46: A Bit More Peaceful

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Before starting this chapter, I just wanna thank you all for reading. I didn't think this book would get a whole lot of anything! This is my first bxg book I've written after all. Thank you for the reads the votes and the comments. You guys always put a smile on my face! I love you so much! Enjoy the chapter! Just in case you were wondering no this isn't the last chapter silly goose! 💕


After the show Dan and Mark left for their signing stations and Lilly and I went to ours. As we grew closer we realized the long line of people were for us. They cheered as we sat down. The girl in front of me seemed young. She had bright vibrant pink hair, and dark brown eyes. "Could you sign this for me?" She ask in a sweet voice. "Yes, your name is?" I ask. "Nadi," she smiles. "Nice to meet you Nadi!"
"I want a picture can I have one?" She ask. "Sure," I smile.
I wonder how many hours of this I'm going to have to do. I'm sad I know it's going to fly by me and I'll be done in what seems like so little time.


After a girl a guy was next. He had. Black hair, hazel eyes, beard skinny as hell, glasses and his hair was really long. It's so surprising to believe someone his age watches my videos. Yet then YouTube hardly has any age limits.

"My name is Eric! It's such a pleasure to meet you!" Eric says happily. Awh such a fanboy he is! That voice sounds so familiar though. Almost like that's Danny... but that's impossible. This guy is a twig compared to him. "Can you sign this for me??" He ask giving me a notebook. "Sure!" I take it and sign it for him. "Also congratulations on the twins!" He tells me. "Thank you so much!"

I gave him back his notebook. "I love you!!" He smiles getting ready to walk away. Just to be nice I say, "Love you too!" He walks away a smile on his face. It's so nice to know I can make people happy.


Dan and I made it back to the hotel. We have been invited to go eat at a restaurant named MunchyEats. Sounds more casual but we were told to be formal. We have to be there around eight-thirty.

"My feet are killing me.." I sigh sitting on the bed. "Well lay down and put your feet up babe, that'll help the swelling," Dan tells me. I do what he says and he grabs the pillows for me so I can prop my feet up. I thank him, and check my phone to see I have a text from Phil. It reads, 'Check your Twitter!' I text back 'Okay' then get on Twitter. I see Phil has tagged Dan and I in some poll. Boys, Girl, or both!
Boys: 16%
Girls: 38%
Both: 46%
(Comment what you want right here!)

Both is winning. I wonder what they'll actually be. "Dan, did you see the poll on Twitter?" I ask him as he lays down next to me on the bed. "Yeah, I find it funny someone made a poll about it," Dan chuckles. "Should I vote??" I ask. "If you want to, I did."
"What'd you pick?"
"Both, even though really, I don't mind. Either way I'll love them!"
"You're so sweet you know that," I smile. I pick the one I wanted, then just scrolled through Twitter. After falling asleep my phone resting on my tummy, I was awakened by Dan.

"We have about thirty minutes until we have to be at the restaurant."
I check my phone to see it's eight. I guess I had fallen asleep. My feet don't hurt and they aren't swollen anymore thank god. I took my feet off the pillow and onto the side of the bed so I could stand up. I go over to the suit case I brought, and pull out the black dress with lace sleeves. The pattern of the sleeves were flowers of some sort. It was a little past my knees. I sat on the bed ready to grab my shoes. I started sliding off the bed and reaching for my shoes. I refuse to wear any type of heel.

"Do you want help?" Dan asked, amused by me. "Yes," I said giving him a toothy smile.

I put myself back on the bed and Dan grabbed my shoes for me. "Thank you, Love!" I put them on with very little trouble. I stand up and go look at myself in the mirror. I touch up on what I need to, make sure I look okay one more time.

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