39: Telling The Family

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I know I'm awake. I'm just very reluctant to open my eyes. I don't wanna get up yet and this is one of those days where I really don't have to. Yesterday just really took it out of me. When Dan went to sleep I silently cried myself to sleep. It kept me up just thinking, what if the same thing that happened last time happens again? It'll be bad for me but what about Dan and I's kids? I don't want to lose them they mean so much to me. I'm honestly scared what'll happen to my babies. I know whatever he would try to do to me it might effect Dan and I's children. I don't want anything to happen to them. "Y/n we forgot something..." I hear Dan's voice. "What is it?" I ask groggily. "I think your parents are suppose to be coming today..." I groan loudly. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah."
Well there goes my lazy morning. "Let's go make sure everything's clean then, I'll see if Mark and Lilly wants to come over too," I say sitting up. "Alright see you downstairs then," Dan leaves the room. I go into the bathroom and do my business then I go downstairs to see what a mess we left. Pizza boxes and plates.

"Don't forget we also have to run by the police department!" Dan says reminding me of the big day ahead. Shit there's so much to do! I know we're also gonna have to go shopping so I can make dinner tonight. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. "What's wrong?" Dan asked. "There's so much to do before my parents get here. I just hope we can get it done in time."
"We're not alone babe. Remember Lynn and Ollina are here too maybe they can clean while we go and get everything?" He questioned. I nod, "Yeah, okay."
I walk up the stairs to Lynns room. I knock. "Lynn?"
"Are you up?"
"Not fully, why?"
"Me and Dan have to go to the police department and my parents are coming over... the house isn't clean."
"Okay we can help, just go get your business done we'll take care of the house."
"Thanks Lynn!"

I don't know what I'd do without her. "Dan let's go get dressed, Lynn said she'll take care of it."


Im so nervous... This whole Danny situation just scares the hell out of me. I look down at my bump and put my hands over it. Dan parks and puts a hand over my own. I look at him, worry in my eyes. "Everything will be alright," he tells me. "Okay," I nod. We get out the car and head inside. We get to the front and they check us for weapons and such before letting us through. We ask for Ross and they lead us to her office. She was sitting at her desk. It seemed so cliché. She has a doughnut and coffee on her desk.

"You guys can sit," she says looking away from her computer to us. Dan and I sit down and wait for her to say something. "There's still no word on him being found. Any longer and he'll be on national news. So what we can do to ensure you're safety is we can have officers patrol your house. You know? Just stick around day and night making sure you're okay. If not that then if you see him or anything you'd have to contact us right that moment. Now, once he's caught. He'll be put away for longer and he'll be watched carefully," she explains. This is so much to take in... I feel my head start to become dizzy.

"How long would this watching thing be and when will it take place?" I ask trying to shake the feeling. Come on morning sickness don't hit me right now.  "Well we could start now. If you feel it's necessary then they could even go with you places to make sure you're okay there too... are you okay?" She ask. "Yeah, I'll be fine," I tell her. Subconsciously, I place a hand over my bump again.
"I'll go get you some water," Dan says looking at Ross. Ross points out the door, "Down the hall." Dan nods and gets up.
"Are you sure you're looking a little green in the face," she mentions. "I'm fine really, it's nothing to worry about."

"Okay... Also, do you know anyone that may know where he is?" She asked.

"I honestly don't know...maybe his family? I mean his mom did disown him... but I don't know. I know some of his friends though. I can give you they're names."

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