50: Blindfolded

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{2 months later (8 months 2 Weeks)}

I wince in pain, feeling my lower abdominal area tighten, only feeling what I know as Braxton hicks. They've been occurring from time to time. At first they worried me so I called our doctor and she told me that's what they were. Dan and Phil are gone today, they'd decided to go out and play Pokémon Go even though it seems like no one plays that game anymore. Since they are out, I didn't want to be inside today so I'm at a grocery store looking for nothing but craving food. I have a basket I'm pushing around, it was filled with frozen cookies, chips, pickles, peanut butter, grapes, and juice. Walking down the isle, I looked for soy sauce to go on what I was cooking tonight. Lomein. Yum! I saw it on the top shelf. I reached for it. Unfortunately I couldn't reach it. "Y/n!" I turned to my name being called. It was Eric.

"Oh hey!" I smile. "Need some help? Saw you struggling," he chuckled. "That would be very nice thank you," I tell him placing my hand on my lower back. He reached up and grabbed it for me. "Thank you," I say putting the item in my basket. Eric looked in the basket and scrunched up his nose in disgust. "What's with all the weird food? What are you making?" He asked chuckling. For all he knows all this could've been for something I have at home already! "Don't judge me okay? My cravings are kicking my ass right now," I laugh. "I can see that," he chuckles. "How are you?" I ask. "Not too good me and Caleb got into an argument, I felt like I should give him space since I'm living in his house." Eric looks down. I want to make him feel better... I have no plans today.

"I'm not doing anything interesting today. You wanna hang out with me till you feel its okay to go home?" I question. "Really? I don't want to be a bother..."
"You're not a bother just let me finish grocery shopping and we can go get some tea or something," I tell him. "Okay." A smile stretches his lips.

I finish what parts of grocery shopping I had left to do, and then Eric and I, taking separate cars of course, head to the place a first discovered he was here. We walk into the building the smell of coffee hitting my nose. Eric tells me to pick a spot, I pick one next to the window. "What do you want? I'll order for you," he tells me. I tell him what I would like, and I pull my wallet out. "Don't stress it, I got it," He tells me. "What no! I can't, here take it," I tell him holding my money out. "You've been helping me, you're allowing me to spend some of the day with you. The least I can do is buy your beverage." I sigh, "Fine." He smiles jumping on his tippy toes and clapping. He walks into the line. Such a sweet guy. My phone rings, Dan's ringtone!

I grab it and pick it up. "Hey babe!" I say smiling. I missed my Dan. "Hey Love, what are you doing?" he ask. "Just at Cafee Cafe's, what are you doing?"
"Heading home, I miss you."
"Aw I miss you too baby," I giggle. "So one of my fans from Vidcon found me, and poor thing is having a hard day, so I told him he could spend the day with me."
"Whats wrong with him?"
"His boyfriend he's living with needed space today," I tell him. "Oh, okay. You're so sweet." I could practically hear the relief in his voice. I looked to see Eric coming back over here. "Thank you!"
"When are you going to be home?" Eric sits down being quiet since I'm on the phone.
"Sometime soon, I miss you too. When I get home I'll give you a huge hug," I smile. "I want kisses too," Dan chuckles. "And kisses, I've got to go but i'll talk to you soon."
"Alright, I love you baby."
"I love you too Daniel, bye," I end the call.

"That was Dan?" Eric ask. I nod with a smile. "I can see how happy he makes you, so much better than that Danny guy. That's ironic. I've wanted to ask you though, how were your experiences with him? I've never been a-abused before.." The thought of Danny made me scared, but I don't need to seem worried about him. I don't need any of my fans worried about me.

"They were horrible. I had to put on makeup everyday to hide my bruises. I was sore a lot of the time. He scared me... that's why I didn't leave him until you know Lynn helped me. I'm glad you've never gone through that because well... it's hell on earth. I'm happy you have someone sweet," I explain to him.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that.." he says looking down avoiding my eyes. "It got me to where I am now. I'm away from him that's all that matters," I tell him.

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