
I didn't even know I had that many.
"Well..I'll be fine. This isn't the first time this has happened."
"That pains me too..." he sits up. I cup his face In my hands and wipe his tears.

He leans close and puts his forehead on mine. "I'll be fine hun." I say softly. He leans in and kisses me softly. "Miss L/n?" A voice causes us to pull away. We look to see it's a doctor. "Yeah?" I ask trying to sit up straight but failing because of the pain in my back. "You'll be able to go home in a couple of hours. You need to be carful though because your back might be sore, there's no broken bones you'll be okay though." He informs me. "Okay thank you," I say. "No problem miss."


Dan lays me down on the bed gently, treating me like China. Dan and I just got home and he's being extra carful with me. I hear a knock down the stairs. "I'll go get it." Dan exits the room and I grab my phone. After some moments I hear my mothers voice down stairs.

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