28: You Made Your Bed Now Lie In It

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Hello gorgeous people! I forgot to apologize in the last chapter. The week before I was sick and I didn't want to do anything but lie in bed. I'm sorry guys! Alright enjoy the chapter!


I woke up and looked around my room. It was dim in here for once. The blinds were covered by my f/c curtains. I guess Dan thought that I'd have a headache when I woke up. There's two painkillers and water on the nightstand. I can't believe I drunk so much last night... damn it Y/n! I shook my ass and practically slithered down his damn body. I'm so embarrassing. I turned to the side that Dan would be in bed. I noticed that there was an empty space where he should be. On the beside table I saw a paper. I grabbed it and turned my phones flashlight on also noticing it was almost two in the evening.

"If you're reading this I went out to go get lunch and I'm not back. Be back soon Love! ♡
P.S. I would've texted you all this but I didn't want to wake you. You looked too damn cute and peaceful!"

Cute? What does he mean cute?! Lynn tells me I sleep with my mouth open and occasionally I drool! Then depending on how I lay, I snore! I put the note down and sit up. I need a shower. I get up and gather my things for a shower. As I'm putting my things down on my bed I hear a knock at the door. Dan must've forgotten I have a spare key in a fake rock in the flower bed. Luckily I haven't gotten undressed yet.

I make sure I don't look like who did it and what for before going to the door.

"Hold on!" I yell.

I look in the peep hole and see it's not Dan but Danny... he had tears streaming down his face. What in the hell is he doing here?!

Should I answer it? The little goodness in my heart says I should but most of it is saying he's put me through enough shit.

"Come on I know you're in there," he says sounding defeated.

I sigh myself giving in. I open the door giving my unimpressed look.

"I know you didn't want to see me again but I need you to help me."

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"My help?"


"With what??"

What could he possibly need my help on? And like I'd help him. He doesn't deserve my help. I know he apologized but he still haunts me.

"My family.... they basically disowned me for what I did.... I thought everything would be okay after a year but my mom told me she didn't want a woman beater in her home," He explains.

I can't help him with that! It's his fault he got himself into the damn situation.

"I don't think I can help you out with that. There's no way. You did what you did. You suffer the consequences."

I try to shut the door but he stops me.

"But you can help me!"

"How?" I ask.

"Tell my mom you forgive me..."

I don't remember where his parents live. I can't help him.

"Just come with me to her house."

"The fuck I would! You honestly think I'm going to go with you? After the shit you put me through you expect me to get in a car with you? Ha no. I don't even think I should do that for you."

"I didn't fuck up your life! So help me with mine!"

My eyes widen, looking like they were about to pop out of their sockets. I'm sure there were fire in my eyes. I'm so pissed. Bullshit he didn't ruin my life! I was fucked up for months after he left.

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