30: You Can See It

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Heyy! I wanna apologize for my absence... as you know it's the most stressful part of the year. I'm only a freshman and we don't have tests BUT my homework is making it difficult to write because teachers are starting to crack down on us. Plus drama started between me and my best friend so it's hard for me right now. Things will be better soon. For those of you that have made it this far though thank you for reading! Okay enjoy your chapter :3

I could hear no more talk but I heard shuffling. Soon I heard footsteps making their way towards my room. It wasn't long until my mom entered and I prepared myself for painful hugs. Her face scrunched up in sadness as she saw me. I know she didn't want to see me like this ever again. She ran to the bed and threw her arms around me. I wince in pain but I still hug her back knowing she needs it. For her, it's a sign of knowing I'll be fine. She pulls away and sits now next to me. Sighing she looked at me.

"I can't believe this happened again... I thought you would finally live a better life..." Mom wiped away a tear that was falling down her cheek. I saw Dad appear in the door way. I sighed looking down. "I am living a better life... Da- he just tried to wiggle his way back into my life again, I wouldn't allow it, and things got just as bad as they used to. I spoke to a police officer and they told me he would be put away for a long time." I explain. "Good and you need to file a restraining order on him!" Dad spoke up. "I know and I will I don't want to see him ever again," I say. Mom ask, "What happened here? It looks like nothing has been cleaned." I knew this question would come sooner or later. I go on to explain to her what happened. I know this won't be the last time I'll have to explain this. Lynn doesn't know, neither does Lilly. Lynn can't know because I know she'd leave tour to come be with me and I don't want her to do that. This tour is really important to her and there's no need to put a fork in it. "I don't want you here anymore..." Dad trails off.

"It should be safe now." I say relaxing and closing my eyes. Dad continues to say, "It should be but that doesn't mean it is! I mean come on Y/n. He knows where you live now! You never know if he'll try to do this again and succeed in whatever he was trying to do. Y/n, you gotta leave." He isn't wrong though...It probably would be best to leave. "When Lynns back I'll discuss it with her then. Right now she's on tour and I don't want to bother her." I say.

"Knowing Lynn she would want to be bothered. Especially about something as serious as this. I'm sure your practically a sister to her. Hell, she yelled at Danny for you and helped you get away from him. What makes you think she wouldn't want to help you do it again?" Mom asked. "Because it's so much work to move. We have to sell this house and pack everything up and it's so much work." I explain. I mostly don't want Lynn to go through moving again for me. She was in a one bedroom apartment before we moved here.

"It would be the best thing for you to do Y/n." We all look towards the door to see Dan standing there. Tears were brimming his eyes. Don't cry Dan, not over me again. Dan walks in and sits on the other side of the bed. Dan places his hand on top of mine and curls his fingers to lace ours together. "It was so scary to come in and find you the way I did. I don't want you to go through that ever again." Dan looks away and sniffles. I see how much this really effects him. Dan seeing me this way genuinely makes him upset. Me seeing him upset over me had my heart aching.

"I'll talk to Lynn when she gets back okay? I promise." I bring his hand up to my lips, I placed a kiss on it before holding it close to my heart. "Could you boys go head to the store for me? I'm gonna make dinner tonight." Dad nods, and mom gives him a list of ingredients to make pasta. Dan came around to my side of the bed. He then kissed my head softly, and placed his forehead on top of mine sighing. I moved his hair out of his face and cupped his cheek. "I'll be okay babe." Even though it hurt, I leaned up and kissed his lips. Once the pain became too much to hold any longer I fell back down and winced. Dan looked at me with worried eyes, I gave him a smile telling him I'm fine.

He sighed shutting his eyes. "Y/n..."
"You what?"
"I...I'll get you anything you want from the store."

I thought he was going to tell me something. I guess it had slipped his mind. I answer him telling him I wanted, "(f/sn) {favorite snack}." With that him and Dad left the room and out the house heading to the store. Mom stood at my window watching them leave.

"That boy loves you so much," she says contently. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I can tell he does. The way he treats you, how he cried over you... He's a special one. I can tell you love him right back. Never have I seen something so sweet and cute like I did today. Even though you're hurting physically you still gave him a kiss. I don't think I've seen you that way with anyone, not even that lowlife. I really like him sweetie, I hope you two go a long way." She smiles. She's not wrong. My feelings for Dan are extremely strong. If he'd say it if definitely say it back.

She comes over to the bed and sits down next to me. I say, "Me too."

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